1,566 research outputs found

    Digital Availability of Product Information for Collaborative Engineering of Spacecraft

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    In this paper, we introduce a system to collect product information from manufacturers and make it available in tools that are used for concurrent design of spacecraft. The planning of a spacecraft needs experts from different disciplines, like propulsion, power, and thermal. Since these different disciplines rely on each other there is a high need for communication between them, which is often realized by a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) process and corresponding tools. We show by comparison that the product information provided by manufacturers often does not match the information needed by MBSE tools on a syntactic or semantic level. The information from manufacturers is also currently not available in machine-readable formats. Afterwards, we present a prototype of a system that makes product information from manufacturers directly available in MBSE tools, in a machine-readable way.Comment: accepted at CDVE201

    Lesion detection and Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy via Two-stages Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We propose an automatic diabetic retinopathy (DR) analysis algorithm based on two-stages deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN). Compared to existing DCNN-based DR detection methods, the proposed algorithm have the following advantages: (1) Our method can point out the location and type of lesions in the fundus images, as well as giving the severity grades of DR. Moreover, since retina lesions and DR severity appear with different scales in fundus images, the integration of both local and global networks learn more complete and specific features for DR analysis. (2) By introducing imbalanced weighting map, more attentions will be given to lesion patches for DR grading, which significantly improve the performance of the proposed algorithm. In this study, we label 12,206 lesion patches and re-annotate the DR grades of 23,595 fundus images from Kaggle competition dataset. Under the guidance of clinical ophthalmologists, the experimental results show that our local lesion detection net achieve comparable performance with trained human observers, and the proposed imbalanced weighted scheme also be proved to significantly improve the capability of our DCNN-based DR grading algorithm

    Space-Variant Gabor Decomposition for Filtering 3D Medical Images

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    This is an experimental paper in which we introduce the possibility to analyze and to synthesize 3D medical images by using multivariate Gabor frames with Gaussian windows. Our purpose is to apply a space-variant filter-like operation in the space-frequency domain to correct medical images corrupted by different types of acquisitions errors. The Gabor frames are constructed with Gaussian windows sampled on non-separable lattices for a better packing of the space-frequency plane. An implementable solution for 3D-Gabor frames with non-separable lattice is given and numerical tests on simulated data are presented.Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P2751

    InfuShield: a shielded enclosure for administering therapeutic radioisotope treatments using standard syringe pumps.

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    The administration of radionuclide therapies presents significant radiation protection challenges. The aim of this work was to develop a delivery system for intravenous radioisotope therapies to substantially moderate radiation exposures to staff and operators. A novel device (InfuShield) was designed and tested before being used clinically. The device consists of a shielded enclosure which contains the therapeutic activity and, through the hydraulic action of back-to-back syringes, allows the activity to be administered using a syringe pump external to the enclosure. This enables full access to the pump controls while simultaneously reducing dose to the operator. The system is suitable for use with all commercially available syringe pumps and does not require specific consumables, maximising both the flexibility and economy of the system. Dose rate measurements showed that at key stages in an I mIBG treatment procedure, InfuShield can reduce dose to operators by several orders of magnitude. Tests using typical syringes and infusion speeds show no significant alteration in administered flow rates (maximum of 1.2%). The InfuShield system provides a simple, safe and low cost method of radioisotope administration

    Structured Multi-Level Feature Interaction Identification

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    This is a conference paper.Features are an established means of adding non-geometric information and extra geometric semantics to conventional CAD systems. It has been already realised that although feature-based modelling is necessary for the next generation of integrated design and manufacturing systems, inherent feature interactions pose a difficulty in representing and manipulating geometric design. This paper presents a structured multi-level geometric feature interaction classification scheme implemented within a Design-by Feature (DbF) system for representation validation analysis. Various feature interaction definitions and classification methods are first surveyed. The elements and the tests used for the identification process are presented. The classification encompasses existing feature interference cases found in the literature, uses a clear structure for the classification and, is applied at three different levels

    What are we measuring? A critique of range of motion methods currently in use for Dupuytren's disease and recommendations for practice

