26 research outputs found
Biconical structures in two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Square lattice Heisenberg and XY antiferromagnets with uniaxial anisotropy in
a field along the easy axis are studied. Based on ground state considerations
and Monte Carlo simulations, the role of biconical structures in the transition
region between the antiferromagnetic and spin--flop phases is analyzed. In
particular, adding a single--ion anisotropy to the XXZ antiferromagnet, one
observes, depending on the sign of that anisotropy, either an intervening
biconical phase or a direct transition of first order separating the two
phases. In case of the anisotropic XY model, the degeneracy of the ground
state, at a critical field, in antiferromagnetic, spin--flop, and bidirectional
structures seems to result, as in the case of the XXZ model, in a narrow
disordered phase between the antiferromagnetic and spin--flop phases, dominated
by bidirectional fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.
Classical and quantum two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets
The classical and the quantum, spin $S=1/2, versions of the uniaxially
anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice in a field parallel
to the easy axis are studied using Monte Carlo techniques. For the classical
version, attention is drawn to biconical structures and fluctuations at low
temperatures in the transition region between the antiferromagnetic and
spin-flop phases. For the quantum version, the previously proposed scenario of
a first-order transition between the antiferromagnetic and spin-flop phases
with a critical endpoint and a tricritical point is scrutinized.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.
Ising antiferromagnet with mobile, pinned and quenched defects
Motivated by recent experiments on (Sr,Ca,La)_14 Cu_24 O_41, a
two-dimensional Ising antiferromagnet with mobile, locally pinned and quenched
defects is introduced and analysed using mainly Monte Carlo techniques. The
interplay between the arrangement of the defects and the magnetic ordering as
well as the effect of an external field are studied.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Condensed Matter Physics (Festschrift in honour
of R. Folk
Quenched charge disorder in CuO2 spin chains: Experimental and numerical studies
We report on measurements of the magnetic response of the anisotropic CuO_2
spin chains in lightly hole-doped La_x (Ca,Sr)_14-x Cu_24 O_41, x>=5. The
experimental data suggest that in magnetic fields B >~ 4T (applied along the
easy axis) the system is characterized by short-range spin order and
quasi-static (quenched) charge disorder. The magnetic susceptibility chi(B)
shows a broad anomaly, which we interpret as the remnant of a spin-flop
transition. To corroborate this idea, we present Monte Carlo simulations of a
classical, anisotropic Heisenberg model with randomly distributed, static
holes. Our numerical results clearly show that the spin-flop transition of the
pure model (without holes) is destroyed and smeared out due to the disorder
introduced by the quasi-static holes. Both the numerically calculated
susceptibility curves chi(B) and the temperature dependence of the position of
the anomaly are in qualitative agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX4. 11 figures; v2: Fig.2 replaced, small changes in
Figs.1 and 11; minor revisons in Sec. III.C; accepted by Phys. Rev.
Two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet in a field
The classical, square lattice, uniaxially anisotropic Heisenberg
antiferromagnet in a magnetic field parallel to the easy axis is studied using
Monte Carlo techniques. The model displays a long-range ordered
antiferromagnetic, an algebraically ordered spin-flop, and a paramagnetic
phase. The simulations indicate that a narrow disordered phase intervenes
between the ordered phases down to quite low temperatures. Results are compared
to previous, partially conflicting findings on related classical models as well
as the quantum variant with spin S=1/2.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
Classical and quantum anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets
We study classical and quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets with exchange
anisotropy of XXZ-type and crystal field single-ion terms of quadratic and
cubic form in a field. The magnets display a variety of phases, including the
spin-flop (or, in the quantum case, spin-liquid) and biconical (corresponding,
in the quantum lattice gas description, to supersolid) phases. Applying
ground-state considerations, Monte Carlo and density matrix renormalization
group methods, the impact of quantum effects and lattice dimension is analysed.
Interesting critical and multicritical behaviour may occur at quantum and
thermal phase transitions.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, conferenc
Comment on "Frustrating interactions and broadened magnetic interactions in the edge-sharing CuO_2 chains in La_5 Ca_9 Cu_24 O_41"
Using Monte Carlo techniques, we show that the two--dimensional anisotropic
Heisenberg model reproducing nicely inelastic neutron scattering measurements
on La_5 Ca_9 Cu_24 O_41 (Matsuda et al. [Phys. Rev. B 68, 060406(R) (2003)])
seems to be insufficient to describe correctly measurements on thermodynamic
quantities like the magnetization or the susceptibility. Possible reasons for
the discrepancy are suggested.Comment: 3 pages, 2 EPS figures; part (ii) rewritten, some typos corrected;
final version that has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Uniaxially anisotropic antiferromagnets in a field on a square lattice
Classical uniaxially anisotropic Heisenberg and XY antiferromagnets in a
field along the easy axis on a square lattice are analysed, applying ground
state considerations and Monte Carlo techniques. The models are known to
display antiferromagnetic and spin-flop phases. In the Heisenberg case, a
single-ion anisotropy is added to the XXZ antiferromagnet, enhancing or
competing with the uniaxial exchange anisotropy. Its effect on the stability of
non-collinear structures of biconical type is studied. In the case of the
anisotropic XY antiferromagnet, the transition region between the
antiferromagnetic and spin-flop phases is found to be dominated by degenerate
bidirectional fluctuations. The phase diagram is observed to resemble closely
that of the XXZ antiferromagnet without single-ion anisotropy.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.
Ising model with periodic pinning of mobile defects
A two-dimensional Ising model with short-range interactions and mobile
defects describing the formation and thermal destruction of defect stripes is
studied. In particular, the effect of a local pinning of the defects at the
sites of straight equidistant lines is analysed using Monte Carlo simulations
and the transfer matrix method. The pinning leads to a long-range ordered
magnetic phase at low temperatures. The dependence of the phase transition
temperature, at which the defect stripes are destabilized, on the pinning
strength is determined. The transition seems to be of first order, with and
without pinning.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
Surfing the great British Jewish web: Jewish history resources online
This article critically surveys online resources for Jewish history developed in the UK