8,438 research outputs found

    On the Viability of Lattice Perturbation Theory

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    In this paper we show that the apparent failure of QCD lattice perturbation theory to account for Monte Carlo measurements of perturbative quantities results from choosing the bare lattice coupling constant as the expansion parameter. Using instead ``renormalized'' coupling constants defined in terms of physical quantities, like the heavy-quark potential, greatly enhances the predictive power of lattice perturbation theory. The quality of these predictions is further enhanced by a method for automatically determining the coupling-constant scale most appropriate to a particular quantity. We present a mean-field analysis that explains the large renormalizations relating lattice quantities, like the coupling constant, to their continuum analogues. This suggests a new prescription for designing lattice operators that are more continuum-like than conventional operators. Finally, we provide evidence that the scaling of physical quantities is asymptotic or perturbative already at β\beta's as low as 5.7, provided the evolution from scale to scale is analyzed using renormalized perturbation theory. This result indicates that reliable simulations of (quenched) QCD are possible at these same low β\beta's.Comment: 3

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and the Renormalization of the Chern-Simons Term

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    We calculate the one-loop perturbative correction to the coefficient of the \cs term in non-abelian gauge theory in the presence of Higgs fields, with a variety of symmetry-breaking structures. In the case of a residual U(1)U(1) symmetry, radiative corrections do not change the coefficient of the \cs term. In the case of an unbroken non-abelian subgroup, the coefficient of the relevant \cs term (suitably normalized) attains an integral correction, as required for consistency of the quantum theory. Interestingly, this coefficient arises purely from the unbroken non-abelian sector in question; the orthogonal sector makes no contribution. This implies that the coefficient of the \cs term is a discontinuous function over the phase diagram of the theory.Comment: Version to be published in Phys Lett B., minor additional change

    Field theoretic description of the abelian and non-abelian Josephson effect

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    We formulate the Josephson effect in a field theoretic language which affords a straightforward generalization to the non-abelian case. Our formalism interprets Josephson tunneling as the excitation of pseudo-Goldstone bosons. We demonstrate the formalism through the consideration of a single junction separating two regions with a purely non-abelian order parameter and a sandwich of three regions where the central region is in a distinct phase. Applications to various non-abelian symmetry breaking systems in particle and condensed matter physics are given.Comment: 10 pages no figure

    Development of radiation resistant electrical cable insulations

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    Two new polyethylene cable insulations have been formulated for nuclear applications and have been tested under gamma radiation. Both insulations are based on low density polyethylene, one with PbO and the other with Sb2O3 as additives. The test results show that the concept of using inorganic antioxidants to retard radiation initiated oxidation (RIO) is viable. PbO is more effective than Sb2O3 in minimizing RIO

    Temporal trend in the transfer of Sellafield-derived 14C into different size fractions of the carbonate component of NE Irish Sea sediment

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    From 1994 onwards, 14C discharges from the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant have been made largely to the Northeast Irish Sea. They represent the largest contributor to UK and European populations of the collective dose commitment derived from the entire nuclear industry discharges. Consequently, it is important to understand the long-term fate of 14C in the marine environment. Research undertaken in 2000 suggested that the carbonate component of Northeast Irish Sea sediments would increase in 14C activity as mollusc shells, which have become enriched in Sellafield-derived 14C, are broken down by physical processes including wave action and incorporated into intertidal and sub-tidal sediments. The current study, undertaken in 2011, tested this hypothesis. The results demonstrate significant increases in 14C enrichments found in whole mussel shells compared to those measured in 2000. Additionally, in 2000, there was an enrichment above ambient background within only the largest size fraction (>500 ÎĽm) of the intertidal inorganic sediment at Nethertown and Flimby (north of Sellafield). In comparison, the present study has demonstrated 14C enrichments above ambient background in most size fractions at sites up to 40 km north of Sellafield, confirming the hypothesis set out more than a decade ago

    B and D Meson Decay Constants in Lattice QCD

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    We have calculated the decay constants of B and DD mesons with lattice QCD. We use an O(a)O(a) improved action that takes light quark actions as a starting point, tuned so that it can be directly applied at the physical masses of the bb and cc quarks. Our results are f_B = 164 \err{+14}{-11} \pm 8 MeV, f_{B_s} = 185 \err{+13}{-8} \pm 9 MeV, f_D = 194 \err{+14}{-10} \pm 10 MeV, and f_{D_s} = 213 \err{+14}{-11} \pm 11 MeV in the quenched approximation. The first error in each case is statistical, and the second is from perturbation theory. We show that discretization errors are under control in our approach, and smaller than our statistical errors. The effects of the quenched approximation may raise our quenched result by up to 10%.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure
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