2,010 research outputs found
First Search for the Associated Production of a Higgs Boson with a Single Top Quark
The production of the Higgs boson in association with a single top quark is
sensitive to the relative sign of the coupling parameters describing its
interaction with fermions and gauge bosons. The tHq production mode therefore
provides an good handle on the Yukawa coupling Yt. The first searches for
single-top + Higgs in the H>bbbar, gamma gamma, tau+tau- and W+W- decay
channels are presented, using the full 8 TeV dataset recorded with the CMS
detector. Special emphasis is put on the analyses' peculiarities and their
dominating systematic uncertainties, and a combination of all individual
channels is performed. The analyses are optimized for a scenario of Yt=-1,
which is enhanced by a factor of 13 with respect to the Standard Model
production rate. The observed combined upper exclusion limit is 2.8 times the
cross section of this exotic scenario (2.0 expected).Comment: Preprint of the proceedings for the contribution to the LHCP2015
conference, St. Petersburg, Russi
Search for in association with single top quarks as a test of Higgs couplings
The associated production of Higgs boson and single top quark is of
particular interest since it is senstive to the relative sign of the Higgs
boson coupling to gauge bosons and the Yukawa coupling to fermions. The
presented analysis is setting upper production limits on a model with
, which has an enhanced cross section compared to the standard
model expectation. For this it focusses on the Higgs boson decaying to a pair
of b quarks and uses the full dataset of collisions recorded with the CMS
detector in 2012. It reports an upper limit on 7.57 times the expected cross
section, with an expected sensitivity of 5.14. This translates into the
exclusion of associated tHq production with -like
characteristics with a cross section smaller than 1.77\,pb
tWH associated production at the LHC
We study Higgs boson production in association with a top quark and a
boson at the LHC. At NLO in QCD, interferes with and a
procedure to meaningfully separate the two processes needs to be employed. In
order to define production for both total rates and differential
distributions, we consider the diagram removal and diagram subtraction
techniques that have been previously proposed for treating intermediate
resonances at NLO, in particular in the context of production. These
techniques feature approximations that need to be carefully taken into account
when theoretical predictions are compared to experimental measurements. To this
aim, we first critically revisit the process, for which an extensive
literature exists and where an analogous interference with
production takes place. We then provide robust results for total and
differential cross sections for and at 13 TeV, also matching
short-distance events to a parton shower. We formulate a reliable prescription
to estimate the theoretical uncertainties, including those associated to the
very definition of the process at NLO. Finally, we study the sensitivity to a
non-Standard-Model relative phase between the Higgs couplings to the top quark
and to the boson in production.Comment: v3: expanded some discussions in the text, improved some plots
(results unchanged
Search for the associated production of a single top quark and a Higgs boson in the H to bbbar decay channel at 8 and 13 TeV with the CMS experiment
A search for the associated production of a single top quark and a Higgs boson is performed with 8 and 13 TeV data recorded with the CMS detector. Upper limits on the allowed cross sections are quoted
Predicting Properties of Oxide Glasses Using Informed Neural Networks
Many modern-day applications require the development of new materials with
specific properties. In particular, the design of new glass compositions is of
great industrial interest. Current machine learning methods for learning the
composition-property relationship of glasses promise to save on expensive
trial-and-error approaches. Even though quite large datasets on the composition
of glasses and their properties already exist (i.e., with more than 350,000
samples), they cover only a very small fraction of the space of all possible
glass compositions. This limits the applicability of purely data-driven models
for property prediction purposes and necessitates the development of models
with high extrapolation power. In this paper, we propose a neural network model
which incorporates prior scientific and expert knowledge in its learning
pipeline. This informed learning approach leads to an improved extrapolation
power compared to blind (uninformed) neural network models. To demonstrate
this, we train our models to predict three different material properties, that
is, the glass transition temperature, the Young's modulus (at room
temperature), and the shear modulus of binary oxide glasses which do not
contain sodium. As representatives for conventional blind neural network
approaches we use five different feed-forward neural networks of varying widths
and depths. For each property, we set up model ensembles of multiple trained
models and show that, on average, our proposed informed model performs better
in extrapolating the three properties of previously unseen sodium borate glass
samples than all five conventional blind models.Comment: 25 page
Re-Simulation-based Self-Supervised Learning for Pre-Training Foundation Models
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is at the core of training modern large
machine learning models, providing a scheme for learning powerful
representations that can be used in a variety of downstream tasks. However, SSL
strategies must be adapted to the type of training data and downstream tasks
required. We propose RS3L, a novel simulation-based SSL strategy that employs a
