37 research outputs found
Honesty: A Multidimensional Study as Motivation for National Character Building
Honesty has discussed in various disciplines. Honesty studies have carried out to examine the relationship of honesty with many factors that influence certain fields of science. This study aims to present a multidimensional study to convey the goodness of honesty as a tangible manifestation of the normative message that honesty guide to goodness and it will lead to happiness. This study uses a text analysis method in the form of a literature review through searching several resources. The sources that found is analysed by Wilson's procedure. The results of this study shows that honesty as a whole has a good impact on the physical health and mental health of individuals. Honesty related to many psychological attributes. Therefore, it recommended embedding motivations in educational honesty that concluded from various scientific disciplines
Purpose of the study: This study aims to explore religious development programs in boarding schools in Yogyakarta and to find out how the implementation of religious development programs, especially preventive counseling programs.
Methodology: This study used a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection used observation, interviews, and documentation. The subject were religion teachers, counseling teachers, the vice-principal of student affairs, homeroom teachers, students, and parents of the student.
Main Findings: The results showed that there are two religious development programs at boarding schools in Yogyakarta. First, the development of faith and piety towards Allah by providing concepts in the form of a school lesson. Second, a program to teach religious morals values by internalizing religious values about morals. At the beginning of the study, these programs were designed by paying attention to many current teenage issues and anticipating their future.
Applications of this study: This study can be useful in the field of educational psychology, especially in the personality section. The results of this study can be used by counselors at a school to overcome adolescent problems.
Novelty/Originality of this study: This research showed that to make a student well behave in this digital age was not enough if only giving a theoretical study to them but also inviting them to do good things to their teacher. Furthermore, a stay program in the boarding school can be a consideration for parents to form a positive personality for their children
Amsal al-Qur’an: Sebuah Kajian dalam Psikologi Pendidikan Islam
Al-Qur’an memiliki cabang ilmu yang beraneka ragam di dalamnya, salah satunya adalah amsal al-Qur’an, ilmu ini memuat perumpamaan-perumpamaan tentang berbagai hal yang sarat dengan makna dan hikmah yang besar. Amsal al-Qur’an merupakan penyampaian gagasan-gagasan dengan bahasa yang padat dan indah, menghadirkan sesuatu yang abstrak seolah-olah dapat diindrakan oleh manusia, yang sulit difahami dan dibayangkan menjadi hal yang mudah dicerna dan menjadi kongkrit. Hal ini kemudian menjadi pelajaran besar bagi orang yang mau mengkajinya. Para pendidik di kalangan Islam bisa menjadikan amsal al-Qur’an sebagai contoh yang sangat berharga dalam dunia pendidikan baik dari segi tujuan, materi, metode maupun media yang digunakan. Secara garis besar, amtsal al-Qur’an terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu amsal Musharrah, amsal Kaminah, dan amsal Mursalah. Dalam perkembangan ilmu tafsir, amsal memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap perkembangan berfikir umat Islam dalam mendalami dan memahami Al Qur’an. Ayat - ayat Al-Qur’an yang mengandung amsal, mengandung manfaat dalam pendidikan dan juga kejiwaan. Selain itu amsal al-Qur-an juga tidak sepi dari nilai-nilai psikologi baik psikologi umum maupun psikologi pendidikan Islam. Makalah ini akan menyampaikan amsal al-Qur’an dalam kaitannya dengan psikologi dan nilai-nilai pendidikan yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Kata Kunci : Amsal al-Qur’an, Psikologi, Pendidikan.
Al-Quran has many diverse branches of science within, one of them is the proverb of al-Quran. This science contains parables a lot of things that are fully loaded with meaning and great wisdom. The proverbs of the Qur'an are the transmissions of ideas in a dense and beautiful language, presenting something abstract as if it could be induced by human beings, the difficult to understand and to imagine easily becomes digested and concrete. This case then becomes a big lesson for people who want to study it. Educators in Islamic institutions can make the proverbs of the Qur'an as a very valuable example in the world of education both in terms of purpose, materials, methods and media used. Broadly speaking, the proverb of al-Quran is divided into three, namely the proverb of Musharrah, proverb of Kaminah, and proverb of Mursalah. In the development of science of tafsir, proverbs give a considerable contribution to the development of Muslims thinking in deepening and understanding the Qur'an. The Qur'anic verses containing the proverbs, contain both educational and psychological benefits. In addition, the proverb of al-Quran is also not empty of the psychological values ​​of both general psychology and the psychology of Islamic education. This paper will convey the proverbs of the Qur'an related to the psychology and educational values ​​contained within.
