11 research outputs found
Analisis Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa Kelas V di SD Ngoto Kapanewon Sewon Kabupaten Bantul Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024
Penelitian ini di latar belakangi belum diketahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani Siswa Kelas V SD Ngoto. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani Siswa Kelas V SD Ngoto Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuntitatif. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah metode survei dalam bentuk tes dan pengukuran. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel penelitian ini adalah Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia (2010) kategori usia 10-12 tahun. Rangkaian Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia (TKJI) meliputi: 1) Lari 40 meter, 2) Gantung siku tekuk, 3) Baring duduk 30 detik, 4) Loncat tegak, 5) Lari 600 meter. Sampel yang digunakan adalah Siswa Kelas V SD Ngoto Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024, sebanyak 39 Siswa dengan teknik total sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada tanggal 12-25 Februari 2024.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kebugaran jasmani Siswa Kelas V SD Ngoto Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 berada pada kategori “Kurang Sekali” dengan persentase 20% (8 Siswa), pada kategori “Kurang” dengan persentase 54% (21 Siswa), pada kategori “Sedang” dengan persentase 26% (10 Siswa), pada kategori “Baik” dengan persentase 0% (0 Siswa), pada kategori “Baik Sekali” dengan persentase 0% (0 Siswa). Dengan ini frekuensi tertinggi dalam interval 10-13 yaitu berjumlah 21 Siswa dengan persentase 54%, maka tingkat kebugaran jasmani keseluruhan Siswa Kelas V SD Ngoto adalah termasuk dalam kategori kurang
The rodat dance, which is not favored by many young people, will gradually become extinct, while in its history the media of preaching to ground Islam through culture. The purpose of this study is: (1) to determine the spiritual values of the rodat kuntulan dance, (2) to determine the message of da'wah in the activities of the rodat kuntulan dancers, (3) to determine the socio-religious impact. The research used in this study was a qualitative research approach and these results indicated that: (1) there were seven movements in the spiritual value of the rodat dance, first was the opening movement depicting a person's humility and politeness, second was greeting movements, such as the prayer movement teaching humans to be closer to Allah SWT, third was strolling movements such as the zikir movement as an invitation to contemplate the purpose of living close to Allah, fourth was the movement of horses, this meant that humans must have a firm and strong character, fifth was, the movement of ablution, meaning the order to clean oneself, sixth was the movement of menthul-menthul and carrying hands means soul knight, seventh, the closing movement was interpreted as the full time where the living human would definitely experience death. (2) the message of the da'wah in the rodat paguyuban rodat laklada dance, was in the song to remember the living. The message of preaching through this verse was an invitation to humans to be aware of death. (3) the socio-religious impact was manifested in a sense of solidarity within the community and became part of the da'wah because it contained Islamic sya'ir which provided advic
Improving Fluency Skill in English Speaking Through Role Playing Learning Strategy at English Study Program, Administration Business Department, State Polytechnic of Madiun
In the preliminary study, the researchers found that the average value of fluency in English speaking is 2.25. This is because of the teacher always uses monotonous, less enjoyable learning strategy and the teacher only focuses on completing the material so that the learning process can only transfer knowledge so that the level of mastery of the material is low which ultimately decreases student achievement. To overcome this problem, researchers propose a strategy in teaching speaking skill, namely role-playing learning strategy. This study is designed to improve fluency in English speaking by using role playing learning strategy. This study aims to explain how role-playing learning strategy can improve fluency in English speaking in the 4th semester, English Study Program, Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Madiun. This study uses a Classroom Action Research (CAR) design which is collaborative in nature where researchers and teacher collaborate in carrying out this research. Researcher act as observer while English teacher become collaborator of researcher in implementing role playing learning strategy. This research was carried out in a cycle that refers to procedures for action research, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Each cycle in this study consisted of two meetings. The research data was collected through several instruments, namely evaluation of English speaking, questionnaires, and field notes. The subjects of this study were 4th semester of D3 Program students, English Study Program, Business Administration Department, State Polytechnic of Madiun. The results of the overall average score of fluency in English speaking in the first cycle of 2.44, in the second cycle of 2.89, and in the third cycle of 3.19. Classroom action research can be stopped in cycle III because it is in accordance with the average criteria of success is 3.01. The interesting of students towards the implementation of role-playing learning strategy shows that students are happy and interested in implementing role playing learning strategy
Pengaruh Jaminan Sosial,Disiplin Kerja,Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Pada Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Tulungagung)
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social security, work discipline, and work motivation on employee performance at the Tulungagung regional development planning agency. This research uses a quantitative type. The data used in this study use primary data obtained directly from respondents in the Tulungagung regional development planning agency. Data were taken from 78 (seventy eight) respondents who are employees of regional development planning agencies.This study used analysis tools in the form of validity, reliability, normality test, multiple linear regression, multicollinity test, heteroscedasticity test, F test, and t test and measured using a Likert scale. Where the results of the analysis depend on the scores obtained from respondents.The results of this study are (1) social security has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Tulungagung regional development planning agency (2) Work discipline has a negative and not insignificant effect on employee performance at Bappeda Tulungagung (3) work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. at the Tulungagung regional development planning agency. Keywords : Social Security, Work Discipline, Work Motivations, Performance.
Online Learning at English Study Program in State Polytechnic of Madiun
The objectives of this study are 1) to find out the implementation of online learning model in English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Madiun, 2) to find out the obstacle factors in the implementation of online learning in English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Madiun, and 3) to know the supporting factors in the online learning process in English Study Program, State Polytechnic of Madiun. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. Analysis of research data obtained from the process of systematically searching and compiling, data obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation followed by data collection procedures, data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and verification, and checking the validity of the data (triangulation). The results of this study are 1) the implementation of online learning requires lesson plan, the effectiveness, efficiency and creativity of teachers in the online learning process, various applications in online learning, and an assessment in online learning. 2) Inhibiting factors in the implementation of online learning are communication saturation, limited interpersonal communication, limited space and time in learning activities, reduced student self-confidence, limited technology and information, the emergence of feelings of loneliness, limited media, online communication fatigue and limited media literacy, and student enthusiasm in participating in learning is still low. 3) The supporting factor in the online learning process is stable signal quality and adequate internet quota to support the success of online learning
Pengaruh Media Video Animasi terhadap Kemampuan Resolusi Konflik Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kegiatan pembelajaran resolusi konflik siswa dengan menggunakan media video animasi pada siswa kelas V SDN Anggadita V Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SDN Anggadita V tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VA dan VB. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pembelajaran resolusi konflik siswa yang diberi perlakuan media video dengan pembelajaran resolusi konflik siswa yang tidak diberikan perlakuan. Perhitungan hipotesis diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0.000 < α = 0.05, maka Ho di tolak dan berarti hipotesis diterima. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video pada mata pelajaran IPS dengan tema Keanekaragaman Suku dan Budaya memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam pembelajaran resolusi konflik siswa kelas V sekolah dasar. Dari hasil penelitian ini berharap dapat memberikan kontribusi dan manfaat bagi semua pihak yang terkait, terutama pihak sekolah dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan resolusi konfik siswa sekolah dasa