1,711 research outputs found
On subfields of the Hermitian function fields involving the involution automorphism
A function field over a finite field is called maximal if it achieves the
Hasse-Weil bound. Finding possible genera that maximal function fields achieve
has both theoretical interest and practical applications to coding theory and
other topics. As a subfield of a maximal function field is also maximal, one
way to find maximal function fields is to find all subfields of a maximal
function field. Due to the large automorphism group of the Hermitian function
field, it is natural to find as many subfields of the Hermitian function field
as possible. In literature, most of papers studied subfields fixed by subgroups
of the decomposition group at one point (usually the point at infinity). This
is because it becomes much more complicated to study the subfield fixed by a
subgroup that is not contained in the decomposition group at one point.
In this paper, we study subfields of the Hermitian function field fixed by
subgroups that are not contained in the decomposition group of any point except
the cyclic subgroups. It turns out that some new maximal function fields are
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RTeQTL: Real-Time Online Engine for Expression Quantitative Trait Loci Analyses
Our database tool, called Real-Time Engine for Expression Quantitative Trait Loci Analyses (RTeQTL), can efficiently provide eQTL association results that are not available in existing eQTL databases browsers. These functions include (i) single SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) and (ii) two-SNP conditional eQTL effects on gene expression regardless of the magnitude of P-values. The database is based on lymphoblastoid cell lines from >900 samples with global gene expression and genome-wide genotyped and imputed SNP data. The detailed result for any pairs of gene and SNPs can be efficiently computed and browsed online, as well as downloaded in batch mode. This is the only tool that can assess the independent effect of a disease- or trait-associated SNP on gene expression conditioning on other SNPs of interest, such as the top eQTL of the same gene. It is also useful to identify eQTLs for candidate genes, which are often missed in existing eQTL browsers, which only store results with genome-wide significant P-value. Additional analyses stratifying by gender can also be easily achieved by this tool. Database URL: http://eqtl.rc.fas.harvard.edu
Estimating the External Returns to Education: Evidence from China
Using longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, we examine how individual wages change in line with the share of college graduates in a given province. The individual fixed effect model shows that the external returns to education in China appear to be zero. We estimate an instrumental variables fixed effects model where share of college graduates is instrumented by the number of universities with special status and find positive external returns to education of about 10 per cent to 14 per cent. We also find that the returns are affected by individual heterogeneity. While negligible returns are found for urban, women, and high-educated workers, the returns are positive and statistically significant for rural, men, and low-educated workers. This finding provides the motivation for increasing education investment in rural China and targeting it more toward poorly educated workers
Transportation inequalities: From Poisson to Gibbs measures
We establish an optimal transportation inequality for the Poisson measure on
the configuration space. Furthermore, under the Dobrushin uniqueness condition,
we obtain a sharp transportation inequality for the Gibbs measure on
or the continuum Gibbs measure on the configuration
space.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/00-BEJ268 the Bernoulli
(http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical
Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm
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