11,530 research outputs found

    SUSY and a 125 GeV Scalar

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    An excess of events at a mass of ~ 125 GeV has been reported by both ATLAS and CMS collaborations using 5/fb of data. If this excess of events is confirmed by further searches with more data, it will have extremely important consequences in the context of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. We show that for a Standard Model like Higgs boson with a mass 122.5 < Mh < 127.5 GeV, several unconstrained or constrained MSSM scenarios would be excluded, while the parameters of some other scenarios would be severely restricted.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Contribution to Moriond EW 2012 proceeding

    Indirect search for New Physics: complementarity to direct searches

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    We present an overview on the interplay between direct searches for new physics at the LHC and indirect constraints from the flavour sector, with an emphasis on the implications of the recent LHCb results. The complementarity with the Higgs search results will also be addressed. We show the correlation and complementarity between the different sectors in the context of a few specific examples in supersymmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Plenary talk at the 25th Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France, 26-31 May 201

    Orthogonal symmetries and Clifford algebras

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    Involutions of the Clifford algebra of a quadratic space induced by orthogonal symmetries are investigated.Comment: 22 page

    Flavour data constraints on new physics and SuperIso

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    We discuss the implications of B_s -> mu+mu- and B -> K*mu+mu- decays in the context of indirect searches for new physics, emphasising the new LHCb results. In particular, we derive the consequences of the MFV hypothesis and discuss the importance of the MFV predictions. The impact of the recent LHCb measurements in the context of the MSSM will also be addressed, and the SuperIso program will be briefly described.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the ICHEP 2012 Conference proceedings, 4-11 July 2012, Melbourne, Australi
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