Keywords: Amsal al-Quran, Psychology, Education
Pendidikan Kedamaian di Era Digital (Telaah Model Forgiveness dalam Psikologi Islam)
The effort to make Islam a discipline is a necessity, because the sources of knowledge in Islam are infinite. The emerging problem usually does not lie in the matter (ontological) and its value (axiological), but on the matter of how the material is presented scientifically (epistimologically) and how a normative matter is grounded to the point that it can be used by many people. Responding to the changing times of the industry revolutionized 4.0 and in this digital era where many of life's problems increasingly complex. Fights, strife, stress, and the level of frustration increases everywhere. It is demand an educational movement to return to the teachings of Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin. The aims of this paper are to concoct a famous science material in Islam and has become a topic in positive psychology that is forgiveness as an attempt to become a reflection and practice of reconciling the soul in the digital era. Looking back at the teachings of Islam that are full of the value of peace and compassion for the whole of nature which is a manifestation of the nature of forgiveness or forgiveness. This study is qualitative and uses idealistic methods from Islamic psychology disciplinesUpaya menjadikan Islam sebagai disiplin ilmu merupakan suatu keniscayaan, sebab sumber-sumber pengetahuan dalam Islam tak terhingga banyaknya. Problem yang mengemuka biasanya bukan terletak pada materi (ontologis) dan nilanya (aksiologis), melainkan pada masalah bagaimana materi itu disuguhkan secara ilmiah (epistimologis) serta bagaimana sebuah hal normative membumi hingga dapat dengan nyata digunakan oleh banyak orang. Menanggapi perubahan zaman direvolusi industri 4.0 dan di era digital ini dimana banyak persoalan kehidupan semakin komplek. Perkelahian dan pertikaian dimana-mana serta tingkat frustasi meningkat, tingkat stress semakin naik di kalangan para pelajar, maka perlu sebuah gerakan pendidikan untuk kembali kepada ajaran Islam yang rahmatan lil alamin. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah meramu sebuah materi ilmu yang terkenal dalam Islam dan telah menjadi topik dalam psikologi positif yaitu forgiveness sebagai sebuah upaya untuk menjadi renungan dan praktek mendamaikan jiwa di era digital. Melihat kembali ajaran Islam yang sarat dengan nilai perdamaian dan kasih sayang untuk seluruh alam yang merupakan manifestasi dari sifat forgiveness atau kemaafan. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif dan memakai metode idealistik dari disiplin ilmu psikologi Islam
Pendidikan Anak Perspektif Hamka (Kajian Q.S. Luqman/31: 12-19 dalam Tafsir Al-Azhar)
Pendidikan merupakan upaya mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki manusia. Hamka berpendapat bahwa tujuan pendidikan adalah untuk mencapai kebahagiaan di dunia dan kebahagiaan di akhirat. Konsekuensi proses pendidikan anak bertujuan menjadikan anak sebagai hamba Allah yang taat menjalankan perintah dan menjauhi segala laranganNya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka (library research) yang mengkaji tafsir Al-Azhar sebagai data primer dengan menggunakan pendekatan maudhu’i atau tematik. Upaya analisis data, dilakukan dengan mengiventarisir ayat, mengkaji, dan mempertimbangkan aspek historis ayat terkait. Langkah selanjutnya ayat terkait secara objektif diinterpretasikan, secara deskriptif diungkap dan disimpulkan secara deduktif. Berdasar kajian tafsir Q.S. Luqman/31: 12-19, didapati: 1) urgensi pendidikan anak, yakni proses pendampingan dan bimbingan anak untuk mencapai kebahagiaan di dunia dan kebahagiaan di akhirat. Proses pendidikan anak mencakup pendidikan keimanan, berbakti kepada orangtua, pendidikan ibadah, pendidikan akhlak dan amar ma’ruf-nahi munkar; 2) aktualisasi pendidikan anak, difokuskan pada pembentukan karakter, yang diupayakan oleh keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat
Maturitas Agama; Konsep Solusif dalam Lintas Agama dan Budaya: (Tinjauan Psikologis Pendidikan Islam)
Talking about Islamic education conceptually and theoretically is undoubtedly. Many arguments in the Qur'an and Hadith explained the purposes and scopes of Islamic education. There were numerous values and more than eighteen grades of characters, which were discussed by educational leaders. Islam respected the values of peace and tolerance in religion, thus, Muslims can live in diversity and plurality in Indonesia, which is not only different in religions and beliefs but also different in tribes, cultures and languages. However, the understanding of values and concepts is not enough to ensure realization of peace, yet it needs maturity in religion. The process to achieve maturity also requires guidance and habituation especially against adolescents who have trouble in looking for identity. Therefore, it is necessary to seek a solution for this problem. The purpose of this article is to describe how the conditions of religious life in the homeland that have relation to inter-religious and cultural. Furthermore, it may give solution to realize the maturity of religion for adolescents in high school and college, because this young generation will determine the climate of peace in the country
Evaluation of Madaris Curriculum Integration for Primary Muslim Education in Mindanao: An Assessment of The Influence of Psychology
This study evaluated the Madaris curriculum integration for Muslim primary education in Mindanao. It assessed the psychological effects of such integration on teachers and students in Arabic writing and reading, religiosity, Islamic values, and teacher professional development. This qualitative and quantitative research used a descriptive-evaluative design. The purposive sampling method was used to collect data using a questionnaire which was analyzed statistically. This study showed that the psychological effects of integrating teachers and students to Arabic writing and reading, religiosity, Islamic values, and teacher professional development worked well. Both teachers and students demonstrated the ability to write and read Arabic, values about God, Islam, people, the nation, and the environment
Purpose of the study: This study aims to develop an honesty model of education in a school, especially to convey the stages, facilities, and infrastructure needed to carry out honesty education in a school.