method of re-simulation to drive data augmentation for contrastive learning. By
intervening in the middle of the simulation process and re-running simulation
components downstream of the intervention, we generate multiple realizations of
an event, thus producing a set of augmentations covering all physics-driven
variations available in the simulator. Using experiments from high-energy
physics, we explore how this strategy may enable the development of a
foundation model; we show how R3SL pre-training enables powerful performance in
downstream tasks such as discrimination of a variety of objects and uncertainty
mitigation. In addition to our results, we make the RS3L dataset publicly
available for further studies on how to improve SSL strategies.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure
Autoencoders for real-time SUEP detection
Confining dark sectors with pseudo-conformal dynamics can produce Soft Unclustered Energy Patterns (SUEP), at the Large Hadron Collider: the production of dark quarks in proton–proton collisions leading to a dark shower and the high-multiplicity production of dark hadrons. The final experimental signature is spherically symmetric energy deposits by an anomalously large number of soft Standard Model particles with a transverse energy of O(100) MeV. Assuming Yukawa-like couplings of the scalar portal state, the dominant production mode is gluon fusion, and the dominant background comes from multi-jet QCD events. We have developed a deep learning-based Anomaly Detection technique to reject QCD jets and identify any anomalous signature, including SUEP, in real-time in the High-Level Trigger system of experiments like the Compact Muon Solenoid at the Large Hadron Collider. A deep convolutional neural autoencoder network has been trained using QCD events by taking transverse energy deposits in the inner tracker, electromagnetic calorimeter, and hadron calorimeter sub-detectors as 3-channel image data. Due to the sparse nature of the data, only ∼0.5% of the total ∼ 300 k image pixels have nonzero values. To tackle this challenge, a nonstandard loss function, the inverse of the so-called Dice Loss, is exploited. The trained autoencoder with learned spatial features of QCD jets can detect 40% of the SUEP events, with a QCD event mistagging rate as low as 2%. The model inference time has been measured using the Intel® Core TM i5-9600KF processor and found to be ∼ 20ms, which perfectly satisfies the High-Level Trigger system’s latency of O(10 ) ms. Given the virtue of the unsupervised learning of the autoencoders, the trained model can be applied to any new physics model that predicts an experimental signature anomalous to QCD jets
Triggering Dark Showers with Conditional Dual Auto-Encoders
Auto-encoders (AEs) have the potential to be effective and generic tools for
new physics searches at colliders, requiring little to no model-dependent
assumptions. New hypothetical physics signals can be considered anomalies that
deviate from the well-known background processes generally expected to describe
the whole dataset. We present a search formulated as an anomaly detection (AD)
problem, using an AE to define a criterion to decide about the physics nature
of an event. In this work, we perform an AD search for manifestations of a dark
version of strong force using raw detector images, which are large and very
sparse, without leveraging any physics-based pre-processing or assumption on
the signals. We propose a dual-encoder design which can learn a compact latent
space through conditioning. In the context of multiple AD metrics, we present a
clear improvement over competitive baselines and prior approaches. It is the
first time that an AE is shown to exhibit excellent discrimination against
multiple dark shower models, illustrating the suitability of this method as a
performant, model-independent algorithm to deploy, e.g., in the trigger stage
of LHC experiments such as ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, and 11 table
Global DNA hypomethylation prevents consolidation of differentiation programs and allows reversion to the embryonic stem cell state.
DNA methylation patterns change dynamically during mammalian development and lineage specification, yet scarce information is available about how DNA methylation affects gene expression profiles upon differentiation. Here we determine genome-wide transcription profiles during undirected differentiation of severely hypomethylated (Dnmt1⁻/⁻) embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as well as ESCs completely devoid of DNA methylation (Dnmt1⁻/⁻;Dnmt3a⁻/⁻;Dnmt3b⁻/⁻ or TKO) and assay their potential to transit in and out of the ESC state. We find that the expression of only few genes mainly associated with germ line function and the X chromosome is affected in undifferentiated TKO ESCs. Upon initial differentiation as embryoid bodies (EBs) wild type, Dnmt1⁻/⁻ and TKO cells downregulate pluripotency associated genes and upregulate lineage specific genes, but their transcription profiles progressively diverge upon prolonged EB culture. While Oct4 protein levels are completely and homogeneously suppressed, transcription of Oct4 and Nanog is not completely silenced even at late stages in both Dnmt1⁻/⁻ and TKO EBs. Despite late wild type and Dnmt1⁻/⁻ EBs showing a much higher degree of concordant expression, after EB dissociation and replating under pluripotency promoting conditions both Dnmt1⁻/⁻ and TKO cells, but not wild type cells rapidly revert to expression profiles typical of undifferentiated ESCs. Thus, while DNA methylation seems not to be critical for initial activation of differentiation programs, it is crucial for permanent restriction of developmental fate during differentiation
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