17,641 research outputs found

    Shape instabilities in vesicles: a phase-field model

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    A phase field model for dealing with shape instabilities in fluid membrane vesicles is presented. This model takes into account the Canham-Helfrich bending energy with spontaneous curvature. A dynamic equation for the phase-field is also derived. With this model it is possible to see the vesicle shape deformation dynamically, when some external agent instabilizes the membrane, for instance, inducing an inhomogeneous spontaneous curvature. The numerical scheme used is detailed and some stationary shapes are shown together with a shape diagram for vesicles of spherical topology and no spontaneous curvature, in agreement with known results

    Chiral symmetry breaking in QCD-like gauge theories with a confining propagator and dynamical gauge boson mass generation

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    We study chiral symmetry breaking in QCD-like gauge theories introducing a confining effective propagator, as proposed recently by Cornwall, and considering the effect of dynamical gauge boson mass generation. The effective confining propagator has the form 1/(k2+m2)21/(k^2+m^2)^2 and we study the bifurcation equation finding limits on mm below which a satisfactory fermion mass solution is generated. Since the coupling constant and gauge boson propagator are damped in the infrared, due to the presence of dynamically massive gauge bosons, the major part of the chiral breaking is only due to the confining propagator. We study the asymptotic behavior of the gap equation containing confinement and massive gauge boson exchange, and find that the symmetry breaking can be approximated at some extent by an effective four-fermion interaction generated by the confining propagator. We compute some QCD chiral parameters as a function of mm, finding values compatible with the experimental data. Within this approach we expect that lattice simulations should not see large differences between the confinement and chiral symmetry breaking scales independent of the fermionic representation and we find a simple approximate relation between the fermion condensate and dynamical mass for a given representation as a function of the parameters appearing in the effective confining propagator.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, new references added, matchs published versio

    Chiral symmetry breaking with a confining propagator and dynamically massive gluons

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    Chiral symmetry breaking in QCD is studied introducing a confining effective propagator, as proposed recently by Cornwall, and considering the effect of dynamically massive gluons. The effective confining propagator has the form 1/(k2+m2)21/(k^2+m^2)^2 and we study the bifurcation equation finding limits on the parameter mm below which a satisfactory fermion mass solution is generated. Since the coupling constant and gluon propagator are damped in the infrared, due to the presence of a dynamical gluon mass, the major part of the chiral breaking is only due to the confining propagator and related to the low momentum region of the gap equation. We study the asymptotic behavior of the gap equation containing this confinement effect and massive gluon exchange, and find that the symmetry breaking can be approximated by an effective four-fermion interaction generated by the confining propagator. We compute some QCD chiral parameters as a function of mm, finding values compatible with the experimental data. We find a simple approximate relation between the fermion condensate and dynamical mass for a given representation as a function of the parameters appearing in the effective confining propagator.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Talk presented at the International Workshop on QCD Green's Functions, Confinement, and Phenomenology - QCD-TNT II, September 05-09 2011, ECT* Trento, Italy; ANN.PHYS.(NY, 2011

    Algorithms for network piecewise-linear programs

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    In this paper a subarea of Piecewise-Linear Programming named network Piecewise-Linear Programming (NPLP) is discussed. Initially the problem formulation, main efinitins and related Concepts are presented. In the sequence of the paper, four specialized algorithms for NPLP, as well as the results of a preliminary computational study, are presented

    Quasi-Dirac neutrinos and solar neutrino data

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    We present an analysis of the solar neutrino data in the context of a quasi-Dirac neutrino model in which the lepton mixing matrix is given at tree level by the tribimaximal matrix. When radiative corrections are taken into account, new effects in neutrino oscillations, as Îœe→Μs\nu_e \to \nu_s, appear. This oscillation is constrained by the solar neutrino data. In our analysis, we have found an allowed region for our two free parameters Ï”\epsilon and m1m_1. The radiative correction, Ï”\epsilon, can vary approximately from 5×10−95\times 10^{-9} to 10−610^{-6} and the calculated fourth mass eigenstate, m4m_4, 0.01 eV to 0.2 eV at 2σ\sigma level. These results are very similar to the ones presented in the literature.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures and 2 tables. Results and conclusion unchanged. Version published in EPJC. Figures improve

    Experimental joint immobilization in guinea pigs. Effects on the knee joint

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    In young and adult guinea pigs, the aftermath experimentally induced by the immobilization of the knee joint in hyperextended forced position was studied. Joint immobilization which varied from one to nine weeks was attained by plaster. Eighty knee joints were examined macro and microscopically. Findings included: (1) muscular hypotrophy and joint stiffness in all animals, directly proportional to the length of immobilization; (2) haemoarthrosis in the first week; (3) intra-articular fibrous tissue proliferation ending up with fibrous ankylosis; (4) hyaline articular cartilage erosions; (5) various degrees of destructive menisci changes. A tentative explanation of the fibrous tissue proliferation and of the cartilage changes is offered

    Optimal Time-dependent Sequenced Route Queries in Road Networks

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    In this paper we present an algorithm for optimal processing of time-dependent sequenced route queries in road networks, i.e., given a road network where the travel time over an edge is time-dependent and a given ordered list of categories of interest, we find the fastest route between an origin and destination that passes through a sequence of points of interest belonging to each of the specified categories of interest. For instance, considering a city road network at a given departure time, one can find the fastest route between one's work and his/her home, passing through a bank, a supermarket and a restaurant, in this order. The main contribution of our work is the consideration of the time dependency of the network, a realistic characteristic of urban road networks, which has not been considered previously when addressing the optimal sequenced route query. Our approach uses the A* search paradigm that is equipped with an admissible heuristic function, thus guaranteed to yield the optimal solution, along with a pruning scheme for further reducing the search space. In order to compare our proposal we extended a previously proposed solution aimed at non-time dependent sequenced route queries, enabling it to deal with the time-dependency. Our experiments using real and synthetic data sets have shown our proposed solution to be up to two orders of magnitude faster than the temporally extended previous solution.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures To be published as a short paper in the 23rd ACM SIGSPATIA
