258 research outputs found
Magnetic-domain-controlled vortex pinning in a superconductor/ferromagnet bilayer
Vortex pinning in a type-II superconducting Pb film covering a Co/Pt
multilayer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is investigated. Different
stable magnetic domain patterns like band and bubble domains can be created in
the Co/Pt multilayer, clearly influencing the vortex pinning in the
superconducting Pb layer. Most effective pinning is observed for the bubble
domain state. We demonstrate that the pinning properties of the
superconductor/ferromagnet bilayer can be controlled by tuning the size,
density and magnetization direction of the bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for AP
Dynamic Regimes in Films with a Periodic Array of Antidots
We have studied the dynamic response of Pb thin films with a square array of
antidots by means of ac susceptibility chi(T,H) measurements. At low enough ac
drive amplitudes h, vortices moving inside the pinning potential give rise to a
frequency- and h-independent response together with a scarce dissipation. For
higher amplitudes, the average distance travelled by vortices surpasses the
pinning range and a critical state develops. We found that the boundary h*(H,T)
between these regimes smoothly decreases as T increases whereas a step-like
behavior is observed as a function of field. We demonstrate that these steps in
h*(H) arise from sharp changes in the pinning strength corresponding to
different vortex configurations. For a wide set of data at several fields and
temperatures in the critical state regime, we show that the scaling laws based
on the simple Bean model are satisfied.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Confinement and Quantization Effects in Mesoscopic Superconducting Structures
We have studied quantization and confinement effects in nanostructured
superconductors. Three different types of nanostructured samples were
investigated: individual structures (line, loop, dot), 1-dimensional (1D)
clusters of loops and 2D clusters of antidots, and finally large lattices of
antidots. Hereby, a crossover from individual elementary "plaquettes", via
clusters, to huge arrays of these elements, is realized. The main idea of our
study was to vary the boundary conditions for confinement of the
superconducting condensate by taking samples of different topology and, through
that, modifying the lowest Landau level E_LLL(H). Since the critical
temperature versus applied magnetic field T_c(H) is, in fact, E_LLL(H) measured
in temperature units, it is varied as well when the sample topology is changed
through nanostructuring. We demonstrate that in all studied nanostructured
superconductors the shape of the T_c(H) phase boundary is determined by the
confinement topology in a unique way.Comment: 28 pages, 19 EPS figures, uses LaTeX's aipproc.sty, contribution to
Euroschool on "Superconductivity in Networks and Mesoscopic Systems", held in
Siena, Italy (8-20 september 1997
Experimental ratchet effect in superconducting films with periodic arrays of asymmetric potentials
A vortex lattice ratchet effect has been investigated in Nb films grown on
arrays of nanometric Ni triangles, which induce periodic asymmetric pinning
potentials. The vortex lattice motion yields a net dc-voltage when an ac
driving current is applied to the sample and the vortex lattice moves through
the field of asymmetric potentials. This ratchet effect is studied taking into
account the array geometry, the temperature, the number of vortices per unit
cell of the array and the applied ac currents.Comment: 15 pages, figures include
Creation and pinning of vortex-antivortex pairs
Computer modeling is reported about the creation and pinning of a magnetic
vortex-antivortex (V-AV) pair in a superconducting thin film, due to the
magnetic field of a vertical magnetic dipole above the film, and two antidot
pins inside the film. For film thickness , , and no pins,
we find the film carries two V-AV pairs at steady state in the imposed flux
range , and no pairs below. With two antidot
pins suitably introduced into the film, a single V-AV pair can be stable in the
film for . At pin separation , we find the
V-AV pair remains pinned after the dipole field is removed, and, so can
represent a 1 for a nonvolatile memory.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection
The operation of solid-state qubits often relies on single-shot readout using
a nanoelectronic charge sensor, and the detection of events in a noisy sensor
signal is crucial for high fidelity readout of such qubits. The most common
detection scheme, comparing the signal to a threshold value, is accurate at low
noise levels but is not robust to low-frequency noise and signal drift. We
describe an alternative method for identifying charge sensor events using
wavelet edge detection. The technique is convenient to use and we show that,
with realistic signals and a single tunable parameter, wavelet detection can
outperform thresholding and is significantly more tolerant to 1/f and
low-frequency noise.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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