90 research outputs found
Heavy Equipment Education 2.0 Development as an Android-Based Learning Space
The pandemic period of covid-19 is a difficult time for students and teachers, especially in the vocational high school students. One of the difficulties faced by students is learning online from home while many students do not have internet access. So developed an android application that can be accessed online and offline to help students in learning from home. The purpose of this research is to create a product in the form of android-based learning media that is valid, practical, and effective, so as to help the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This application was then named Heavy equipment Education 2.0. This research is a development research that uses four-D method (define, design, development, disseminate) as the development method. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that Heavy equipment Education 2.0 application is valid as a learning medium with a validity value of 0.94. Heavy equipment Education 2.0 application. practicality with a practicality score by the teacher of 91.5% while the practicality score by the student is 90%. As for its effectiveness value, Heavy equipment Education 2.0 application. able to improve student learning outcomes 97%
The purpose of this research is to produce a valid web-based learning media, practical, and effective in basic computer and networking subjects. This web-based learning media is designed to improve student’s understanding so that it can improve to learn the outcomes. The method in this study uses Research and Development (R and D) with 4-D development procedures (Define, Design, Develop, Desseminate). The data of analysis technique uses descriptive analysis techniques to describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of web-based learning media. The results obtained of this development research: The validity of web-based learning media is declared valid on the media and material aspects. The practicality of web-based learning media from teacher and student responses is stated to be very practical. The effectiveness of web-based learning media is stated to be effective in improve to learn the outcomes. Based on the findings of this study it is concluded that the web-based learning media is valid, practical, and effective to be used as a learning aid in basic computer and network subjects
Development of Learning Media Using Quipper School Application On Maintenance Of Motorcycle
There is no availability of learning media using the Quipper School application at SMK Negeri 1 Kinali,and student learning outcomes have not been optimal. This research aims to develop learning media and produce a valid, practical and effective medium on the eye material of motorcycle engine maintenance training in class XI TBSM. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) design, with a 4D development model. 4D development procedures namely Define (Defining), Design (Design), Develop (Development) and Disseminate (Deployment). The results obtained from this development research are learning media using the Quipper School application. Based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that the developed media is declared valid on the media aspect 88%, the material aspect with a result of 86%. The media developed practically with practicality values from teacher response with results of 92% and student response 89.96%, as well as effective in improving student understanding obtained from classical completion calculations obtained by above KKM ≥ 75 with a result of 93%. The conclusion is that android-based learning media developed can be used and feasible on the learning process to improve student learning outcomes
Android Based Learning Media Development on Basic Beauty Learning
the learning media developed is a media that can help students in learning basic beauty. This study aims to produce valid, practical and effective learning media. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4-D development model (four D model). This study used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaires were divided into validation questionnaires, practicality questionnaires and effectiveness questionnaires. For data analysis, researchers used the Aiken and Gain Score formulas. In this study there are 3 validators, namely 2 material validators and 1 media validator. The results of the questionnaire analysis from the validator obtained an average value of 0.86 with a valid category. The practicality questionnaire was filled out by students and teachers who after being analyzed obtained an average score of 85.5% with a very practical category of practicality. For the effectiveness test based on the KKM, 85% of students get a score above the KKM, while in terms of the gain score, the result is 0.61, which means the learning media developed can be said to be effective. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the android-based learning media application for basic beauty subjects is valid, practical and effective to be used as a learning mediu
