63 research outputs found
Pembentukan Kontrol Diri Siswa dengan Pembiasaan Dzikir Asmaul Husna dan Sholat Berjamaah
Research on the presence or absence of the influence of the intensity of reading Asmaul Husna dhikr and Dhuhur Congregation Student prayer on the level of self-control of MA students in the City of Pekalongan. The first research hypothesis, namely there is a positive and significant effect between the intensity of reading the Asmaul Husna dhikr on student self control. Secondly, there is a positive and significant influence between the habit of performing Dhuhr prayer in congregation on students\u27 self control. The research method in the form of quantitative research methods. There is a significance value of t for the Asmaul Husna reading habit variable is 0.056 and the value is smaller than the α probability set at 0.495 (0.495> 0.05). Tests show H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. The significance value of t for the variable performing the midday prayer is 0.119 and the value is greater than the α probability set at 0.05 (0.095> 0.05). Tests show H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected. Based on the partial linear regression test results partially, it can be concluded that the intensity of the habit of reading Asmaul Husna and Dhuhr Prayer in congregation has a positive and significant effect on student self-control
Technical Efficiency Analysis in Indonesian Fishery Processing Industry: a Case of Fishery Canned Product Firms
This study aims to analyze technical efficiency and evaluate the effect of some sources of inefficiency in the Indonesian fishery canned firms during the period of 1990-2015. We calculate technical efficiency using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method with Time Varying Decay. The average of technical efficiency in this industry during the period of 1990-2015 was only 57%. It indicates that firms in this industry still encounter a problem in allocating the resources in efficient manner. However, during the period of 1994-2015, the efficiency in the Indonesian fishery canned industry has declined. We also employed the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method to evaluate the sources of inefficiency. The results showed that eight variables affected to the efficiency in this industry, thereby it will reduce fishery product competitiveness in the futur
Peningkatan Produktivitas Proses Budidaya Karet Alam dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity: Studi Kasus di PT. XYZ
Indonesia merupakan negara kedua penghasil karet alam terbesar di dunia dengan produksi sebesar 28% dari total produksi dunia di tahun 2010. Sejalan dengan bertumbuhnya industri otomotif dunia, kebutuhan karet alam sebagai produk komplementer karet sintetik akan turut mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi terbaik pada peningkatan produktivitas proses budidaya karet alam melalui pendekatan konsep Green Productivity (GP). Studi kasus dilakukan di PT. XYZ, Perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang USAha perkebunan dan pengolahan karet alam. analisis aliran material dilakukan dengan menggunakan peta aliran material hijau untuk menganalisa tujuh jenis sumber pembangkit limbah hijau (seven green wastes). Alternatif strategi terbaik ditentukan dengan menggunakan model Analytical Hierarchy Process (aHP) yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi beberapa rancangan skenario perbaikan. Pengukuran kinerja alternatif strategi ini selanjutnya dinilai sebagai indeks produktivitas hijau (GPI) perbaikan (future) dan dibandingkan dengan nilai indeks GPI saat ini (current), yang telah dihitung pada studi kasus yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan informasi strategi peningkatan produktivitas terbaik, tingkat produktivitas yang telah dicapai Perusahaan, dan tingkat produktivitas hasil penerapan strategi terpilih
Efisiensi Kantor Cabang Bank (Studi Kasus: Kantor Kas Bank XYZ di DKI Jakarta)
This research aimed to analyze the technical efficiency of XYZ Bank Cash Office in DKI Jakarta. Factors affecting the efficiency level of cash office were also identified i.e. the building rental cost, work force cost, other operational costs, competence of cash office chief, and location of cash office. The performance efficiency was analyzed by Two Stage DEA Analysis using Variable Return to Scale (VRS) with an output maximization approach. Multiple regression technique using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) was utilized to determine the factors affecting the cash office efficiency level in 2015. The results of efficiency analysis showed that the average efficiency score of XYZ Bank cash office in DKI Jakarta in the period of 2013-2015 was relatively inefficient. The regression analysis identified that significant factors statistically affected the efficiency score of cash office in 2015 were the building rental and work force costs. Meanwhile, the other operational costs had no effects on the efficiency level. Dummy variables of cash office chief competence and cash office location affected the efficiency level of BTN bank cash office in DKI Jakarta at a significant rate of (α) 10%. The technical efficiency of XYZ bank cash office in DKI Jakarta was still relatively low, yet it showed an increase in the period of 2013-2015. Cash Offices in different locations have different scores on efficiency level. The selection of qualified and competent human resources in their field and the right selection of cash office location will affect the success of community funding which later affects the office efficiency level.
Keywords: OLS, cash office, production approach, two-stage DEA
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efisiensi teknis dari Kantor Kas milik Bank XYZ di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Selanjutnya mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi dari kantor kas yaitu biaya sewa gedung, biaya tenaga kerja, biaya operasional lainnya, kompetensi kepala kantor kas dan lokasi kantor kas. Analisis kinerja efisiensi dilakukan dengan Analisa Two Stage DEA menggunakan Variable Return to Scale (VRS) dengan pendekatan maksimisasi output. Teknik regresi berganda menggunakan Ordinary Least Square (OLS) digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi kantor kas pada 2015. Hasil analisa efisiensi memperlihatkan bahwa rata-rata skor efisiensi kantor kas bank XYZ di wilayah DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2013–2015 secara relatif masih belum efisien. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang signifikan secara statistik memengaruhi skor efisiensi kantor kas pada tahun 2015, yaitu biaya sewa gedung dan biaya tenaga kerja. Sementara itu, biaya operasional lainnya tidak memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi. Variabel dummy kompetensi kepala kantor kas dan lokasi kantor kas memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi kantor kas bank btn di wilayah DKI Jakarta pada tingkat signifikansi (α) 10%. Efisiensi teknis kantor kas bank XYZ di DKI Jakarta relatif masih rendah namun menunjukkan peningkatan selama tahun 2013–2015. Kantor Kas pada lokasi yang berbeda memiliki rata-rata tingkat efisiensi yang berbeda-beda pula. Pemilihan SDM yang berkualitas dan kompeten dibidangnya dan pemilihan lokasi kantor kas yang tepat akan memengaruhi keberhasilan penghimpunan dana masyarakat sehingga dapat memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi kantornya.
Kata kunci: OLS, kantor kas, pendekatan produksi, two stage DE
Characteristic and Rubber Plant Revegetation at the Post Coal Mining Land Kutai Kartanegara Regency
The research objective was to analyse the characteristic of post coal mining land in Kutai Kartanegara Regency and to find out what commodities that suitable for vegetation of this land. The methode of research was using primary data including soil sampling taken with purposive sampling and composite methode. Rubber planting experiment was also carried out at two different soil conditions, that was land with original soil and land withtailing soil (overburden of coal mining). Both soil conditions were employed experimental using randomized completely block design with four treatments, i.e. : (1) without fertilizer, (2) liming, (3) manure fertilizer, and (4) manure fertilizer + liming. Secondary data for commodity research was taken from bureau of statistic centre, labour service, and mining service of Kutai Kartanegara Regency.The result showed that reclaimed land (5-20 years) was classified as S2 class of land suitability for rubber. The competitive commodities of Kutai Kartanegara Regency were rubber, coffea, and coconut, meanwhile strategic commodities were oil palm, pepper, and cocoa. The result of rubber experiment showed that post coal mining land with original soil significantly affective to leaf amount, height, and stem diameter of rubber
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