25,819 research outputs found
Neutron scattering as a probe of the Fe-pnicitide superconducting gap
Inelastic neutron scattering provides a probe for studying the spin and
momentum structure of the superconducting gap. Here, using a two-orbital model
for the Fe-pnicitide superconductors and an RPA-BCS approximation for the
dynamic spin susceptibility, we explore the scattering response for various
gaps that have been proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
The Effects of Weak Spatiotemporal Noise on a Bistable One-Dimensional System
We treat analytically a model that captures several features of the
phenomenon of spatially inhomogeneous reversal of an order parameter. The model
is a classical Ginzburg-Landau field theory restricted to a bounded
one-dimensional spatial domain, perturbed by weak spatiotemporal noise having a
flat power spectrum in time and space. Our analysis extends the Kramers theory
of noise-induced transitions to the case when the system acted on by the noise
has nonzero spatial extent, and the noise itself is spatially dependent. By
extending the Langer-Coleman theory of the noise-induced decay of a metastable
state, we determine the dependence of the activation barrier and the Kramers
reversal rate prefactor on the size of the spatial domain. As this is increased
from zero and passes through a certain critical value, a transition between
activation regimes occurs, at which the rate prefactor diverges. Beyond the
transition, reversal preferentially takes place in a spatially inhomogeneous
rather than in a homogeneous way. Transitions of this sort were not discovered
by Langer or Coleman, since they treated only the infinite-volume limit. Our
analysis uses higher transcendental functions to handle the case of finite
volume. Similar transitions between activation regimes should occur in other
models of metastable systems with nonzero spatial extent, perturbed by weak
noise, as the size of the spatial domain is varied.Comment: 16 page
Systematic analysis of a spin-susceptibility representation of the pairing interaction in the 2D Hubbard model
A dynamic cluster quantum Monte Carlo algorithm is used to study a spin
susceptibility representation of the pairing interaction for the
two-dimensional Hubbard model with an on-site Coulomb interaction equal to the
bandwidth for various doping levels. We find that the pairing interaction is
well approximated by {3/2}\Ub(T)^2\chi(K-K') with an effective temperature
and doping dependent coupling \Ub(T) and the numerically calculated spin
susceptibility . We show that at low temperatures, \Ub may be
accurately determined from a corresponding spin susceptibility based
calculation of the single-particle self-energy. We conclude that the strength
of the d-wave pairing interaction, characterized by the mean-field transition
temperature, can be determined from a knowledge of the dressed spin
susceptibility and the nodal quasiparticle spectral weight. This has important
implications with respect to the questions of whether spin fluctuations are
responsible for pairing in the high-T cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Evolution of the neutron resonances in AFe2Se2
Recent experiments on the alkali-intercalated iron selenides have raised
questions about the symmetry of the superconducting phase. Random phase
approximation calculations of the leading pairing eigenstate for a tight-
binding 5-orbital Hubbard-Hund model of AFe2Se2 find that a d-wave (B1g) state
evolves into an extended s{\pm} (A1g) state as the system is hole-doped.
However, over a range of doping these two states are nearly degenerate. Here,
we calculate the imaginary part of the magnetic spin susceptibility
\chi"(q,{\omega}) for these gaps and discuss how the evolution of neutron
scattering resonances can distinguish between them
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