67 research outputs found
Baryogenesis and neutron-antineutron oscillation at TeV
We propose a TeV extension of the standard model to generate the cosmological
baryon asymmetry with an observable neutron-antineutron oscillation. The new
fields include a singlet fermion, an isotriplet and two isosinglet diquark
scalars. There will be no proton decay although the Majorana mass of the
singlet fermion as well as the trilinear couplings between one isosinglet
diquark and two isotriplet diquarks softly break the baryon number of two
units. The isosinglet diquarks couple to two right-handed down-type quarks or
to a right-handed up-type quark and a singlet fermion, whereas the isotriplet
diquark couples to two left-handed quarks. The isosinglet diquarks mediate the
three-body decays of the singlet fermion to realize a TeV baryogenesis without
fine tuning the resonant effect. By the exchange of one singlet fermion and two
isosinglet diquarks and of one isosinglet diquark and two isotriplet diquarks,
a neutron-antineutron oscillation is allowed to verify in the future
experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Flavor Mediation Delivers Natural SUSY
If supersymmetry (SUSY) solves the hierarchy problem, then naturalness
considerations coupled with recent LHC bounds require non-trivial superpartner
flavor structures. Such "Natural SUSY" models exhibit a large mass hierarchy
between scalars of the third and first two generations as well as degeneracy
(or alignment) among the first two generations. In this work, we show how this
specific beyond the standard model (SM) flavor structure can be tied directly
to SM flavor via "Flavor Mediation". The SM contains an anomaly-free SU(3)
flavor symmetry, broken only by Yukawa couplings. By gauging this flavor
symmetry in addition to SM gauge symmetries, we can mediate SUSY breaking via
(Higgsed) gauge mediation. This automatically delivers a natural SUSY spectrum.
Third-generation scalar masses are suppressed due to the dominant breaking of
the flavor gauge symmetry in the top direction. More subtly, the
first-two-generation scalars remain highly degenerate due to a custodial U(2)
symmetry, where the SU(2) factor arises because SU(3) is rank two. This
custodial symmetry is broken only at order (m_c/m_t)^2. SUSY gauge coupling
unification predictions are preserved, since no new charged matter is
introduced, the SM gauge structure is unaltered, and the flavor symmetry treats
all matter multiplets equally. Moreover, the uniqueness of the anomaly-free
SU(3) flavor group makes possible a number of concrete predictions for the
superpartner spectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. v2 references added, minor changes to
flavor constraints and a little discussion adde
Higgs Boson Mass in Low Scale Gauge Mediation Models
We consider low scale gauge mediation models with a very light gravitino
m_{3/2}~16 eV, in the light of recent experimental hints on the Higgs boson
mass. The light gravitino is very interesting since there is no gravitino
over-production problem, but it seems difficult to explain the Higgs boson mass
of ~125 GeV. This is because of the conflict between the light gravitino mass
and heavy SUSY particle masses needed for producing the relatively heavy Higgs
boson mass. We consider two possible extensions in this paper: a singlet
extension of the Higgs sector, and strongly coupled gauge mediation. We show
that there is a large parameter space, in both scenarios, where the Higgs boson
mass of ~125 GeV is explained without any conflict with such a very light
gravitino.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure
Where the Sidewalk Ends: Jets and Missing Energy Search Strategies for the 7 TeV LHC
This work explores the potential reach of the 7 TeV LHC to new colored states
in the context of simplified models and addresses the issue of which search
regions are necessary to cover an extensive set of event topologies and
kinematic regimes. This article demonstrates that if searches are designed to
focus on specific regions of phase space, then new physics may be missed if it
lies in unexpected corners. Simple multiregion search strategies can be
designed to cover all of kinematic possibilities. A set of benchmark models are
created that cover the qualitatively different signatures and a benchmark
multiregion search strategy is presented that covers these models.Comment: 30 pages, 8 Figures, 3 Tables. Version accepted at JHEP. Minor
changes. Added figur
An Alternative Yukawa Unified SUSY Scenario
Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theories with Yukawa unification
represent an appealing possibility for physics beyond the Standard Model.
