228 research outputs found
From the Idea That 'to Govern Is to Populate' to 'to Educate Is to Argentinize': Migrants and Education in Argentina at the Turn of the Century
[Resumo] A poboación que forma a Arxentina finisecular é un aluvión de culturas, linguas e influencias ideolóxicas que a estrutura polÃtica do novo Estado pretende uniformar e consolidar baixo un sentimento identitario que necesariamente debe comezar por formarse na escola. O presente traballo detense na tendencia dos diferentes colectivos inmigrantes para manter e preservar as súas señas de identidade no lugar de destino mediante experiencias educativas propias e nas estratexias do propio Estado por crear instrumentos lexislativos que axuden a construÃr un sentimiento de pertenza, inherente á formación dun nuevo cidadán no novo tempo polÃtico poscolonial. En ambas vertentes dunha mesma realidade, a escola desempeña un papel fundamental[Abstract] The population that formed Argentina at the turn of the century was a barrage of cultures, languages and ideological influences which the political structure of the new State aimed to standardize and consolidate under a sense of identity, which was inevitably and necessarily developed in the schools. This article takes a close look at the trends of the different immigrant groups to preserve their characteristics and identities in their countries of destination by means of both their own educational experiences and State strategies to create legislation geared towards building a sense of belonging, fundamental to the education of new citizens in the new post-colonial political era. From both sides of the same situation, schools played a key rol
Iglesias Veiga, J. R. Arquitectura e Indianos na cidade de Vigo e bisbarra. Vigo, Instituto de Estudios Vigueses, 2013, pp. 319. [Reseña]
Recensión do libro: Xosé Ramón Iglesias Veiga (2013). Arquitectura e indianos na cidade de Vigo e bisbarra
A Escuela Americana do Val Miñor: modernización e reforma pedagóxica na Galicia do primeiro tercio do s. XX
[Resumo] O presente traballo aborda a traxectoria da Unión Hispano Americana Valle
Miñor, unha das máis significativas sociedades de instrucción fundadas por emigrantes
galegos na Arxentina, a comezos do pasado século XX. E faino desde una doble perspec-
tiva: por un lado, a vida societaria desde os seus comezos, no ano 1905; e por outro, a rea-
lización escolar desenvolvida en Galicia, a través do colexio fundado na Ramallosa.[Abstract] This article examines the trajectory of the Unión Hispano Americana Valle Miñor,
one of the most important educational societies founded by Galician emigrants in Argentina
at the beginning of the 20th century. This subject is dealt with from two perspectives. On the
one hand there is a discussion of the life of the society since its establishment in 1905, and
on the other, its educational activities in Galicia, through the school founded in A Ramallosa
Torres Santomé, J. (2017). PolÃticas educativas y construcción de personalidades neoliberales y neocolonialistas . Madrid: Morata, pp. 270. ISBN: 978-84- 7112-821 [Reseña]
EGNOS based virtual reference stations
We propose the use of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) data - real time on line data provided by SISNeT - to develop Virtual Reference Stations and, thus, increase the quality of the Position, Velocity an Time (PVT) solution of receivers unable to interface directly with EGNOS. A Virtual Reference Station (VRS) is a concept where the existence of a differential reference station located near a mobile rover is simulated by software in order to increase the accuracy of the PVT solution of the mobile GNSS receiver
Charged polytropic compact stars
In this work, we analyze the effect of charge in compact stars considering
the limit of the maximum amount of charge they can hold. We find that the
global balance of the forces allows a huge charge (~ 10^{20} Coulomb) to be
present in a neutron star producing a very high electric field (~ 10^{21} V/m).
We have studied the particular case of a polytropic equation of state and
assumed that the charge distribution is proportional to the mass density. The
charged stars have large mass and radius as we should expect due to the effect
of the repulsive Coulomb force with the M/R ratio increasing with charge. In
the limit of the maximum charge the mass goes up to ~ 10 M_sun which is much
higher than the maximum mass allowed for a neutral compact star. However, the
local effect of the forces experienced by a single charged particle, makes it
to discharge quickly. This creates a global force imbalance and the system
collapses to a charged black hole
Impact of individual and perioperative factors on colorectal surgical site infections in Portugal
Nucleon Sigma Term and In-medium Quark Condensate in the Modified Quark-Meson Coupling Model
We evaluate the nucleon sigma term and in-medium quark condensate in the
modified quark-meson coupling model which features a density-dependent bag
constant. We obtain a nucleon sigma term consistent with its empirical value,
which requires a significant reduction of the bag constant in the nuclear
medium similar to those found in the previous works. The resulting in-medium
quark condensate at low densities agrees well with the model independent linear
order result. At higher densities, the magnitude of the in-medium quark
condensate tends to increase, indicating no tendency toward chiral symmetry
restoration.Comment: 9 pages, modified version to be publishe
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