5 research outputs found
User Attitudes on E-Books Collection in Mahatma Gandhi University Library: A Case Study
A study on the user’s attitudes, interest and understanding of e-book collections. The sample taken for the study is the E-book collection developed at the Mahatma Gandhi University Library and its users. The survey assessed the impact of the e-books on teaching learning and research. The problems associated with the use of e-books aware also identified. The inference of the study are that the user’s require an orientation on different types of collections, and also extended facilities for access which is possible in this format
User Attitudes on E-Books Collection in Mahatma Gandhi University Library: A Case Study
A study on the user’s attitudes, interest and understanding of e-book collections. The sample taken for the study is the E-book collection developed at the Mahatma Gandhi University Library and its users. The survey assessed the impact of the e-books on teaching learning and research. The problems associated with the use of e-books aware also identified. The inference of the study are that the user’s require an orientation on different types of collections, and also extended facilities for access which is possible in this format
New Trends and Design of User Centric Services in the Mahatma Gandhi University Library: A Study
University Libraries play vital role in education, learning, teaching and research, and acting as centre of learning in the higher education sector. University libraries have been acting as per the directions of the University Grants Commission and the parent university authorities subject to the basic norms of the concerned universities. User centric systems and services are basically meant for providing quality of services to its users and to empowerment of their leaning capacity. The services offered by the libraries differ from one another and based on the nature of the university and its discipline they depend. This paper attempts to bring out the new trends and changes introduced in the M G University by adopting new techniques and technologies in delivering user centric library services in changing digital era. This paper also attempts to study and evaluate the procedure of design of user centric services
Academic Social Networking in India and Dissemination of Indigenous Knowledge: A Study
Discusses the advantages of academic networks and the problems of access to journal articles via e-journal consortium's in India. Proposal for an educational social network as part of teh National Knowledge Network (NKN) platform is put forth. The need for digitization of indigenous academic resources and its dissemination through networks for better access is also emphasize
Multilingual Searching in Digital Archives: A Case Study of Mahatma Gandhi University On-line Theses Archive
The Paper examines the multilingual search capabilities of Mahatma Gandhi University on-line theses archive using the first Digital Library solution with capabilities for information retrieval from full texts in Indian languages. The study finds that the multilingual search features of the Mahatma Gandhi University archive helps the user with more relevant hits than in any similar systems used in India