3,248 research outputs found
Kewenangan Pengadilan Agama Dalam Sengketa Perbankan Syariah
The existence of Islamic banking system, with the different variant products, has its own legal implications particularly after emerging some disputes for the parties involved. The banking dispute is usually solved through the court. In this position, Court is to be a place to seek justice and resolve legal issues that arise. In addition, there is also an alternative of non-litigation settlement in Indonesia. Undang-undang Perbankan Syariah no 21 tahun 2008, which has provided the competence or authority to public courts in Islamic banking dispute resolution, has reduced the absolute competence of religious courts, in Undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2006, it is very clearly mentioned that the religious courts have absolute competence in the field of economy of Islam, including the Islamic banking system. The Absolute authority of religious courts as defined in Undang-undang no 3 tahun 2006, in its application, is still potentially determined by choice of forum that can be done by the parties involved in contrac
A constraint variational problem arising in stellar dynamics
We use the compactness result of A. Burchard and Y. Guo (cf. \cite{BuGu}) to
analyze the reduced 'energy' functional arising naturally in the stability
analysis of steady states of the Vlasov-Poisson system (cf. \cite{SaSo} and
\cite{Ha}). We consider the associated variational problem and present a new
proof that puts it in the general framework for tackling the variational
problems of this type, given by Y. Guo and G. Rein (cf. \cite{Re1} and
"Information-Based Economy" and Educational System
"Information-Based Economy", which is today's economy that is a proof and indicator of development level for the countries now on, comes on the scene with its new organizing model on its infrastructure, which is called "Information Society". The phenomenon of administration introduces to "e-Government" for reinforcing the roots of "Information-Based Economy" now. Having a systematic knowledge of the relation between "Information-Based Economy", "Information Society" and "e-Government" as a whole composes of the theme of this study. For this purpose, a questionnaire has been conducted in the Ministry of National Education, which is responsible for forming the society of the future, to understand whether there is a systematic knowledge on the relation between "Information-Based Economy", "Information Society" and "e-Government" as a whole. Moreover, it has been aimed to discover what the mental formulations of participants are. Questionnaire results reveal that there is no systematic knowledge on the relation between "Information-Based Economy", "Information Society" and "e-Government" as a whole in the Ministry of National Education, and that the participants are apt to perceive "e-Government" within the context in which they are in terms of professions, status and backgrounds. Questionnaire results also show that the responses given by the participants concerning "e-Government" are more or less the same due to the hierarchical organization of knowledge and official knowledge in particular.Information-Based Economy, Information Society, E-Government, Educational System
The Effect of Word of Mouth on Brand Image of a Popular Indonesian Donut Brand
A Brand must innovate to create a positive impression of consumers. When a consumer feels happy and satisfied with a product, the emotional impact will encourage loyalty and positive word of mouth will increase. The purpose of this research is to know how big influence of word of mouth to brand image of J.CO Donuts & Coffee. The independent variable (X) in this research is word of mouth and the dependent variable (Y) is brand image. This research uses quantitative method with descriptive and causal research type. This research was conducted on 75 respondents and used simple linear regression analysis and data processing using SPSS version 21. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, word of mouth has an influence on brand image J.CO. The results of determination coefficient word of mouth influence to brand image by 46,7%.
Keywords: brand image, word of mouth, marketing, business administratio
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