9,911 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of neutron Cooper pair in weakly bound nuclei

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    Asymptotic form of neutron Cooper pair penetrating to the exterior of nuclear surface is investigated with the Bogoliubov theory for the superfluid Fermions. Based on a two-particle Schr\"{o}dinger equation governing the Cooper pair wave function and systematic studies for both weakly bound and stable nuclei, the Cooper pair is shown to be spatially correlated even in the asymptotic large distance limit, and the penetration length of the pair condensate is revealed to be universally governed by the two-neutron separation energy S2nS_{2n} and the di-neutron mass 2m2m

    Adiabatic Selfconsistent Collective Coordinate Method for Large Amplitude Collective Motion in Superconducting Nuclei

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    An adiabatic approximation to the selfconsistent collective coordinate method is formulated in order to describe large amplitude collective motions in superconducting nuclei on the basis of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equations of motion. The basic equations are presented in a local harmonic form which can be solved in a similar way as the quasiparticle RPA equations. The formalism guarantees the conservation of nucleon number expectation values. An extension to the multi-dimensional case is also discussed

    Pair correlation of giant halo nuclei in continuum Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory

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    The giant halos predicted in neutron-rich Zr isotopes with A=124−138A=124-138 are investigated by using the self-consistent continuum Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach, in which the asymptotic behavior of continuum quasiparticle states is properly treated by the Green's function method. We study in detail the neutron pair correlation involved in the giant halo by analyzing the asymptotic exponential tail of the neutron pair condensate (pair density) in addition to that of the neutron particle density. The neutron quasiparticle spectra associated with these giant halo nuclei are examined. It is found that the asymptotic exponential tail of the neutron pair condensate is dominated by non-resonant continuum quasiparticle states corresponding to the scattering states with low asymptotic kinetic energy. This is in contrast to the asymptotic tail of the neutron density, whose main contributions arise from the resonant quasiparticle states corresponding to the weakly-bound single-particle orbits and resonance orbits in the Hartree-Fock potential

    Collective Paths Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Shapes in 68Se and 72Kr Suggested by the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method

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    By means of the adiabatic self-consistent collective coordinate method and the pairing-plus-quadrupole interaction, we have obtained the self-consistent collective path connecting the oblate and prolate local minima in 68Se and 72Kr for the first time. The self-consistent collective path is found to run approximately along the valley connecting the oblate and prolate local minima in the collective potential energy landscape. This result of calculation clearly indicates the importance of triaxial deformation dynamics in oblate-prolate shape coexistence phenomena.Comment: 24 pages including 5 figure

    Application of the Adiabatic Selfconsistent-Collective-Coordinate Method to a Solvable Model of Prolate-Oblate Shape Coexistence

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    The adiabatic selfconsistent collective coordinate method is applied to an exactly solvable multi-O(4) model which simulates nuclear shape coexistence phenomena. Collective mass and dynamics of large amplitude collective motions in this model system are analysed, and it is shown that the method can well describe the tunneling motions through the barrier between the prolate and oblate local minima in the collective potential. Emergence of the doublet pattern is well reproduced.Comment: 25 pages including 9 figure

    Non-axial Octupole Deformations of N=Z Nuclei in A∼60−80A \sim 60-80 Mass Region

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    By performing a fully three dimensional Hartree-Fock calculation with use of the Skyrm forces, we demonstrate possibility of exotic deformations violating both the reflection and the axial symmetries of N=Z nuclei in A∼60−80A \sim 60-80 mass region. The \Ytwo tetrahedral shape predicted in excited \Zr arises from a shell gap at N,Z=40N,Z = 40 which is enhanced for the tetrahedron deformation. Softness toward the \Ythree triangular deformation of the oblate state in \Se is also predicted.Comment: 10 page
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