490 research outputs found

    First CO(17-16) emission line detected in a z > 6 quasar

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    We report the serendipitous detection of the CO(17-16) emission line toward the quasar SDSSJ114816.64+525150.3 (J1148) at redshift z = 6.4 obtained with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. The CO(17-16) line is possibly contaminated by OH+ emission, that may account for ~ 35 - 60% of the total flux observed. Photo-Dissociation and X-ray Dominated Regions (PDRs and XDRs) models show that PDRs alone cannot reproduce the high luminosity of the CO(17-16) line relative to low-J CO transitions and that XDRs are required. By adopting a composite PDR+XDR model we derive molecular cloud and radiation field properties in the nuclear region of J1148. Our results show that highly excited CO lines represent a sensitive and possibly unique tool to infer the presence of X-ray faint or obscured supermassive black hole progenitors in high-z galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Lette

    Gas Metallicity in the Narrow-Line Regions of High-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We analyze optical (UV rest-frame) spectra of X-ray selected narrow-line QSOs at redshift 1.5 < z < 3.7 found in the Chandra Deep Field South and of narrow-line radio galaxies at redshift 1.2 < z < 3.8 to investigate the gas metallicity of the narrow-line regions and their evolution in this redshift range. Such spectra are also compared with UV spectra of local Seyfert 2 galaxies. The observational data are inconsistent with the predictions of shock models, suggesting that the narrow-line regions are mainly photoionized. The photoionization models with dust grains predict line flux ratios which are also in disagreement with most of the observed values, suggesting that the high-ionization part of the narrow-line regions (which is sampled by the available spectra) is dust-free. The photoionization dust-free models provide two possible scenarios which are consistent with the observed data: low-density gas clouds (n < 10^3 cm^-3) with a sub-solar metallicity (0.2 < Z/Z_sun < 1.0), or high-density gas clouds (n ~ 10^5 cm^-3) with a wide range of gas metallicity (0.2 < Z/Z_sun < 5.0). Regardless of the specific interpretation, the observational data do not show any evidence for a significant evolution of the gas metallicity in the narrow-line regions within the redshift range 1.2 < z < 3.8. Instead, we find a trend for more luminous active galactic nuclei to have more metal-rich gas clouds (luminosity-metallicity relation), which is in agreement with the same finding in the studies of the broad-line regions. The lack of evolution for the gas metallicity of the narrow-line regions implies that the major epoch of star formation in the host galaxies of these active galactic nuclei is at z > 4.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    AGN Obscuration and the Unified Model

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    Unification Models of Active Galactic Nuclei postulate that all the observed differences between Type 1 and Type 2 objects are due to orientation effects with respect to the line-of-sight to the observer. The key ingredient of these models is the obscuring medium, historically envisaged as a toroidal structure on a parsec scale. However, many results obtained in the last few years are clearly showing the need for a more complex geometrical distribution of the absorbing media. In this paper we review the various pieces of evidence for obscuring media on different scales, from the vicinity of the black hole to the host galaxy, in order to picture an updated unification scenario explaining the complex observed phenomenology. We conclude by mentioning some of the open issues.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, review article accepted for publication on the special issue of Advances in Astronomy "Seeking for the Leading Actor on the Cosmic Stage: Galaxies versus Supermassive Black Holes

    The formation and cosmic evolution of dust in the early Universe. I. Dust sources

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    Dust-obscured star formation has dominated the cosmic history of star formation since z = 4. However, the recent finding of significant amount of dust in galaxies out to z = 8 has opened the new frontier of investigating the origin of dust also in the earliest phases of galaxy formation, within the first 1.5 billion years from the Big Bang. This is a key and rapid transition phase for the evolution of dust, as galaxy evolutionary timescales become comparable with the formation timescales of dust. Our aim is to provide an overview of the several findings on dust formation and evolution at z > 4, and of the theoretical efforts to explain the observational results. We have organized the review in two parts. In the first part, presented here, we focus on dust sources, primarily supernovae and asymptotic giant branch stars, and the subsequent reprocessing of dust in the interstellar medium, through grain destruction and growth. We also discuss other dust production mechanisms, such as Red Super Giants, Wolf--Rayet stars, Classical Novae, Type Ia Supernovae, and dust formation in quasar winds. The focus of this first part is on theoretical models of dust production sources, although we also discuss the comparison with observations in the nearby Universe, which are key to put constraints on individual sources and processes. While the description has a general applicability at any redshift, we emphasize the relative role of different sources in the dust build-up in the early Universe. In the second part, which will be published later on, we will focus on the recent observational results at z > 4, discussing the theoretical models that have been proposed to interpret those results, as well as the profound implications for galaxy formation.Comment: Revised version to appear in Astronomy Astrophysics Review, with the addition of a new section on dust destruction in the hot gas (section 7.1) and on the implications for dust formation scenarios in the early Universe (section 9

    The formation and cosmic evolution of dust in the early Universe. I. Dust sources

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    Dust-obscured star formation has dominated the cosmic history of star formation, since z ≃4 . However, the recent finding of significant amount of dust in galaxies out to z ≃8 has opened the new frontier of investigating the origin of dust also in the earliest phases of galaxy formation, within the first 1.5 billion years from the Big Bang. This is a key and rapid transition phase for the evolution of dust, as galaxy evolutionary timescales become comparable with the formation timescales of dust. It is also an area of research that is experiencing an impressive growth, especially thanks to the recent results from cutting edge observing facilities, ground-based, and in space. Our aim is to provide an overview of the several findings on dust formation and evolution at z &gt;4 , and of the theoretical efforts to explain the observational results. We have organized the review in two parts. In the first part, presented here, we focus on dust sources, primarily supernovae and asymptotic giant branch stars, and the subsequent reprocessing of dust in the interstellar medium, through grain destruction and growth. We also discuss other dust production mechanisms, such as Red Super Giants, Wolf-Rayet stars, Classical Novae, Type Ia Supernovae, and dust formation in quasar winds. The focus of this first part is on theoretical models of dust production sources, although we also discuss the comparison with observations in the nearby Universe, which are key to put constraints on individual sources and processes. While the description has a general applicability at any redshift, we emphasize the relative role of different sources in the dust build-up in the early Universe. In the second part, which will be published later on, we will focus on the recent observational results at z &gt;4 , discussing the theoretical models that have been proposed to interpret those results, as well as the profound implications for galaxy formation
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