5,189 research outputs found
CP-violating Supersymmetric Higgs at the Tevatron and LHC
We analyze the prospect for observing the intermediate neutral Higgs boson
() in its decay to two lighter Higgs bosons () at the presently
operating hadron colliders in the framework of the CP violating MSSM using the
PYTHIA event generator. We consider the lepton+ 4-jets+ \met channel from
associate production, with W h_2 \ra W h_1 h_1 \ra \ell \nu_\ell b
\bar b b\bar b. We require two, three or four tagged -jets. We explicitly
consider all relevant Standard Model backgrounds, treating -jets separately
from light flavor and gluon jets and allowing for mistagging. We find that it
is very hard to observe this signature at the Tevatron, even with 20 fb
of data, in the LEP--allowed region of parameter space due to the small signal
efficiency, even though the background is manageable. At the LHC, a priori huge
SM backgrounds can be suppressed by applying judiciously chosen kinematical
selections. After all cuts, we are left with a signal cross section of around
0.5 fb, and a signal to background ratio between 1.2 and 2.9. According to our
analysis this Higgs signal should be viable at the LHC in the vicinity of
present LEP exclusion once 20 to 50 fb of data have been accumulated at
TeV.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure
Mitigation of the LHC Inverse Problem
The LHC inverse problem refers to the difficulties in determining the
parameters of an underlying theory from data (to be) taken by the LHC
experiments: if they find signals of new physics, and an underlying theory is
assumed, could its parameters be determined uniquely, or do different parameter
choices give indistinguishable experimental signatures? This inverse problem
was studied before for a supersymmetric Standard Model with 15 free parameters.
This earlier study found 283 indistinguishable pairs of parameter choices,
called degenerate pairs, even if backgrounds are ignored. We can resolve all
but 23 of those pairs by constructing a true \chi^2 distribution using mostly
counting observables. The elimination of systematic errors would even allow
separating the residual degeneracies. Taking the Standard Model background into
account we still can resolve 237 of the 283 "degenerate" pairs. This indicates
that (some of) our observables should also be useful for the purpose of
determining the values of SUSY parameters.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures, typo in (3.6) corrected, version to appear in
Phys. Rev.
Direct and Indirect Detection of Neutralino Dark Matter and Collider Signatures in an Model with Two Intermediate Scales
We investigate the detectability of neutralino Dark Matter via direct and
indirect searches as well as collider signatures of an model with two
intermediate scales. We compare the direct Dark Matter detection cross section
and the muon flux due to neutralino annihilation in the Sun that we obtain in
this model with mSUGRA predictions and with the sensitivity of current and
future experiments. In both cases, we find that the detectability improves as
the model deviates more from mSUGRA. In order to study collider signatures, we
choose two benchmark points that represent the main phenomenological features
of the model: a lower value of and reduced third generation sfermion
masses due to extra Yukawa coupling contributions in the Renormalization Group
Equations, and increased first and second generation slepton masses due to new
gaugino loop contributions. We show that measurements at the LHC can
distinguish this model from mSUGRA in both cases, by counting events containing
leptonically decaying bosons, heavy neutral Higgs bosons, or like--sign
lepton pairs.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure
Determining the Mass of Dark Matter Particles with Direct Detection Experiments
In this article I review two data analysis methods for determining the mass
(and eventually the spin-independent cross section on nucleons) of Weakly
Interacting Massive Particles with positive signals from direct Dark Matter
detection experiments: a maximum likelihood analysis with only one experiment
and a model-independent method requiring at least two experiments.
Uncertainties and caveats of these methods will also be discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, 1 reference added, typos fixed, published
version, to appear in the NJP Focus Issue on "Dark Matter and Particle
Implications of SUSY Model Building
We discuss the motivations and implications of models of low-energy
supersymmetry. We present the case for the minimal supersymmetric standard
model, which we define to include the minimal particle content and soft
supersymmetry-breaking interactions which are universal at the GUT or Planck
scale. This model is in agreement with all present experimental results, and
yet depends on only a few unknown parameters and therefore maintains
considerable predictive power. From the theoretical side, it arises naturally
in the context of supergravity models. We discuss radiative electroweak
symmetry breaking and the superpartner spectrum in this scenario, with some
added emphasis on regions of parameter space leading to unusual or interesting
experimental signals at future colliders. We then examine how these results may
be affected by various modifications and extensions of the minimal model,
including GUT effects, extended gauge, Higgs, and matter sectors, non-universal
supersymmetry breaking, non-conservation of R-parity, and dynamical
supersymmetry breaking at low energies.Comment: Contribution to the DPF long range study, working group on
'Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the SM Physics'; LaTeX file without
figures, 60 pages. The complete PS file, including figures, can be obtained
by anonymous ftp from
Modification of the Equivalent Photon Approximation for Resolved Photon Processes
We propose a modification of the equivalent photon approximation (EPA) for
processes which involve the parton content of the photon, to take into account
the suppression of the photonic parton fluxes due to the virtuality of the
photon. We present simple, physically motivated ans\"atze to model this
suppression and show that even though the parton content of the electron no
longer factorizes into an electron flux function and a photon structure
function, it is still possible to express it as a single integral. We also show
that for the TRISTAN experiments its effect can be numerically of the same size
as that of the NLO corrections. Further, we discuss a possible measurement at
HERA, which can provide an experimental handle on the effect we model through
our ans\"atze.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX with equations.sty, 3 figures (not included); to
appear in the Proceedings of "Photon95", Sheffield, April 1995. A complete
compressed PS file, including figures, is available via anonymous ftp from
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