60 research outputs found
Scaling detection in time series: diffusion entropy analysis
The methods currently used to determine the scaling exponent of a complex
dynamic process described by a time series are based on the numerical
evaluation of variance. This means that all of them can be safely applied only
to the case where ordinary statistical properties hold true even if strange
kinetics are involved. We illustrate a method of statistical analysis based on
the Shannon entropy of the diffusion process generated by the time series,
called Diffusion Entropy Analysis (DEA). We adopt artificial Gauss and L\'{e}vy
time series, as prototypes of ordinary and anomalus statistics, respectively,
and we analyse them with the DEA and four ordinary methods of analysis, some of
which are very popular. We show that the DEA determines the correct scaling
exponent even when the statistical properties, as well as the dynamic
properties, are anomalous. The other four methods produce correct results in
the Gauss case but fail to detect the correct scaling in the case of L\'{e}vy
statistics.Comment: 21 pages,10 figures, 1 tabl
Target-searching on the percolation
We study target-searching processes on a percolation, on which a hunter
tracks a target by smelling odors it emits. The odor intensity is supposed to
be inversely proportional to the distance it propagates. The Monte Carlo
simulation is performed on a 2-dimensional bond-percolation above the
threshold. Having no idea of the location of the target, the hunter determines
its moves only by random attempts in each direction. For lager percolation
connectivity , it reveals a scaling law for the searching time
versus the distance to the position of the target. The scaling exponent is
dependent on the sensitivity of the hunter. For smaller , the scaling law is
broken and the probability of finding out the target significantly reduces. The
hunter seems trapped in the cluster of the percolation and can hardly reach the
goal.Comment: 5 figure
From deterministic dynamics to kinetic phenomena
We investigate a one-dimenisonal Hamiltonian system that describes a system
of particles interacting through short-range repulsive potentials. Depending on
the particle mean energy, , the system demonstrates a spectrum of
kinetic regimes, characterized by their transport properties ranging from
ballistic motion to localized oscillations through anomalous diffusion regimes.
We etsablish relationships between the observed kinetic regimes and the
"thermodynamic" states of the system. The nature of heat conduction in the
proposed model is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Biased diffusion in a piecewise linear random potential
We study the biased diffusion of particles moving in one direction under the
action of a constant force in the presence of a piecewise linear random
potential. Using the overdamped equation of motion, we represent the first and
second moments of the particle position as inverse Laplace transforms. By
applying to these transforms the ordinary and the modified Tauberian theorem,
we determine the short- and long-time behavior of the mean-square displacement
of particles. Our results show that while at short times the biased diffusion
is always ballistic, at long times it can be either normal or anomalous. We
formulate the conditions for normal and anomalous behavior and derive the laws
of biased diffusion in both these cases.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
Truncated Levy Random Walks and Generalized Cauchy Processes
A continuous Markovian model for truncated Levy random walks is proposed. It
generalizes the approach developed previously by Lubashevsky et al. Phys. Rev.
E 79, 011110 (2009); 80, 031148 (2009), Eur. Phys. J. B 78, 207 (2010) allowing
for nonlinear friction in wondering particle motion and saturation of the noise
intensity depending on the particle velocity. Both the effects have own reason
to be considered and individually give rise to truncated Levy random walks as
shown in the paper. The nonlinear Langevin equation governing the particle
motion was solved numerically using an order 1.5 strong stochastic Runge-Kutta
method and the obtained numerical data were employed to calculate the geometric
mean of the particle displacement during a certain time interval and to
construct its distribution function. It is demonstrated that the time
dependence of the geometric mean comprises three fragments following one
another as the time scale increases that can be categorized as the ballistic
regime, the Levy type regime (superballistic, quasiballistic, or superdiffusive
one), and the standard motion of Brownian particles. For the intermediate Levy
type part the distribution of the particle displacement is found to be of the
generalized Cauchy form with cutoff. Besides, the properties of the random
walks at hand are shown to be determined mainly by a certain ratio of the
friction coefficient and the noise intensity rather then their characteristics
individually.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Symbolic stochastic dynamical systems viewed as binary N-step Markov chains
A theory of systems with long-range correlations based on the consideration
of binary N-step Markov chains is developed. In the model, the conditional
probability that the i-th symbol in the chain equals zero (or unity) is a
linear function of the number of unities among the preceding N symbols. The
correlation and distribution functions as well as the variance of number of
symbols in the words of arbitrary length L are obtained analytically and
numerically. A self-similarity of the studied stochastic process is revealed
and the similarity group transformation of the chain parameters is presented.
The diffusion Fokker-Planck equation governing the distribution function of the
L-words is explored. If the persistent correlations are not extremely strong,
the distribution function is shown to be the Gaussian with the variance being
nonlinearly dependent on L. The applicability of the developed theory to the
coarse-grained written and DNA texts is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure
Anomalous diffusion and Tsallis statistics in an optical lattice
We point out a connection between anomalous quantum transport in an optical
lattice and Tsallis' generalized thermostatistics. Specifically, we show that
the momentum equation for the semiclassical Wigner function that describes
atomic motion in the optical potential, belongs to a class of transport
equations recently studied by Borland [PLA 245, 67 (1998)]. The important
property of these ordinary linear Fokker--Planck equations is that their
stationary solutions are exactly given by Tsallis distributions. Dissipative
optical lattices are therefore new systems in which Tsallis statistics can be
experimentally studied.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Number of distinct sites visited by N random walkers on a Euclidean lattice
The evaluation of the average number S_N(t) of distinct sites visited up to
time t by N independent random walkers all starting from the same origin on an
Euclidean lattice is addressed. We find that, for the nontrivial time regime
and for large N, S_N(t) \approx \hat S_N(t) (1-\Delta), where \hat S_N(t) is
the volume of a hypersphere of radius (4Dt \ln N)^{1/2},
\Delta={1/2}\sum_{n=1}^\infty \ln^{-n} N \sum_{m=0}^n s_m^{(n)} \ln^{m} \ln N,
d is the dimension of the lattice, and the coefficients s_m^{(n)} depend on the
dimension and time. The first three terms of these series are calculated
explicitly and the resulting expressions are compared with other approximations
and with simulation results for dimensions 1, 2, and 3. Some implications of
these results on the geometry of the set of visited sites are discussed.Comment: 15 pages (RevTex), 4 figures (eps); to appear in Phys. Rev.
Scaling-violation phenomena and fractality in the human posture control systems
By analyzing the movements of quiet standing persons by means of wavelet
statistics, we observe multiple scaling regions in the underlying body
dynamics. The use of the wavelet-variance function opens the possibility to
relate scaling violations to different modes of posture control. We show that
scaling behavior becomes close to perfect, when correctional movements are
dominated by the vestibular system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
Does strange kinetics imply unusual thermodynamics?
We introduce a fractional Fokker-Planck equation (FFPE) for Levy flights in
the presence of an external field. The equation is derived within the framework
of the subordination of random processes which leads to Levy flights. It is
shown that the coexistence of anomalous transport and a potential displays a
regular exponential relaxation towards the Boltzmann equilibrium distribution.
The properties of the Levy-flight FFPE derived here are compared with earlier
findings for subdiffusive FFPE. The latter is characterized by a
non-exponential Mittag-Leffler relaxation to the Boltzmann distribution. In
both cases, which describe strange kinetics, the Boltzmann equilibrium is
reached and modifications of the Boltzmann thermodynamics are not required
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