81 research outputs found

    QCD critical point and event-by-event fluctuations in heavy ion collisions

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    A summary of work done in collaboration with K. Rajagopal and E. Shuryak. We show how heavy ion collision experiments, in particular, event-by-event fluctuation measurements, can lead to the discovery of the critical point on the phase diagram of QCD.Comment: 4 pages. Summary of work done in collaboration with K. Rajagopal and E. Shuryak (hep-ph/9903292). To be published in the proceedings of Quark Matter 99, Torino, Italy, May 10-14, 199

    Dirac operator as a random matrix and the quenched limit of QCD with chemical potential

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    The behavior of quenched QCD at nonzero chemical potential μ\mu has been a long-standing puzzle. An explicit solution is found using the random matrix approach to chiral symmetry breaking. At nonzero μ\mu the quenched QCD is not a simple n0n\to0 limit of a theory with nn quarks: a naive `replica trick' fails. A limit that leads to the quenched QCD is that of a theory with 2n2n quarks: nn quarks with original action and nn quarks with conjugate action.Comment: 3 pages, espcrc, 2 figures. Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature

    The Phase Diagram of QCD

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    We show that current experimental knowledge of QCD together with general model independent arguments such as continuity, universality and thermodynamic relations, as well as the information gained from various models can be used to constrain the phase diagram of QCD as a function of temperature and baryon chemical potential.Comment: 6 pages; to appear in Proceedings of the Intl Workshop on QCD at Finite Baryon Density, Bielefeld, Germany, April 199

    Fluctuations as probe of the QCD phase transition and freeze-out in heavy ion collisions at LHC and RHIC

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    We discuss the relevance of higher order moments of net baryon number fluctuations for the analysis of freeze-out and critical conditions in heavy ion collisions at LHC and RHIC. Using properties of O(4) scaling functions, we discuss the generic structure of these higher moments at vanishing baryon chemical potential and apply chiral model calculations to explore their properties at non-zero baryon chemical potential. We show that the ratios of the sixth to second and eighth to second order moments of the net baryon number fluctuations change rapidly in the transition region of the QCD phase diagram. Already at vanishing baryon chemical potential they deviate considerably from the predictions of the hadron resonance gas model which reproduce the second to fourth order moments of the net proton number fluctuations at RHIC. We point out that the sixth order moments of baryon number and electric charge fluctuations remain negative at the chiral transition temperature. Thus, they offer the possibility to probe the proximity of the thermal freeze-out to the crossover line.Comment: 24 pages, 12 EPS files, revised version, to appear in EPJ

    On the equivalence between 2D Yukawa and Gross-Neveu models

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    We study numerically on the lattice the 2D Yukawa model with the U(1) chiral symmetry and NFN_F = 16 at infinite scalar field self-coupling. The scaling behaviour of the fermion mass, as the Yukawa coupling approaches zero, is analysed using the mean field method. It is found to agree with that of the Gross-Neveu model with the same symmetry and NFN_F. The results suggest that the 2D Yukawa models belong to the universality class of the Gross-Neveu models not only at weak scalar field self-coupling but also for a broad range of the bare parameters which is not accessible to the 1/NF1/N_F expansion. New universality classes might arise at the crossover to the spin model universality class, however.Comment: 18 pages, Juelich HLRZ 111/9

    The QCD Phase Diagram at Nonzero Temperature, Baryon and Isospin Chemical Potentials in Random Matrix Theory

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    We introduce a random matrix model with the symmetries of QCD at finite temperature and chemical potentials for baryon number and isospin. We analyze the phase diagram of this model in the chemical potential plane for different temperatures and quark masses. We find a rich phase structure with five different phases separated by both first and second order lines. The phases are characterized by the pion condensate and the chiral condensate for each of the flavors. In agreement with lattice simulations, we find that in the phase with zero pion condensate the critical temperature depends in the same way on the baryon number chemical potential and on the isospin chemical potential. At nonzero quark mass, we remarkably find that the critical end point at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential is split in two by an arbitrarily small isospin chemical potential. As a consequence, there are two crossovers that separate the hadronic phase from the quark-gluon plasma phase at high temperature. Detailed analytical results are obtained at zero temperature and in the chiral limit.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX

    Lepton asymmetry and the cosmic QCD transition

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    We study the influence of lepton asymmetry on the evolution of the early Universe. The lepton asymmetry ll is poorly constrained by observations and might be orders of magnitude larger than the baryon asymmetry bb, l/b2×108|l|/b \leq 2\times 10^8. We find that lepton asymmetries that are large compared to the tiny baryon asymmetry, can influence the dynamics of the QCD phase transition significantly. The cosmic trajectory in the μBT\mu_B-T phase diagram of strongly interacting matter becomes a function of lepton (flavour) asymmetry. Large lepton asymmetry could lead to a cosmic QCD phase transition of first order.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures; matches published version, including Erratum. Conclusions, pictures, numerics remained unchange

    Langevin Evolution of Disoriented Chiral Condensate

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    As the matter produced in a relativistic heavy ion collision cools through the QCD phase transition, the dynamical evolution of the chiral condensate will be driven out of thermal equilibrium. As a prelude to analyzing this evolution, and in particular as a prelude to learning how rapid the cooling must be in order for significant deviations from equilibrium to develop, we present a detailed analysis of the time-evolution of an idealized region of disoriented chiral condensate. We set up a Langevin field equation which can describe the evolution of these (or more realistic) linear sigma model configurations in contact with a heat bath representing the presence of other shorter wavelength degrees of freedom. We first analyze the model in equilibrium, paying particular attention to subtracting ultraviolet divergent classical terms and replacing them by their finite quantum counterparts. We use known results from lattice gauge theory and chiral perturbation theory to fix nonuniversal constants. The result is a theory which is ultraviolet cutoff independent and that reproduces quantitatively the expected equilibrium behavior of the quantum field theory of pions and sigma fields over a wide range of temperatures. Finally, we estimate the viscosity η(T)\eta(T), which controls the dynamical timescale in the Langevin equation, by requiring that the timescale for DCC decay agrees with previous calculations. The resulting η(T)\eta(T) is larger than that found perturbatively. We also determine the temperature below which the classical field Langevin equation ceases to be a good model for the quantum field dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, uses RevTex; v2 very small change to the caption of Fig.7. Version to appear in Nucl. phys.

    Unparticle Physics in the Moller Scattering

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    We investigate the virtual effects of vector unparticles in the Moller scattering. We derive the analytic expression for scattering amplitudes with unpolarized beams. We obtain 95% confidence level limits on the unparticle couplings λV\lambda_{V} and λA\lambda_{A} with integrated luminosity of Lint=50,500fb1L_{int}=50, 500 fb^{-1} and s=100,300\sqrt{s}=100, 300 and 500 GeV energies. We show that limits on λV\lambda_{V} are more sensitive than λA\lambda_{A}.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Random matrix analysis of the QCD sign problem for general topology

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    Motivated by the important role played by the phase of the fermion determinant in the investigation of the sign problem in lattice QCD at nonzero baryon density, we derive an analytical formula for the average phase factor of the fermion determinant for general topology in the microscopic limit of chiral random matrix theory at nonzero chemical potential, for both the quenched and the unquenched case. The formula is a nontrivial extension of the expression for zero topology derived earlier by Splittorff and Verbaarschot. Our analytical predictions are verified by detailed numerical random matrix simulations of the quenched theory.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures; v2: minor corrections, references added, figures with increased statistics, as published in JHE