23 research outputs found


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    Tujuan: Salah satu permasalahan atau perilaku menyimpang ini marak terjadi terutama pada remaja dan di lingkungan sekolah yaitu perilaku bullying. Hal ini berhubungan dengan penolakan teman sebaya yang menyebabkan munculnya perilaku bullying yang merupakan bentuk khusus agresi di kalangan teman sebaya.Perilaku bullying merupakan masalah yang terjadi hampir di semua sekolah.Tujuan Penelitian ini Untuk Mengetahui Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Bullying Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi ini adalah siswa SMP 2 Muhammadiyah Bandar Lampung yang berjumlah 109 siswa dan sampelnya total sampling yaitu semua anggota pupulasi digunakan sebagai sampel. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 92 responden sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang telah ditetapkan. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data yang digunakan untuk analisa variat distribusi frekuensi dan analisa bivariat menggunakan ujichi square.Hasil: Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi responden dengan 44 responden yang mempunyai harga diri rendah didapatkan 38 (84,6%) berilaku bullying, Sebanyak 50 responden mempunyai keluraga yang kurang baik didapatkan 44 (88%) berilaku bullying, Sebanyak 49 responden mempunyai teman sebaya yang kurang baik didapatkan 39 (79,6%) berilaku bullying dan untuk perilaku bullying dan harga diri (p value 0,000), perilaku bullying dan keluarga (p value 0,000), perilaku bullying dan teman sebaya (p value 0,000).Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan adanyahubungan antara faktor harga diri, keluarga dan teman sebaya dengan perilaku bullying pada siswa SMP 2 Muhammadiyah Bandar Lampung Tahun 2018.Kata Kunci: Faktor-Faktor (Harga Diri, Keluarga, Teman Sebaya), Perilaku Bullying, Remaj

    Perceived Stress Level Among Madrasah ‘Aliyah Students During Examination Week

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    Academic demands including examinations are found to be the major contributor of stress development among students. Current research is purposed to investigate the prevalence of perceived stress level among Madrasah Aliyah students during examination week. This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional design applying quantitative method for data collection. With respect to the sample, 107 students form Madrasah Aliyah Pasirjambu, Kab. Bandung were proportionally selected from class 10 to class 12. To measure the degree to which particular situations and conditions happening in student\u27s life are appraised or perceived as stressful situation, Perceived Stress Scale developed by Sheldon Cohen was administered. After which, having gained ethical approval from the foundation board and school director, the data were collected and analyzed using statistical program of SPSS. Result showed that during examination, majority of them were experiencing moderate level of stress accounting for more than 80% and no significant differences of stress level were found with respect to gender, age and study year (class)

    Calcium Serum Levels and Blood Pressure Response in trained subjects who consumed goat milk

