273 research outputs found

    PEPSI deep spectra. III. A chemical analysis of the ancient planet-host star Kepler-444

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    We obtained an LBT/PEPSI spectrum with very high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the K0V host Kepler-444, which is known to host 5 sub-Earth size rocky planets. The spectrum has a resolution of R=250,000, a continuous wavelength coverage from 4230 to 9120A, and S/N between 150 and 550:1 (blue to red). We performed a detailed chemical analysis to determine the photospheric abundances of 18 chemical elements, in order to use the abundances to place constraints on the bulk composition of the five rocky planets. Our spectral analysis employs the equivalent width method for most of our spectral lines, but we used spectral synthesis to fit a small number of lines that require special care. In both cases, we derived our abundances using the MOOG spectral analysis package and Kurucz model atmospheres. We find no correlation between elemental abundance and condensation temperature among the refractory elements. In addition, using our spectroscopic stellar parameters and isochrone fitting, we find an age of 10+/-1.5 Gyr, which is consistent with the asteroseismic age of 11+/-1 Gyr. Finally, from the photospheric abundances of Mg, Si, and Fe, we estimate that the typical Fe-core mass fraction for the rocky planets in the Kepler-444 system is approximately 24 per cent. If our estimate of the Fe-core mass fraction is confirmed by more detailed modeling of the disk chemistry and simulations of planet formation and evolution in the Kepler-444 system, then this would suggest that rocky planets in more metal-poor and alpha-enhanced systems may tend to be less dense than their counterparts of comparable size in more metal-rich systems.Comment: in press, 11 pages, 3 figures, data available from pepsi.aip.d

    Very Low Mass Stellar and Substellar Companions to Solar-Like Stars From MARVELS V: A Low Eccentricity Brown Dwarf from the Driest Part of the Desert, MARVELS-6b

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    We describe the discovery of a likely brown dwarf (BD) companion with a minimum mass of 31.7 +/- 2.0 M_Jup to GSC 03546-01452 from the MARVELS radial velocity survey, which we designate as MARVELS-6b. For reasonable priors, our analysis gives a probability of 72% that MARVELS-6b has a mass below the hydrogen-burning limit of 0.072 M_Sun, and thus it is a high-confidence BD companion. It has a moderately long orbital period of 47.8929 +0.0063/-0.0062 days with a low eccentricty of 0.1442 +0.0078/-0.0073, and a semi-amplitude of 1644 +12/-13 m/s. Moderate resolution spectroscopy of the host star has determined the following parameters: T_eff = 5598 +/- 63, log g = 4.44 +/- 0.17, and [Fe/H] = +0.40 +/- 0.09. Based upon these measurements, GSC 03546-01452 has a probable mass and radius of M_star = 1.11 +/- 0.11 M_Sun and R_star = 1.06 +/- 0.23 R_Sun with an age consistent with less than ~6 Gyr at a distance of 219 +/- 21 pc from the Sun. Although MARVELS-6b is not observed to transit, we cannot definitively rule out a transiting configuration based on our observations. There is a visual companion detected with Lucky Imaging at 7.7 arcsec from the host star, but our analysis shows that it is not bound to this system. The minimum mass of MARVELS-6b exists at the minimum of the mass functions for both stars and planets, making this a rare object even compared to other BDs.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    CT-guided intratumoural administration of cisplatin/epinephrine gel for treatment of malignant liver tumours

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    To analyze prospectively the interventional and clinical aspects of computed tomography-guided direct intratumoural injection of a novel chemotherapeutic administration and the parenchymal changes of tumour and necrosis in malignant liver tumours. Eight patients with 17 colorectal liver metastases were treated with a mean of 5.1 injections and nine patients with 13 hepatocellular carcinoma nodules with a mean of 3.1 treatments with computed tomography guided local applications of a novel cisplatin/epinephrine gel. This application provides a higher local and lower systemic drug concentration. Volumes of tumour and necrosis prior and after treatment were measured by computer generated volumetric analysis. Contrast enhanced studies verified pretherapeutic viable tumour volumes with a value of 77.4 ml in the metastases and 29.2 ml in the hepatocellular carcinoma nodules. Intratumoural drug application resulted in a significant increase of necrosis and a decrease in viable tumour volume to be 68.3 ml in metastases and 14.5 ml in hepatocellular carcinoma. Local therapy control rate for the follow up to 6 months was 38 and 71% for the group of metastases and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively. Direct intratumoural injection of cisplatin/epinepthrine injectable gel is a feasible and good tolerated method and results in the development of a statistically significant increase in necrosis in malignant liver tumours. For hepatocellular carcinoma a higher local therapy control rate compared to colorectal metastases can be reported

