27 research outputs found
The realization of multicultural education is not just students getting material at school, but students also need to be able to experience multicultural practice firsthand. Thus, teachers, principals, school staff, employees, and security guards must be able to create a multicultural atmosphere in the school environment. And, multicultural education should not only be obtained in formal education, but non-formal education and informal education must also implement a multicultural system. this study uses library research in which data is taken from books, journals, which are relevant to the theme. This research resulted in the internalization of multicultural education on integral aspects in the subjects of students. The value internalized must contain elements of tolerance and mutual insult so that people can respect one anothe
The realization of multicultural education is not just students getting material at school, but students also need to be able to experience multicultural practice firsthand. Thus, teachers, principals, school staff, employees, and security guards must be able to create a multicultural atmosphere in the school environment. And, multicultural education should not only be obtained in formal education, but non-formal education and informal education must also implement a multicultural system. this study uses library research in which data is taken from books, journals, which are relevant to the theme. This research resulted in the internalization of multicultural education on integral aspects in the subjects of students. The value internalized must contain elements of tolerance and mutual insult so that people can respect one anothe
Analisis Strategi Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Hukuman Preventif
The importance of character education for all levels raises various strategies in applying it. Punishment is one of strategies which was rarely used in the study of character education, therefore, the writer attracted to examine it. This study aimed to explain the character education strategies through punishment. This research used library research by collecting several related books and journals to analyze the content of the character education strategies through punishment. This study found that punishment was a preventive action of activities which did not match to the ethical values of character education. The punishment is the same as khauf and raja' 'in the Sufi term. The character education strategy through punishment becomes one of disciplinary and habituation supports for learners in internalizing character education
Implementing Learning Strategies for Moderate Islamic Religious Education in Islamic Higher Education
Religious Moderation in education is important to implement because it can bring a deterrent effect to the students’ religious understanding and practice to avoid radicalism in higher education. The present study is aimed at investigating learning strategies to deliver Islamic Religious Education in higher education. A qualitative method with a case study approach was applied in this study. The data were collected by using interview, documentation, and observation. The results show that the university applied several learning strategies to strengthen students’ psychomotor and affective aspects in the form of experiential, habituation, emotional, functional, and rational strategies. Those strategies can be implemented by using various learning methods such as lectures, discussions, experiments, and assignments that promote moderate Islamic values and Rahmatan LiAlaminin
This research is motivated the dimension of dhikr which is oriented to form a clean heart, the dimension of thinking forms a human with high intellectual (perfect reason). The implications of the integration of dhikr and thought will form an integral concept of education without dichotomy. From the moral knowing, moral feeling and moral action components which are combined with tazkiyatun nafs, it is expected that students can practice the values ​​embodied in the goals of character education.
Purpose of this study aims to describe and analyze the dhikr and fikir according to KH Munawwar Kholil Gresik in the book of Faidhul Illah and its implications with the character dedication. Design/methodology/approach-of this research uses library research from the data of books that have been collected relevant to the theme.The results shows that he integration of dhikr and fikir as the concept of non-dichotomic character education. Dzikir continuously and systematically thinking will bring out the character of the learner is integral. Originality/value-Dhikr (tazkiyatun nafs) and fikir (knowledge) form the whole human character (ulul albab) as the concept of integralistic character education. Character is not only in form through cognitive learning but also necessary habituation of religious activities.
When the dimension of dhikr which is oriented to form a clean heart, the dimension of thinking forms a human with high intellectual (perfect reason). The implications of the integration of dhikr and thought will form an integral concept of education without dichotomy. From the moral knowing, moral feeling and moral action components which are combined with tazkiyatun nafs, it is expected that students can practice the values ​​embodied in the goals of character education
Fenomenologi Hukuman di Pesantren : Analisis Tata Tertib Santri Pondok Pesantren Daruttaqwa Gresik
This study aims to identify and describe the pattern of punishment in Daruttaqwa Gresik Pesantren. This research method uses phenomenological study about the meaning and value of punishment given to santri. The findings of the study indicate that First, the pattern of punishment for the offenders of discipline is with, reprimand and advice, administrative punishment, educational punishment, social punishment, material punishment, physical punishment. Secondly, there are rules for educators who will apply the punishment that is not in a hurry, should not hit when in a state of anger, should avoid sensitive limbs and do not hit the child in under 10 years . Third, in the students is instilled the consciousness in the santri that punishment given to him is a just and educational punishment. By conditioning the three elements above, then punishment will be effective in educating children.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan pola hukuman di Pesantren Daruttaqwa Gresik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi fenomenologis tentang makna dan nilai hukuman yang diberikan kepada santri. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satu, pola pemberian hukuman bagi pelanggar tata tertib santri adalah dengan, teguran dan nasehat, hukuman administrasi, hukuman yang mendidik, hukuman bersifat sosial, hukuman materi, hukuman bersifat fisik. Kedua, Terdapat aturan bagi pendidik yang akan menerapkan hukuman antara lain :  tidak terburu-buru, tidak boleh memukul ketika dalam keadaan marah, hendaknya menghindari anggota badan yang peka, dan tidak memukul anak di bawah 10 tahun.. Ketiga, pada diri anak didik ditanamkan kesadaran dalam diri santri bahwa hukuman yang diberikan kepadanya merupakan hukuman yang adil dan mendidik. Dengan mengkondisikan tiga elemen diatas, maka hukuman akan efektif dalam mendidik anak
Target Hafalan sebagai Motivasi Belajar dalam Membentuk Karakter di Lingkungan Pesantren
Education is a place to create a cadre of people who excel cognitive, affective, psychomotor and spiritual. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have motivation to be able to carry out all educational goals. Building learning motivation within the pesantren environment, including one of which is targeted. Memory memorization that is carried out consistently can be a learning motivation for students. With the growing learning motivation of students, their goals can be easily achieved, including the goals of Islamic education. And one of the goals of Islamic education is to form noble character or character formation. the purpose of this paper is to explain and analyze memorized targets to build students' motivation to form characters in the pesantren environment. This study uses the study of library research, which collects books, journals and research results that are relevant to the theme. memorized targets are adjusted to the age conditions of santri with habituation, exemplary, reward and punishment strategies. the character is formed by refracting to carry out memorization and motivation to carry out with awareness
Education is one of the main roles at this time in Indonesia, especially in neutralizing human intelligence that has been created by God with many kinds of existing intelligence, it is known that Indonesian education in the curriculum aims that students with learning processes in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects, achieved well not only focus on one of them, so that the level of success is more perfect, in the perspective of Multiple Intelligence with Islamic Religious Education will be mapped how an educator can understand the intelligence of students with a variety of existing intelligence, then an educator will be prioritized for the success of the learner itself, that way when you already know how each student's intelligence, will develop the potential of the students themselves and produce an effective learning process, both Input, and Out camp will also produce well
The Effect of Work Motivation and Discipline on The Performance of The Leading Teachers of Madrasah
This article aims to determine the effect of motivation and work discipline on MA Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah Pacet. Respondents in this study were all teachers of the Supreme Court of Hikmatul Amanah Pacet, totaling 39 people. The results of the study found that: 1) The effect of work motivation on the performance of MA Hikmatul Amanah teachers was 23.9%, with a research t value of 1.589 0.05; 2) The effect of work discipline on Hikmatul Amanah's teacher performance was 40.9% with a research t value of 2.717 > t table of 1.687 and a significant value of 0.010 F table of 3.25. The influence of motivation and work discipline on teacher performance at MA Wisdom Amanah Pacet needs to be considered. Solutions to the problem are sought to be more helpful in improving teacher performance in the future