Wacana tentang ahli waris pengganti telah lama menjadi perdebatan di kalangan ulama. Para ulama yang peduli terhadap nasib keturunan ahli waris yang meninggal sebelum pewaris dikenal dengan istilah "patah titi" terlihat telah melakukan berbagai upaya advokasi untuk melindungi hak keturunan ahli waris yang telah telah meninggal mendahului pewaris tersebut. Sebagian dari mereka mengambil jalan wasiat wajibah berdasarkan pemikiran hukum Ibnu Hazm, sementara yang lain menjalankan metode penggantian ahli waris yang dikenal sebagai ahli waris pengganti. Metode yang kedua ini merupakan hal baru dalam hukum kewarisan Islam. Oleh karenanya lembaga ahli waris pengganti banyak dikritik oleh mereka yang tidak setuju dengan lembaga tersebut, dengan alasan hak kewarisan ahli waris pengganti tidak memiliki dasar hukum secara syar’i. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dirasa perlu untuk menemukan fondasi hukum lembaga ahli waris pengganti tersebut dalam kedua sumber hukum Islam, yaitu Alquran dan Hadis, sehingga memiliki dasar yang kuat dalam aplikasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penggalian dasar hukum ahli waris pengganti yaitu metode al-istiqra’ al-ma’nawi asy-Syatibi dengan pendekatan normatif-teologis-yuridis yang kemudian dinalasisa secara kualitatif-deduktif. Dengan metode ini, peneliti menemukan bahwa ahli waris pengganti memiliki dasar hukum yang cukup kuat baik dari Alquran maupun Hadis
Various Types of Biodiesel as Sustainable Fuel Choices: a Review
The energy sources used today are non-renewable energy. Non-renewable energy, if used continuously will experience scarcity. Therefore, renewable energy sources are needed as an alternative energy. One of alternative energy source is biodiesel. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel produced from vegetable or animal raw materials. The sustainability and diversity of biodiesel feedstock sources make it an attractive option for reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The problem is that all existing natural resources have not been utilized, the potential availability of raw materials and their production, lack of knowledge about the types of biodiesel and other types of biodiesel that can be developed. This article aims to review the different types of biodiesel that are being researched and developed and increasing knowledge and becoming a reference regarding the potential of natural resources and the opportunity to develop other types based on the potential of available natural resources. The research method used is a literature review study using the Publish or Perish 8 application, on the search menu Google Scholar is selected. Article search retrieved September 19, 2023. Based on this search, 14 articles were obtained that were in accordance with this research. The research results showed that the various types of biodiesel are bintaro oil, hazelnut oil, corn oil, crude palm oil, hydrotreated vegetable oil, kapok seed oil, rubber seed oil, used cooking oil, kesambi oil and graphene nanoplatelets. Each type of biodiesel has its own advantages, while the biodiesel feedstock that has the potential to be produced in large quantities is palm oil. This research also suggests that Indonesia's natural resource potential is very large, so we can also process and develop other types of biodiesel which can be used as alternative fuel.The energy sources used today are non-renewable energy. Non-renewable energy, if used continuously will experience scarcity. Therefore, renewable energy sources are needed as an alternative energy. One of alternative energy source is biodiesel. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel produced from vegetable or animal raw materials. The sustainability and diversity of biodiesel feedstock sources make it an attractive option for reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The problem is that all existing natural resources have not been utilized, the potential availability of raw materials and their production, lack of knowledge about the types of biodiesel and other types of biodiesel that can be developed. This article aims to review the different types of biodiesel that are being researched and developed and increasing knowledge and becoming a reference regarding the potential of natural resources and the opportunity to develop other types based on the potential of available natural resources. The research method used is a literature review study using the Publish or Perish 8 application, on the search menu Google Scholar is selected. Article search retrieved September 19, 2023. Based on this search, 14 articles were obtained that were in accordance with this research. The research results showed that the various types of biodiesel are bintaro oil, hazelnut oil, corn oil, crude palm oil, hydrotreated vegetable oil, kapok seed oil, rubber seed oil, used cooking oil, kesambi oil and graphene nanoplatelets. Each type of biodiesel has its own advantages, while the biodiesel feedstock that has the potential to be produced in large quantities is palm oil. This research also suggests that Indonesia's natural resource potential is very large, so we can also process and develop other types of biodiesel which can be used as alternative fuel
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunkan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) Pada Mata Diklat Pemeliharaan Kelistrikan Kendaraan Ringan Kelas XI Program Studi Teknik Otomotif Kendaraan Ringan SMK Negeri 1 Padang
This study aims to improve student learning outcomes of SMK Negeri 1 Padang by using the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model. The research is Classroom Action Research using The George Lucas Educational Foundation model. The results of this study indicate an increase in student activity by 21.9% and an increase in student learning outcomes with the average value increasing from 60.6 to 78.1 in cycle 1 and 86.7 in cycle 2, and the number of students who graduate increased from 6 people to 22 people in cycle 1 and 32 people in cycle 2. Project Based Learning (PjBL) is effective in improving the learning outcomes of TKR Class XI students at SMK Negeri 1 Padang in the subject of Electrical Maintenance course.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK Negeri 1 Padang dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL). Pada penelitian merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) atau Classroom Action Research menggunakan model The George Lucas Educational Foundation yang terdiri atas 2 siklus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan keaktifan siswa sebesar 21,9% dan terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan nilai rata-rata meningkat dari 60,6 menjadi 78,1 pada siklus 1 dan 86,7 pada siklus 2, serta jumlah siswa yang lulus meningkat dari 6 orang menjadi 22 orang pada siklus 1 dan 32 orang pada siklus 2. Project Based Learning (PjBL) efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa TKR Kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Padang pada mata diklat Pemeliharaan Kelistrikan
The Effect of Human Resource Management on Learning Effectiveness in Vocational Schools
This study aims to analyze the effect of human resource management (HRM) on the effectiveness of learning in vocational schools. This research uses quantitative methods with a meta-analysis approach. The data source came from an analysis of 10 national and international journals. The data collection process is through searching the google database, ProQuest and ScienceDirect. Data analysis techniques in quantitative analysis research by calculating the value of effect size with the help of the JSAP application. The results of this study concluded that human resource management has a significant influence on the effectiveness of learning in vocational schools with an effect size value of 0.814; P< 0.001. The findings have a positive impact on vocational school teachers to provide professional and competent teacher candidates in work. Vocational schools need to implement good HR practices to improve the quality of education and produce job-ready graduates
Manajemen Kepemimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Penelitian ini betujuan mengetahui peran kepala sekolah dalam menjalankan manajemen kepemimpinannya guna meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan Systematic Literature Review dari beberapa sumber sebagai data penelitian. Kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya memainkan peran ganda sebagai edukator, manajer, administrator, dan supervisor yang mengarahkan pendidik dan peserta didik untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan dengan efektif. Kepala sekolah memiliki kemampuan mengikat dan mengharmonisasi berbagai aspek, serta menjalankan manajemen kepemimpinannya melalui beberapa aspek yakni manajemen pelayanan peserta didik, memberikan motivasi dan mewujudkan sinergi, manajemen keuangan, manajemen sarana dan prasarana, serta melaksanakan peran kepala sekolah. Untuk mengoptimalkan manajemen kepala sekolah, maka perlu menerapkan pendekatan system, input manajemen, serta meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepala sekolah mampu mengikat dan mengharmonisasi, serta mendorong pemanfaatan potensi dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Dengan peran holistik ini, kepala sekolah menjadi kunci membentuk lingkungan belajar berkualitas dan berdaya saing di SM
Pengaruh Rasio Kompresi pada Mesin Sinjai Tipe Flexible Fuel Vehicle 150 CC Berbahan Bakar E70 terhadap Performa dan Emisi Gas Buang
The depletion of global crude oil reserves and pollution have prompted research into alcohol as a fuel for gasoline motors focused on clean, renewable and sustainable energy systems. The purpose of the research is to get the best performance and exhaust emissions. This research uses Pertamax (E0) as standard fuel and mixed with ethanol to produce E70 bioethanol fuel. Tests using a waterbrake dynamometer at fully open throttle with engine speed from 2000 to 8000 rpm and increasing the standard compression ratio to a compression ratio of 12, 12.5, and 13. The results showed that the E70 increased torque and reduced exhaust emissions.
Penipisan cadangan minyak mentah global dan polusi telah mendorong penelitian alkohol sebagai bahan bakar untuk motor bensin yang difokuskan pada sistem energi yang bersih, terbarukan dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mendapatkan Performa dan emisi gas buang terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan bakar Pertamax (E0) sebagai bahan bakar standar dan dicampur dengan etanol untuk menghasilkan bahan bakar bioetanol E70. Pengujian menggunakan waterbrake dynamometer pada kondisi fully open throttle dengan putaran mesin dari 2000 sampai 8000 rpm dan meningkatkan rasio kompresi standar menjadi rasio kompresi 12, 12,5, dan 13. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa E70 meningkatkan torsi dan menurunkan emisi gas buang
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