    Observation and Mass Measurement of the Baryon Ξb\Xi^-_b

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    We report the observation and measurement of the mass of the bottom, strange baryon Ξb\Xi^-_b through the decay chain ΞbJ/ψΞ\Xi^-_b \to J/\psi \Xi^-, where J/ψμ+μJ/\psi \to \mu^+ \mu^-, ΞΛπ\Xi^- \to \Lambda \pi^-, and Λpπ\Lambda \to p \pi^-. Evidence for observation is based on a signal whose probability of arising from the estimated background is 6.6 x 10^{-15}, or 7.7 Gaussian standard deviations. The Ξb\Xi^-_b mass is measured to be 5792.9±2.55792.9\pm 2.5 (stat.) ±1.7\pm 1.7 (syst.) MeV/c2c^2.Comment: Minor text changes for the second version. Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for Third Generation Vector Leptoquarks in p anti-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

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    We describe a search for a third generation vector leptoquark (VLQ3) that decays to a b quark and tau lepton using the CDF II detector and 322 pb^(-1) of integrated luminosity from the Fermilab Tevatron. Vector leptoquarks have been proposed in many extensions of the standard model (SM). Observing a number of events in agreement with SM expectations, assuming Yang-Mills (minimal) couplings, we obtain the most stringent upper limit on the VLQ3 pair production cross section of 344 fb (493 fb) and lower limit on the VLQ3 mass of 317 GeV/c^2 (251 GeV/c^2) at 95% C.L.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Polarizations of J/psi and psi(2S) Mesons Produced in ppbar Collisions at 1.96 TeV

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    We have measured the polarizations of \jpsi and \psiprime mesons as functions of their transverse momentum \pt when they are produced promptly in the rapidity range y<0.6|y|<0.6 with \pt \geq 5 \pgev. The analysis is performed using a data sample with an integrated luminosity of about 800 \ipb collected by the CDF II detector. For both vector mesons, we find that the polarizations become increasingly longitudinal as \pt increases from 5 to 30 \pgev. These results are compared to the predictions of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics and other contemporary models. The effective polarizations of \jpsi and \psiprime mesons from BB-hadron decays are also reported.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, published in Physical Review Letter

    Search for resonant ttbar production in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV

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    We report on a search for narrow-width particles decaying to a top and antitop quark pair. The data set used in the analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 680 pb^{-1} collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab in Run II. We present 95% confidence level upper limits on the cross section times branching ratio. Assuming a specific topcolor-assisted technicolor production model, the leptophobic Z' with width \Gamma_{Z'}=0.012M_{Z'}, we exclude the mass range M_{Z'} < 725 GeV/c^2 at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Measurement of σ(Λb)/σ(B0)×BR(ΛbΛcπ)/BR(B0D+π)\sigma(\Lambda_b)/\sigma(B^0) \times BR(\Lambda_b\to\Lambda_c\pi^-) / BR(B^0\to D^+\pi^-) in ppˉp\bar{p} Collisions at s=1.96\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV

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    We present the first observation of the baryon decay ΛbΛcπ\Lambda_b\to\Lambda_c\pi^- followed by ΛcpKπ+\Lambda_c\to p K^-\pi^+ in 106 pb-1 of ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at s=1.96\sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV in the CDF experiment. In order to reduce systematic error, the measured rate for Λb\Lambda_b decay is normalized to the kinematically similar meson decay B0D+πB^0\to D^+\pi^- followed by D+π+Kπ+D^+\to\pi^+K^-\pi^+. We report the ratio of production cross sections (σ\sigma) times the ratio of branching fractions (BR) for the momentum region integrated above pT>6p_T > 6 GeV/c and pseudorapidity range η<1.3|\eta| < 1.3: σ(ppˉΛbX)/σ(ppˉB0X)×BR(ΛbΛcπ)/BR(B0D+π)=0.82±0.08(stat)±0.11(syst)±0.22(BR(ΛcpKπ+))\sigma(p\bar{p}\to \Lambda_b X) / \sigma (p\bar{p}\to B^0 X) \times BR(\Lambda_b\to\Lambda_c\pi^-) / BR(B^0\to D^+\pi^-) = 0.82 \pm 0.08(stat) \pm 0.11(syst) \pm 0.22 (BR(\Lambda_c\to p K^-\pi^+)).Comment: Submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Measurement of the fraction of t-tbar production via gluon-gluon fusion in p-pbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV