778 research outputs found

    Spin- and isospin-polarized states of nuclear matter in the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock model

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    Spin-polarized isospin asymmetric nuclear matter is studied within the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach. After a brief review of the formalism, we present and discuss the self-consistent single-particle potentials at various levels of spin and isospin asymmetry. We then move to predictions of the energy per particle, also under different conditions of isospin and spin polarization. Comparison with the energy per particle in isospin symmetric or asymmetric unpolarized nuclear matter shows no evidence for a phase transition to a spin ordered state, neither ferromagnetic nor antiferromagnetic.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Unitarity potentials and neutron matter at the unitary limit

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    We study the equation of state of neutron matter using a family of unitarity potentials all of which are constructed to have infinite 1S0^1S_0 scattering lengths asa_s. For such system, a quantity of much interest is the ratio ξ=E0/E0free\xi=E_0/E_0^{free} where E0E_0 is the true ground-state energy of the system, and E0freeE_0^{free} is that for the non-interacting system. In the limit of as±a_s\to \pm \infty, often referred to as the unitary limit, this ratio is expected to approach a universal constant, namely ξ0.44(1)\xi\sim 0.44(1). In the present work we calculate this ratio ξ\xi using a family of hard-core square-well potentials whose asa_s can be exactly obtained, thus enabling us to have many potentials of different ranges and strengths, all with infinite asa_s. We have also calculated ξ\xi using a unitarity CDBonn potential obtained by slightly scaling its meson parameters. The ratios ξ\xi given by these different unitarity potentials are all close to each other and also remarkably close to 0.44, suggesting that the above ratio ξ\xi is indifferent to the details of the underlying interactions as long as they have infinite scattering length. A sum-rule and scaling constraint for the renormalized low-momentum interaction in neutron matter at the unitary limit is discussed.Comment: 7.5 pages, 7 figure

    Predicting the single-proton/neutron potentials in asymmetric nuclear matter

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    We discuss the one-body potentials for protons and neutrons obtained from Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations of neutron-rich matter, in particular their dependence upon the degree of proton/neutron asymmetry. The closely related symmetry potential is compared with empirical information from the isovector component of the nuclear optical potential.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Minor revisions, added comments, reference

    Proteolytic enzyme systems

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    Reduced regulator dependence of neutron-matter predictions with chiral interactions

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    We calculate the energy per particle in infinite neutron matter perturbatively using chiral N3LO two-body potentials plus N2LO three-body forces. The cutoff dependence of the predictions is investigated by employing chiral interactions with different regulators. We find that the inclusion of three-nucleon forces, which are consistent with the applied two-nucleon interaction, leads to a strongly reduced regulator dependence of the results.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, to be published in Physical Review

    Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering in a Three Dimensional Approach

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    The nucleon-nucleon (NN) t-matrix is calculated directly as function of two vector momenta for different realistic NN potentials. To facilitate this a formalism is developed for solving the two-nucleon Lippmann-Schwinger equation in momentum space without employing a partial wave decomposition. The total spin is treated in a helicity representation. Two different realistic NN interactions, one defined in momentum space and one in coordinate space, are presented in a form suited for this formulation. The angular and momentum dependence of the full amplitude is studied and displayed. A partial wave decomposition of the full amplitude it carried out to compare the presented results with the well known phase shifts provided by those interactions.Comment: 26 pages plus 10 jpg figure