14 research outputs found
Coding for Indonesian elementary school students: parents’ perceptions
In the digital era, coding skills have become increasingly prevalent and are now taught in schools. This paper aims to illuminate parents' perceptions of coding education for elementary school students in Indonesia. The study focuses on eight parents who enrolled their children in a coding school in Central Java, Indonesia. To gather data, open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The collected data were subsequently analyzed thematically. The study revealed that parents held positive perceptions of coding skills for elementary school students. This positivity stemmed from their awareness of the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the anticipation of the future impact of ICT skills, trust in the institution, and their children's interest in ICT. Furthermore, parents expressed positive perceptions of their children's progress, attributing it to improved coding skills and positive attitudes. They emphasized the importance of mutual collaboration and communication between parents and schools to enhance the learning experience. In addition to offering a coding curriculum, the school provided parents with up-to-date information about ICT through seminars and regular digital content distribution. The collaboration between the school and parents extended to establishing rules regarding the use of mobile phones and PCs to prevent potential harms from excessive device usage. This suggests that the success of coding education for children necessitates effective collaboration between parents and schools
Behavior has an important role to influence oral hygiene status. An important component in behavior is knowledge, attitudes and actions. The residents of Samin Surosentiko Blora Regency have a characteristic ignoring the appearance and cleanliness of themselves and the surrounding environment. The results of the OHI-S examination of 50 people from Samin Surosentiko in Blimbing Hamlet, Sambongrejo Village, Sambong District, Blora Regency, found to have 30 people (60%) who had OHI-S status with poor criteria accompanied by tooth and mouth problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of behavior (knowledge, attitudes, and actions) on the maintenance of teeth and mouth on oral hygiene status (OHI-S) of Samin Surosentiko Residents in Blora Regency. Type of research used was descriptive analytic. Research design was survey with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were residents of Samin Surosentiko in Blimbing Hamlet, Sambongrejo Village, Sambong Subdistrict, Blora Regency aged 20-36 years and had a set of 180 teeth. Samples were taken by random sampling of 20% of the population of 36 people. Descriptive data analysed by cross tab and statistically using Chi Square Test. Results showed that the majority of respondents had oral health maintenance behaviors in poor criteria with a bad OHI-S status (41.7%). The Chi Square Test results showed that there was an effect on oral health maintenance behavior on OHI-S status (p = 0.000). Conclusion of the study was that there was an effect of oral health maintenance behavior on OHI-S status in Samin Surosentiko residents in Blora Regency (p = 0.000), where the attitude component is the most influential (p = 0.000)
Cost-effectiveness analysis of empiric antibiotics in hospitalized community-acquired Pneumonia
Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) remains an important infectious disease due to its impact on patient outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the clinical outcome and especially costs of hospitalization for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) concerning empirical antibiotics. This research was conducted to estimate the cost-effectiveness of levofloxacin, ceftriaxone, and a combination of ceftriaxone and azithromycin aiming to improve the clinical outcome of CAP. A retrospective observational study was conducted in secondary care, University Hospital in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The study enrolled all CAP patients hospitalized in the period January until December 2018, with ages≥ 18 years old, and at least used antibiotic for three days. We compared cost-effectiveness, as measured by total cost and proportion of patients successfully treated, of 3 empirical antibiotics for inpatient CAP, involving ceftriaxone, levofloxacin, or combination ceftriaxone + azithromycin. Our analyses were conducted based on a healthcare perspective. In all groups were analyzed based on severity classification (Pneumonia Severity Index score). The use of levofloxacin instead of ceftriaxone improved clinical response, but it is more expensive. Levofloxacin was the most cost-effective based on ACER value. Treatment using a combination of ceftriaxone + azithromycin was more expensive without added benefit. Based on this study, the use of levofloxacin as the first-line therapy for CAP could be maintained because it was more cost-effective than other alternatives. Since the limitations, a study on a broader population is needed to confirm these findings
The effect of listening to Holy Quran recitation on stress among healthy adults: a non-blinded randomized controlled trial
Stress is the body’s inability to reach a balance between physical or psychological demands and the ability to meet them. Failure to meet these demands has a crucial impact which includes physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Recitation of the Quran is believed to cause relaxation by lowering adrenocorticotropic and cortisol hormonal levels. This study aimed to assess the effects of Quran recitation on stress levels using the biofeedback indicators electromyogram, skin conductance, and heart rate among healthy adults.
This study used a pre- and post-test group design involving 40 males between 19 and 23 years of age, randomized into two groups, i.e. control group (n=20) and Quran recitation listeners (n=20). The subjects were conditioned in a quiet room for 30 minutes before the stress level measurements were taken. The stress level measurements by means of electromyogram, skin conductance, and heart rate were performed with biofeedback before and after giving the stressor tests’ protocol. Statistical analysis using independent t-test was then performed.
The baseline comparative measurement using biofeedback between control and treatment groups revealed nonsignificant between-group differences in electromyogram, skin conductance, and heart rate (p=0.150; p= 0.389; and p=0.985 respectively). After applying the stress protocol followed by the intervention, the independent t-test revealed significant between-group differences in electromyogram and skin conductance (p= 0.042 and p=0.030), but not in heart rate (p=0.741).