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    Background: Calcium plays a role in regulating blood pressure and one exogenous sources of calcium are goat milk. Indonesian society is generally believed that goat milk can lower blood pressure and useful as antihypertensive, but so far have not found scientific evidence of how the mechanism of goat milk for controlling blood pressure. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the consumption of goat milk for lowering blood pressure and its relation to calcium serum levels in people trained. Method: Subjects, 19 gymnasts (the treatment group) and 10 runners (the control group), male and female, aged 17-28 years. Treatment: goat’s milk 250 mg / day, ad­ministered after dinner (at 19:00 to 20:00 pm), for 90 days. Design research is quasy experimental pretest-posttest design. Analysis of data using normality test Kolmogorof Smirnof-Z (p>0.05), Levene homogeneity test (p>0.05), t test (p<0.05) and Pearson correlation test (p <0.05). Results: The results showed systolic blood pressure after consume goat milk decreased significantly in the treatment group compared to the control group (122 ± 7:33 and 10:54 ± 115 vs 119 ± 7.61 ± 4.83 mmHg and 118 mmHg; p <0.05), whereas diastolic blood pressure in the treatment group and the control group (80.42 ± 5:53 and 7:08 ± 78.42 mmHg vs; 78.50 ± 3:37 and 3:16 ± 79 mmHg; p> 0.05) did not show differ­ences after administration of goat’s milk. Serum calcium levels after administration of dairy goats in the treatment group increased significantly compared with the control group (9:47 ± 0:25 and 0:32 ± 9.87 mg / dl vs 9.74 ± 0:42 and 9:37 ± 0:38 mg / dl; p <0.05). The results of Pearson correlation test (r) showed r=-0.45; p=0.05, mean­ing there were nonsignificant correlation between systolic blood pressure with serum calcium levels. Conclusion: Delivery of goat’s milk can decrease systolic blood pressure and stimulates the secretion of calcium, but a decrease in systolic blood pressure was not associated with increased serum calcium levels in people trained.     Abstrak Latar Belakang: Kalsium berperan dalam mengatur tekanan darah dan salah satu sumber kalsium eksogen adalah susu kambing. Masyarakat Indonesia umumnya percaya bahwa susu kambing dapat menurunkan tekanan darah dan bermanfaat sebagai antihipertensi, namun sejauh ini belum ditemukan bukti ilmiah bagaimana kerja susu kambing dalam mengontrol tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh konsumsi susu kambing dalam menurunkan tekanan darah dan hubungannya dengan kadar kalsium serum pada orang terlatih. Metode: Subjek, 19 pesenam (kelompok perlakuan) dan 10 atlet lari (kelompok kontrol), laki-laki dan perempuan, usia 17-28 tahun. Perlakuan: pemberian susu kambing 250 mg/hari, diberikan setelah makan malam (pukul 19.00-20.00 wib), selama 90 hari. Design penelitian adalah quasy experimental pretest-posttest design. Analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas Kolmogorof Smirnof-Z (p>0,05), uji homogenitas Levene (p>0,05), uji t (p<0,05) dan uji korelasi pearson (p<0,05). Hasil: hasil penelitian menunjukkan tekanan darah sistolik setelah pemberian susu kambing pada kelompok perlakuan menurun signifikan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (122±7.33 dan 115±10.54 vs 119±7.61 dan 118±4.83 mmHg mmHg; p<0,05), sedangkan tekanan darah diastolic pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol (80.42±5.53 dan 78.42±7.08 mmHg vs; 78.50±3.37 dan 79±3.16 mmHg; p>0,05) tidak menunjukkan perbedaan setelah pemberian susu kambing. Kadar kalsium serum setelah pemberian susu kambing pada kelompok per­lakuan meningkat signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (9.47±0.25 dan 9.87±0.32 mg/dl vs 9.74±0.42 dan 9.37±0.38 mg/dl; p<0,05). Hasil uji korelasi pearson (r) menunjukkan r=-0,45; p=0,05, artinya terdapat korelasi sedang yang tidak bermakna antara tekanan darah sistolik dengan kadar kalsium serum. Kesimpulan: Pemberian susu kambing dapat menurun tekanan darah sistolik dan merangsang sekresi kalsium namun penurunan tekanan darah sistolik tidak berhubungan dengan peningkatan kadar kalsium serum pada orang terlatih

    Correlation between Leptin with Diastolic Function in Young Adult Obesity

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    Background: Obesity is one of the global health problems with increasing prevalence, and the complication is related to the alteration of the left ventricle. An obese person without symptoms has impaired diastolic function compares to a normal population, but the mechanism is still unclear. One of the evolving theories is caused by chronic inflammation, characterized by the increase of proinflammatory adipocytokines in an obese person. Leptin is a chronic inflammatory marker which is synthesized by all adipose tissues and has a positive correlation with the body mass index. Leptin level are influenced by age except young adult group. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between leptin level and diastolic function of the left ventricle in youngadult obese.Method: This study was conducted in a single centre with cross-sectional design. The subject of this study consists of all young adult obese, worked in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, between June-August 2018. The diastolic function of the left ventricle was measured by examining the ventricle relaxation (E/mean e’) by tissue doppler imaging method. The examination of leptin level was done by sandwich-ELISA testmethod. Pearson correlation test was done to assess the correlation between those two.Result: This study consisted of 38 patients with the mean of age 30.75±7.25 years old, 68% were males. The mean score of E/mean e’ was 6.49±3.02 ng/mL and the median of leptin was 13.95 (9.1–25.4) mg/L. After data log transformation of leptin was done, there was a significant positive correlation (r= 0.5892, p<0.001) between leptin level and E/mean e’.Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the level of leptin and diastolic function of the left ventricle in young adult obese


