4 research outputs found

    Quasi-multi-Regge Processes with a Quark Exchange in the t-channel

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    The QCD amplitudes for particle's production in the quasi-multi-Regge kinematics with a quark exchange in crossing channels are calculated in the Born approximation. In particular they are needed to find next-to-leading corrections to the quark Regge trajectory and to the integral kernel of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the t-channel partial wave with fermion quantum numbers and a negative signature. The gauge-invariant action for the interaction of the reggeized quarks and gluons with the usual particles is constructed.Comment: LaTeX, 10 page

    Radiative corrections to the quark-gluon-Reggeized quark vertex in QCD

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    This paper is devoted to the calculation of the quark-gluon-Reggeized quark effective vertex in perturbative QCD in the next-to-leading order. The case of QCD with massive quarks is considered. This vertex has a number of applications, in particular, the result can be used for determination of the next-to-leading correction to the massive Reggeized quark trajectory.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, uses axodraw.st

    The Reggeon →\to 2 Reggeons ++ Particle vertex in the Lipatov effective action formalism

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    The vertex for gluon emission during the splitting of a reggeized gluon into two is constructed in the framework of Lipatov effective action formalism. Its reduction to a pure transverse form for the diffractive amplitude gives the standard Bartels vertex plus an additional contribution corresponding to the emission from a pointlike splitting vertex. This additional contribution turns out to be given by a longitudinal integral divergent both in the ultraviolet and infrared. A certain specific recipe for this part, including the principal value prescription for the integration, allows to eliminate this unwanted contribution.Comment: 4 figures; misprints corrected; to be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    No phylogeny without ontogeny — a comparative and developmental search for the sources of sleep-like neural and behavioral rhythms

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