Our study demonstrated that Quran recitation has a significant effect in relieving stress levels assessed using biofeedback parameters (electromyogram and skin conductance) among healthy adults
Mobile ad hoc network testbed using mobile robot technology
MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) researchers have shown increased interest in using mobile robot technology for their testbed platforms. Thus, the main motivation of this paper is to review various robot-based MANET testbeds that have been developed in previously reported research. Additionally, suggestions to heighten mobility mechanisms by using mobile robots to be more practical, easy and inexpensive are also included in this paper, as we unveils ToMRobot, a low-cost MANET robot created from an ordinary remote control car that is capable of performing a real system MANET testbed with the addition of only a few low-cost electronic components. Despite greatly reduced costs, the ToMRobot does not sacrifice any of the necessary MANET basic structures and will still be easily customizable and upgradeable through the use of open hardware technology like Cubieboard2 and Arduino, as its robot controller. This paper will also include guidelines to enable technically limited MANET researchers to design and develop the ToMRobot. It is hoped that this paper achieves its two pronged objectives namely (i) to facilitate other MANET researchers by providing them with a source of reference that eases their decision making for selecting the best and most suitable MANET mobile robots for real mobility in their MANET testbeds (ii) to provide MANET researchers with a prospect of building their own MANET robots that can be applied in their own MANET testbed in the future
The potential use of service-oriented infrastructure framework to enable transparent vertical scalability of cloud computing infrastructure
Cloud computing technology has become familiar to most Internet users. Subsequently, there has been an increased growth in the use of cloud computing, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). To ensure that IaaS can easily meet the growing demand, IaaS providers usually increase the capacity of their facilities in a vertical IaaS increase capability and the capacity for local IaaS amenities such as increasing the number of servers, storage and network bandwidth. However, at the same time, horizontal scalability is sometimes not enough and requires additional strategies to ensure that the large number of IaaS service requests can be met. Therefore, strategies requiring horizontal scalability are more complex than the vertical scalability strategies because they involve the interaction of more than one facility at different service centers. To reduce the complexity of the implementation of the horizontal scalability of the IaaS infrastructures, the use of a technology service oriented infrastructure is recommended to ensure that the interaction between two or more different service centers can be done more simply and easily even though it is likely to involve a wide range of communication technologies and different cloud computing management. This is because the service oriented infrastructure acts as a middle man that translates and processes interactions and protocols of different cloud computing infrastructures without the modification of the complex to ensure horizontal scalability can be run easily and smoothly. This paper presents the potential of using a service-oriented infrastructure framework to enable transparent vertical scalability of cloud computing infrastructures by adapting three projects in this research: SLA@SOI consortium, Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI), and OpenStack
Mobile ad hoc network testbed using mobile robot technology
MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) researchers have shown increased interest in
using mobile robot technology for their testbed platforms. Thus, the main motivation of this
paper is to review various robot-based MANET testbeds that have been developed in
previously reported research. Additionally, suggestions to heighten mobility mechanisms by
using mobile robots to be more practical, easy and inexpensive are also included in this paper,
as we unveils ToMRobot, a low-cost MANET robot created from an ordinary remote control
car that is capable of performing a real system MANET testbed with the addition of only a few
low-cost electronic components. Despite greatly reduced costs, the ToMRobot does not
sacrifice any of the necessary MANET basic structures and will still be easily customisable
and upgradeable through the use of open hardware technology like Cubieboard2 and Arduino,
as its robot controller. This paper will also include guidelines to enable technically limited
MANET researchers to design and develop the ToMRobot. It is hoped that this paper achieves
its two pronged objectives namely (i) to facilitate other MANET researchers by providing
them with a source of reference that eases their decision making for selecting the best and
most suitable MANET mobile robots for real mobility in their MANET testbeds (ii) to provide
MANET researchers with a prospect of building their own MANET robots that can be applied
in their own MANET testbed in the future
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Diet Diabetes, Self Management diabetes dan Penurunan Tingkat Stres Menjalani Diet pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Universitas Sebelas Maret
Diabetes Mellitus adalah penyakit kronik yang disebabkan oleh faktor genetik, karena kesalahan pola makan, atau gaya hidup yang tidak sehat. Diet Diabetes dan Self management Diabetes menjadi poin penting pada tata laksana DM tipe 2. Persadia (Perhimpunan Diabetes Indonesia) adalah perkumpulan pasien dan keluarga penderita diabetes di Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk edukasi pada pasien DM tipe 2. Persadia bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita diabetes dan mencegah komplikasi diabetes pada pasien diabetes. Analisis situasi sebelumnya menunjukkan pasien diabetes anggota persadia cabang Surakarta mempunyai keterbatasan dalam pengetahuan tentang diet diabetes, self managemengt diabetes, dan tingkat stres dalam menjalakan diet cukup tinggi. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah pengabdian untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan diet diabetes, self management diabetes, dan menurunkan tingkat stres pada pasien DM tipe 2 anggota persadia di RS UNS. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan pemberian ceramah, diskusi, dan video edukasi. Sebelum dan sesudah pengabdian dilakukan pemberian kuesioner pengetahuan diet diabetes, kuesioner self management diabetes, dan kuesioner tingkat stres dalam menjalankan diet. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan diet diabetes (rerata peningkatan skor pengetahuan diet diabetes adalah 24,5+6,2), self management diabetes (rerata peningkatan skor self management diabetes 8,2+ 4,34), dan penurunan tingkat stres (rerata penurunan skor 14,5+5,32) pada pasien DM tipe 2 anggota persadia di RS UNS. Secara tidak langsung kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini akan meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan pada pasien DM tipe 2 dalam lingkungan persadia RS UNS