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    Background: Range of motion is the most frequently reported measure used in practice to evaluate outcomes. A goniometer is the most reliable tool to assess range of motion yet, the lack of consistency in reporting prevents comparison between studies. The aim of this study is to identify how range of motion is currently assessed and reported in Dupuytren’s disease literature. Following analysis recommendations for practice will be made to enable consistency in future studies for comparability. This paper highlights the variation in range of motion reporting in Dupuytren’s disease. Methods: A Participants, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes and Study design format was used for the search strategy and search terms. Surgery, needle fasciotomy or collagenase injection for primary or recurrent Dupuytren’s disease in adults were included if outcomes were monitored using range of motion to record change. A literature search was performed in May 2013 using subject heading and free-text terms to also capture electronic publications ahead of print. In total 638 publications were identified and following screening 90 articles met the inclusion criteria. Data was extracted and entered onto a spreadsheet for analysis. A thematic analysis was carried out to establish any duplication, resulting in the final range of motion measures identified. Results: Range of motion measurement lacked clarity, with goniometry reportedly used in only 43 of the 90 studies, 16 stated the use of a range of motion protocol. A total of 24 different descriptors were identified describing range of motion in the 90 studies. While some studies reported active range of motion, others reported passive or were unclear. Eight of the 24 categories were identified through thematic analysis as possibly describing the same measure, ‘lack of joint extension’ and accounted for the most frequently used. Conclusions: Published studies lacked clarity in reporting range of motion, preventing data comparison and meta-analysis. Percentage change lacks context and without access to raw data, does not allow direct comparison of baseline characteristics. A clear description of what is being measured within each study was required. It is recommended that range of motion measuring and reporting for Dupuytren’s disease requires consistency to address issues that fall into 3 main categories:- Definition of terms Protocol statement Outcome reportin

    A Systematic Review of Online Sex Addiction and Clinical Treatments Using CONSORT Evaluation

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    Researchers have suggested that the advances of the Internet over the past two decades have gradually eliminated traditional offline methods of obtaining sexual material. Additionally, research on cybersex and/or online sex addictions has increased alongside the development of online technology. The present study extended the findings from Griffiths’ (2012) systematic empirical review of online sex addiction by additionally investigating empirical studies that implemented and/or documented clinical treatments for online sex addiction in adults. A total of nine studies were identified and then each underwent a CONSORT evaluation. The main findings of the present review provide some evidence to suggest that some treatments (both psychological and/or pharmacological) provide positive outcomes among those experiencing difficulties with online sex addiction. Similar to Griffiths’ original review, this study recommends that further research is warranted to establish the efficacy of empirically driven treatments for online sex addiction

    Transcriptome profiling of grapevine seedless segregants during berry development reveals candidate genes associated with berry weight

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    Indexación: Web of Science; PubMedBackground Berry size is considered as one of the main selection criteria in table grape breeding programs. However, this is a quantitative and polygenic trait, and its genetic determination is still poorly understood. Considering its economic importance, it is relevant to determine its genetic architecture and elucidate the mechanisms involved in its expression. To approach this issue, an RNA-Seq experiment based on Illumina platform was performed (14 libraries), including seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight at fruit setting (FST) and 6–8 mm berries (B68) phenological stages. Results A group of 526 differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified, by comparing seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight: 101 genes from the FST stage and 463 from the B68 stage. Also, we integrated differential expression, principal components analysis (PCA), correlations and network co-expression analyses to characterize the transcriptome profiling observed in segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. After this, 68 DE genes were selected as candidate genes, and seven candidate genes were validated by real time-PCR, confirming their expression profiles. Conclusions We have carried out the first transcriptome analysis focused on table grape seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in berry weight determination. Also, this comparative transcriptome profiling revealed candidate genes for berry weight which could be evaluated as selection tools in table grape breeding programs.http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0789-

    The formation of professional identity in medical students: considerations for educators

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    <b>Context</b> Medical education is about more than acquiring an appropriate level of knowledge and developing relevant skills. To practice medicine students need to develop a professional identity – ways of being and relating in professional contexts.<p></p> <b>Objectives</b> This article conceptualises the processes underlying the formation and maintenance of medical students’ professional identity drawing on concepts from social psychology.<p></p> <b>Implications</b> A multi-dimensional model of identity and identity formation, along with the concepts of identity capital and multiple identities, are presented. The implications for educators are discussed.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> Identity formation is mainly social and relational in nature. Educators, and the wider medical society, need to utilise and maximise the opportunities that exist in the various relational settings students experience. Education in its broadest sense is about the transformation of the self into new ways of thinking and relating. Helping students form, and successfully integrate their professional selves into their multiple identities, is a fundamental of medical education