10,516 research outputs found
A model for the Z-track phenomenon in GX 5-1 and observational evidence for the physical origins of the kHz QPO
We present results of a combined investigation of the spectral and kHz QPO
evolution around the Z-track in GX 5-1 based on high-quality RXTE data. The
Extended ADC emission model provides very good fits to the spectra, the results
pointing clearly to a model for the nature of the Z-track, in agreement with
previous results for the similar source GX 340+0. In this model, at the soft
apex of the Z-track, the mass accretion rate Mdot is minimum and the neutron
star has its lowest temperature; but as the source moves along the normal
branch, the luminosity of the Comptonized emission increases, indicating that
Mdot increases and the neutron star gets hotter. The measured flux f of the
neutron star emission increases by a factor of ten becoming super-Eddington,
and we propose that this disrupts the inner disk so forming jets. In flaring,
the luminosity of the dominant Comptonized emission from the ADC is constant,
while the neutron star emission increases, and we propose for the first time
that flaring consists of unstable nuclear burning on the neutron star, and the
measured mass accretion rate per unit area mdot at the onset of flaring agrees
well with the theoretical critical value at which burning becomes unstable.
There is a striking correlation between the frequencies of the kHz QPO and the
ratio of the flux to the Eddington value: f/f_Edd, suggesting an explanation of
the higher frequency QPO and of its variation along the Z-track. It is well
known that a Keplerian orbit in the disk at this frequency corresponds to a
position some distance from the neutron star; we propose that the oscillation
always occurs at the inner disk edge, which moves radially outwards on the
upper normal and horizontal branches as the measured increasing radiation
pressure increasingly disrupts the inner disk.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres
Discovery of hard X-ray features around hotspots of Cygnus A
We present results of analysis of a Chandra observation of Cygnus A in which
the X-ray hotspots at the ends of the jets are mapped in detail. A hardness map
reveals previously unknown structure in the form of outer and inner hard arcs
around the hotspots, with hardness significantly enhanced compared with the
hotspot central regions. The outer hard arcs may constitute the first detection
of the bow shock; the inner hard arcs may reveal where the jets impact on the
hotspots. We argue that these features cannot result from electrons radiating
by the synchrotron self-Compton process. Instead we consider two possible
sources of the hard emission: the outer arcs may be due to thermal radiation of
hot intracluster gas compressed at the bow shock. Alternatively, both outer and
inner arcs may be due to synchrotron radiation of electrons accelerated in
turbulent regions highly perturbed by shocks and shear flows. Comparison of
measured hardness ratios with simulations of the hardness ratios resulting from
these processes show that it is more diffcult to explain the observations with
a thermal model. Although we cannot rule out a thermal model, we argue in
favour of the non-thermal explanation. The hard regions in the secondary
hotspots suggest that jet activity is still powering these hotspots.Comment: MNRAS in press; 5 pages, 3 figures (2 figures in colour in jpeg
format should be printed separately
Spectral Investigations of the nature of the Sco X-1 like sources
We present results of spectral investigations of the Sco X-1 like Z-track
sources Sco X-1, GX 349+2 and GX 17+2 based on Rossi-XTE observations using an
extended accretion disk corona model. The results are compared with previous
results for the Cyg X-2 like group: Cyg X-2, GX 340+0 and GX 5-1 and a general
model for the Z-track sources proposed. On the normal branch, the Sco-like and
Cyg-like sources are similar, the results indicating an increase of mass
accretion rate Mdot between soft and hard apex, not as in the standard view
that this increases around the Z. In the Cyg-like sources, increasing Mdot
causes the neutron star temperature kT to increase from ~1 to ~2 keV. At the
lower kT, the radiation pressure is small, but at the higher kT, the emitted
flux of the neutron star is several times super-Eddington and the high
radiation pressure disrupts the inner disk launching the relativistic jets
observed on the upper normal and horizontal branches. In the Sco-like sources,
the main physical difference is the high kT of more than 2 keV on all parts of
the Z-track suggesting that jets are always possible, even on the flaring
branch. The flaring branch in the Cyg-like sources is associated with release
of energy on the neutron star consistent with unstable nuclear burning. The
Sco-like sources are very different as flaring appears to be a combination of
unstable burning and an increase of Mdot which makes flaring much stronger.
Analysis of 15 years or RXTE ASM data on all 6 classic Z-track sources shows
the high rate and strength of flaring in the Sco-like sources suggesting that
continual release of energy heats the neutron star causing the high kT. A Sco
X-1 observation with unusually little flaring supports this. GX 17+2 appears to
be transitional between the Cyg and Sco-like types. Our results do not support
the suggestion that Cyg or Sco-like nature is determined by luminosity.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics in press; 21 pages, 13 figure
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