However Yukawa unification is made difficult by large threshold corrections to
the bottom mass. Generally one is led to consider models where the sfermion
masses are large in order to suppress these corrections. Here we present
another possibility, in which the top and bottom GUT scale Yukawa couplings are
equal to a component of the charged lepton Yukawa matrix at the GUT scale in a
basis where this matrix is not diagonal. Physically, this weak eigenstate
Yukawa unification scenario corresponds to the case where the charged leptons
that are in the 16 of SO(10) containing the top and bottom quarks mix with
their counterparts in another SO(10) multiplet. Diagonalizing the resulting
Yukawa matrix introduces mixings in the neutrino sector. Specifically we find
that for a large region of parameter space with relatively light sparticles,
and which has not been ruled out by current LHC or other data, the mixing
induced in the neutrino sector is such that , in
agreement with data. The phenomenological implications are analyzed in some
detail.Comment: 32 pages, 22 Figure
Impact of LHC Searches on NLSP Top Squark and Gluino Mass
We explore the implications of 7 TeV LHC searches for a scenario in which one
of the stops is the next-to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP). The NLSP
stop (\tilde{t}_1) is assumed to decay exclusively into neutralino and charm
quark. We consider processes where the stops are pair produced together with a
hard QCD jet. We also consider stop quarks from gluino decays, \tilde{g}\to
t\tilde{t}_1^\ast+\bar{t}\tilde{t}_1. We show that the monojet ATLAS and CMS
searches corresponding to 1 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity are sensitive to
stop masses of up to 160 GeV, with the 20% neutralino-stop coannihilation
region essentially ruled out for M_{\tilde{t}_1}\lesssim 140 GeV. The region
M_{\tilde{t}_1}\lesssim 130 GeV is excluded with even relatively larger mass
difference, M_{\tilde{t}_1}-M_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}\sim 40 GeV, by the multi-jets
search. The b-jet and same-sign dilepton searches are sensitive to a heavier
gluino because they only pick up gluino pair production events followed by top
quarks decaying into b-jets and same-sign dileptons, respectively. We find that
the LHC data places a lower limit on the gluino mass in this scenario of about
600 GeV (700 GeV) from b-jets (same-sign dileptons) searches.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures and 4 table
On Naturalness of the MSSM and NMSSM
With a bottom-up approach, we consider naturalness in the MSSM and NMSSM.
Assuming the light stops, the LHC gluino search implies that the degree of fine
tuning in both models is less than 2.5%. Taking the LHC hints for the SM-like
Higgs boson mass m_h\sim125 GeV seriously, we find that naturalness will favor
the NMSSM. We study the Higgs boson mass for several scenarios in the NMSSM:
(1) A large \lambda and the doublet-singlet Higgs boson mixing effect pushing
upward or pulling downward m_h. The former case can readily give the di-photon
excess of the Higgs boson decay whereas the latter case can not. However, we
point out that the former case has a new large fine-tuning related to strong
\lambda-RGE running effect and vacuum stability. (2) A small \lambda and the
mixing effect pushing m_h upward. Naturalness status becomes worse and no
significant di-photon excess can be obtained. In these scenarios, the lightest
supersymmetric particle (LSP) as a dark matter candidate is strongly disfavored
by the XENON100 experiment. Even if the LSP can be a viable dark matter
candidate, there does exist fine-tuning. The above naturalness evaluation is
based on a high mediation scale for supersymmetry breaking, whereas for a low
mediation scale, fine-tuning can be improved by about one order.Comment: JHEP version, adding some comments/references and improving Englis
Constrained SUSY seesaws with a 125 GeV Higgs
Motivated by the ATLAS and CMS discovery of a Higgs-like boson with a mass
around 125 GeV, and by the need of explaining neutrino masses, we analyse the
three canonical SUSY versions of the seesaw mechanism (type I, II and III) with
CMSSM boundary conditions. In type II and III cases, SUSY particles are lighter
than in the CMSSM (or the constrained type I seesaw), for the same set of input
parameters at the universality scale. Thus, to explain
at low energies, one is forced into regions of parameter space with very large
values of , or . We compare the squark and gluino masses
allowed by the ATLAS and CMS ranges for (extracted from the 2011-2012
data), and discuss the possibility of distinguishing seesaw models in view of
future results on SUSY searches. In particular, we briefly comment on the
discovery potential of LHC upgrades, for squark/gluino mass ranges required by
present Higgs mass constraints. A discrimination between different seesaw
models cannot rely on the Higgs mass data alone, therefore we also take into
account the MEG upper limit on BR and show that, in some
cases, this may help to restrict the SUSY parameter space, as well as to set
complementary limits on the seesaw scale.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. v2: comments and references added. Final version
to appear in JHE
Status of low energy SUSY models confronted with the LHC 125 GeV Higgs data
Confronted with the LHC data of a Higgs boson around 125 GeV, different
models of low energy SUSY show different behaviors: some are favored, some are
marginally survived and some are strongly disfavored or excluded. In this note
we update our previous scan over the parameter space of various low energy SUSY
models by considering the latest experimental limits like the LHCb data for
B_s->\mu^+\mu^- and the XENON 100(2012) data for dark matter-neucleon
scattering. Then we confront the predicted properties of the SM-like Higgs
boson in each model with the combined 7 TeV and 8 TeV Higgs search data of the
LHC. For a SM-like Higgs boson around 125 GeV, we have the following
observations: (i) The most favored model is the NMSSM, whose predictions about
the Higgs boson can naturally (without any fine tuning) agree with the
experimental data at 1-sigma level, better than the SM; (ii) The MSSM can fit
the LHC data quite well but suffer from some extent of fine tuning; (iii) The
nMSSM is excluded at 3-sigma level after considering all the available Higgs
data; (iv) The CMSSM is quite disfavored since it is hard to give a 125 GeV
Higgs boson mass and at the same time cannot enhance the di-photon signal rate.Comment: more comprehensive (table and figs showing chi-square added
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