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    The economic growth of a region is significantly influenced by various factors, among which investment and consumption are considered pivotal. Despite the considerable focus on these aspects in existing literature, there is a noticeable gap in understanding their impact, particularly in the context of Indonesia\u27s Bangka Belitung Islands. This research aims to fill this gap by empirically investigating the multiplier effect of investment on economic growth in this region. By employing the Random Effect Model (REM) on logarithmically transformed data, the study attempts to offer nuanced insights into the relationship between consumption, investment, labor, and economic growth. The findings and their implications are expected to guide policy decisions and stimulate balanced and inclusive economic growth across Indonesia. The findings diverge from certain previous studies that found no significant relationship between investment and economic growth, particularly in regions outside Java. These discrepancies could be attributed to variations in data sources, temporal spans, and methodologies employed across these studies. Additionally, the research underscores the critical role of infrastructure in regional economic growth, echoing the emphasis found in the extant literature. In conclusion, the study reinforces the importance of Consumption and Investment in driving economic growth in the Bangka Belitung Islands. It further urges policymakers to prioritize balanced investment and infrastructure development, especially in regions beyond Java, to encourage more equitable economic growth across Indonesia.Penelitian ini mengkaji multilplier Effect Kosumsi dan Investasi terhadap PDRB di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Data Yang digunakan Dalam penelitian ini adlaah data panel dari 2011-2021 pada 6 Kabupaten dan 1 kota di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung dengan alat analisis regresi linier dan Rondoom Effect Model (REM). Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan. 1. Kosumsi berpengaruh positfe dan signifikan terhadap PDRB, 2. Investasi berpengaruh positive dan signifikan terhadap PDRB.&nbsp

    Correlation between Triglyceride/HDL Ratio with Severity of Coronary Artery Lesion in Non-Diabetic Stable Angina Pectoris Patients

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    Background: Triglycerides (TG) as a risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD) is still a matter of controversy but when used as a single ratio with high density lipoprotein (HDL) the predictive value for CAD is better. The TG/HDL ratio is also associated with the presence of small dense LDL (sdLDL) in the body. SdLDL is a more atherogenic LDL subfraction and has been proven to be associated with CAD progression.Aims: This study aims to find the correlation between the TG/HDL ratio and the degree of coronary lesion severity based on the Gensini score in stable non diabetic angina pectoris patients.Methods: This study was a cross sectional study conducted at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital and Hasna Medika Palimanan Hospital. Subjects were non diabetic stable angina pectoris patients ≥18 years old who underwent elective coronary angiography. Blood collection for TG and HDL examination was performed after coronary angiography. Gensini scoring system was used to assess the severity of coronary lesions. The relationship between the TG/HDL ratio and the Gensini score was analyzed using multiple linear regression tests against confounding variables.Results: This study involved 60 patients with stable angina pectoris with a mean age of 60±8 years. The mean TG/HDL ratio is 2.56 ± 1.04. The average Gensini score was 51 ± 36. The TG/HDL ratio was significantly associated with the Gensini score (R = 0.637; p <0.001). Analysis of confounding variables showed age, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome had a weak correlation with Gensini score (r values of 0.321, 0.270, and 0.333, p <0.05, respectively), while those correlating with TG/HDL ratios were men, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome (r values of 0.290, 0.287, and 0.362, p <0.05, respectively).Conclusion: TG/HDL ratio was significantly positively correlated significantly with the severity of coronary lesions based on Gensini score in non diabetic stable angina pectoris patients


