30,853 research outputs found

    America's Online Pursuits: The Changing Picture of Who's Online and What They Do

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    Provides a broad analysis of survey data collected between March 2000 and August 2003, to illustrate shifting trends in Internet use. Looks at participation by age, gender, race, income, and education level

    Older Adults and Social Media

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    Presents survey findings on the growing use of social networking sites among Americans age 50 and older, as well as their other online activities, and considers possible factors behind the trend. Compares trends by age group and broadband access

    Effects of Massive Star Formation on the ISM of Dwarf Galaxies

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    We are studying star formation effects on the properties of the ISM in low metallicity environments using mid-infrared (MIR) and far-infrared (FIR) observations of starbursting dwarf galaxies taken with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO). Effects of the hard pervasive radiation field on the gas and dust, due to the dust-poor environments are apparent in both the dust and gas components. From a 158 micron [CII] survey we find enhanced I[CII]/FIR ratios in dwarf galaxies and I[CII]/I(CO) ratios up to 10 times higher than those for normal metallicity starburst galaxies. We consider MIR observations in understanding the star formation properties of dwarf galaxies and constraints on the stellar SED. Notably, the strong MIR [NeIII]/[NeII] ratios reveal the presence of current massive stellar populations < 5 My old in NGC1569, NGC1140 and IIZw40. The MIR unidentified infrared bands (UIBs) are weak, if present at all, as a general characteristic in low metallicity environments, revealing the destruction of the smallest carbon particles (e.g. PAHs) over large spatial scales. This is confirmed with our dust modeling: mass fractions of PAHs are almost negligible compared to the larger silicate grains emitting in the FIR as well as the small carbon grains emitting in the MIR, which appear to be the source of the photoelectric gas heating in these galaxies, in view of the [CII] cooling.Comment: To appear in New Astronomy Reviews, Eds. D. Schaerer & R. Delgado-Gonzalez. Proceedings for JENAM99: "The Interplay between Massive Stars and the ISM" 13 pages including 5 color figure

    Why is so much information uninformative?

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    Artists, Musicians and the Internet

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    Presents findings from a national survey of self-described artists and an online survey of 2,755 musicians that assess how artists and musicians use the Internet, what they think about copyright issues, and how they feel about online file sharing

    Modeling the Dust Spectral Energy Distributions of Dwarf Galaxies

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    Recent efforts on the modeling of the infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of dwarf galaxies are summarised here. The characterisation of the dust properties in these low metallicity environments is just unfolding, as a result of recently available mid-infrared to millimetre observations. From the limited cases we know to date, it appears that the hard radiation fields that are present in these star-bursting dwarf galaxies, as well as the rampent energetics of supernovae shocks and winds have modified the dust properties, in comparison with those in the Galaxy, or other gas and dust rich galaxies. The sophistication of the SED models is limited by the availability of detailed data in the mid infrared and particularly in the submillimetre to millimetre regime, which will open up in the near future with space-based missions, such as Herschel.Comment: 8 pages presented at "The Spectral Energy Distribution of Gas-Rich Galaxies: Confronting Models with Data" Heidelberg (Germany), October 2004. To be published in The Spectral Energy Distribution of Gas-Rich Galaxies, ed. C. Popescu & R. Tuffs (Melville:AIP) in pres

    In Banc Procedures in the United States Courts of Appeals

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