Methodology: This study used a qualitative method in a case study approach. Data collection was conducted in five ways, namely direct observation, observer as a participant, interviews, documentation, Soft and physical Devices The numbers of the participant were 29 teachers and 40 students. Activities in qualitative data analysis are carried out interactively and continuously and are holistic in nature. Therefore data analysis this study uses 3 steps to analyze research data. first, data reduction. Second, display data, the third is conclusion drawing or verification.
Main Findings: The results of this research show that honesty culture can be implemented with a strong school system and with stages clearly.
Applications of this study: This study can be useful in moral education or character building for students in a school
Novelty/Originality of this study: The process of implementing honesty culture takes place through 4 stages. The first is protection, the second introduction, the third habituation inside and outside the classroom, and the fourth celebrations. The school compiles programs, policies and provides facilities and infrastructure that are oriented to the formation of an honesty culture for students and for all school members
Purpose of the study: This study aims to determine the ability of the principal in carrying out Instructional Leadership to improve teachers' teaching performance so that it has an impact on improving the character of students.
Methodology: The type of this research is evaluative descriptive. The subjects selected by purposive sampling and triadic included 15 principals, 150 teachers, and 450 students in Yogyakarta. The data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis techniques using mixed methods. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regression. In contrast, the qualitative data were analyzed using Miler and Huberman's theory, which included four stages: reduction, display, triangulation, and conclusion.
Main Findings: First, mild juvenile delinquency is still practiced by students. Secondly, character strengthening is done through an extracurricular program, orderly book socialization, cooperation with external parties. Third, the instructional leadership ability of principals is still low. Fourth, the magnitude of the influence of Instructional Leadership in changing students' characters obtained a percentage of 12%, while other factors influence 78 %; and the inhibiting factor for instructional leadership of school principals is the lack of collaboration between schools and parents.
Applications of this study: The results of this study can provide significant benefits in the discipline of character education and educational psychology. The school leaders can use the findings in this study to tackle juvenile delinquency in junior high school.
Novelty/Originality of this study: It turns out that to reduce and eliminate juvenile delinquency is not enough just with Instructional Leadership. The most significant factor that can help minimize adolescent familiarization is the existence of good cooperation between parents and teachers or the school
Contextualization of the19th century Islamic law in Buton (a study on Sultan Muhammad Idrus Qaimuddin thought about mawaris)
This was a literary research about the contextualization of Islamic Law in Buton in the 19th Century. It proved a descriptive data about the paradigmatic basis used by Idrus Qaimuddin to re-actualize Islamic law in Buton. It utilized Von Eckartsberg’s phenomenological hermeneutic approach combined with Miles and Huberman’s analysis model. The study concluded that Idrus thought about mawaris was designed based on the Butonese needs and local character. It was product of Al-Qur’an constructed based on the spirit of reformation by prioritizing justice aspects to create social and cultural fairness. His attempt to re-interpret the mawaris verse showed his view on the text as something alive so that it needs a dialogue with condition and realities. Even though he did not explore much potentials of Islamic thurats which could enrich his views on mawaris, at least his thought proved that in the beginning of the 19th century, there was an Islamic scholar attempting to re-actualize Islamic teaching in this archipelago