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    RINGKASAN - Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk memahami dan menganalisis mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintah yang baik (good governance) terhadap pertanggungjawaban pengadaan barang / jasa pemerintah dalam aspek hukum administrasi negara, dan pengawasan barang / jasa pemerintah Bahan Medis Habis Pakai (BMHP) dan Bahan Obat-Obatan di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yuridis normatif adalah penelitian yang mengacu kepada norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku sebagai pijakan normatif.. Sifat penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif, yaitu mempelajari tujuan hukum, nilai-nilai keadilan, validitas aturan hukum, konsep-konsep hukum, dan norma-norma hukum. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan Yang Baik berdasarkan Penjelasan Pasal 3 Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 1999 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Negara Yang Bersih Bebas dari Korupsi dan Kolusi Nepotisme menjadi pegangan pejabat administrasi dalam kegiatan barang / jasa. Pengadaan barang / jasa pemerintah bahan medis habis pakai dan bahan obat-obatan di Dinas Kesehatan Labuhanbatu Utara dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan pemilihan penyedia barang / jasa, tahap manajemen kontrak, sampai dengan tahap penyerahan pekerjaan barang, dengan metode pengadaan pengadaan langsung. Aspek hukum Pengadaan barang / jasa pemerintah dalam aspek hukum administrasi Negara untuk penegakan hukum administrasi yaitu sanksi: a. Sanksi pemberhentian pemilihan penyedia b. Pencantuman dalam daftar hitam c. Gugatan secara perdata d. Ganti rugi.Kata Kunci : Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Yang Baik, Barang / Jasa Pemerinta

    Kepemimpinan Silmy Karim: Mendorong PNBP melalui Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan Swasta Pada Birokrasi Imigrasi Dalam Perspektif Bela Negara

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    Effective leadership in the context of immigration management is an important element in achieving the country's goals of optimizing Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) and increasing progress in the immigration sector. This study explores the leadership role of Silmy Karim, a private figure who has responsibilities in the Directorate General of Immigration, by focusing on the influence of integrity and the spirit of defending the country in his leadership. The concept of learning by doing and the corporate management approach are also the focus in analyzing the strategies and principles applied by Silmy Karim. Through a qualitative approach, data was collected through interviews, observations and study of related documents. The research results show that Silmy Karim's leadership significantly influenced the increase in PNBP and progress in immigration management. Integrating the values of integrity and the spirit of defending the country in the performance of the Directorate General of Immigration is the key to achieving significant results. The implications of private leadership in the management of government agencies are also highlighted in the closing

    Cardiovascular Risk Profile in Health Cadres in Jatinangor, West Java

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease has very high morbidity and mortality, therefore, prevention of this disease becomes a national priority in the health programs. Health cadres, as an agent in community primary prevention, should have a good health condition. This study aimed to describe the cardiovascular risk profile in health cadresin Jatinangor, West Java.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, conducted in Cilayung Village, Jatinangor, in September 2018. Consecutive sampling was performed on 20 health cadres aged 25 - 64 years old who did not have previous cardiovascular events such as coronary heart disease or stroke. Clinical data were collected consisting of blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), random blood glucose, history of diabetes mellitus, physical activity and active smoking habits. Cardiovascular risk was assessed using Jakarta cardiovascular scores and European Relative Risk Score.Results: Only 17 of 20 health cadres fulfilled the inclusion criteria with a systolic and diastolic blood pressure of 133.5±27.8 mmHg and 81.1±14.8 mmHg, respectively, and BMI of 27.4±5.3 kg/m2.The risk of cardiovascular disease in healthy cadres was at low (47.1%), moderate (41.2%) and high risk (11.7%). The average of the European Relative Risk score was 1.88±0.9. BMI >30 has a 40% high risk of cardiovascular disease.Conclusions: Most of the health cadres in Jatinangor, West Java have a low and moderate risk of cardiovascular disease, even though there is a small percentage that is at a high risk. The awareness for prevention and management programs for risk factors needs to be raised among health cadres. .