246 research outputs found

    Accurate nonrelativistic ground-state energies of 3d transition metal atoms

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    We present accurate nonrelativistic ground-state energies of the transition metal atoms of the 3d series calculated with Fixed-Node Diffusion Monte Carlo (FN-DMC). Selected multi-determinantal expansions obtained with the CIPSI method (Configuration Interaction using a Perturbative Selection made Iteratively) and including the most prominent determinants of the full CI expansion are used as trial wavefunctions. Using a maximum of a few tens of thousands determinants, fixed-node errors on total DMC energies are found to be greatly reduced for some atoms with respect to those obtained with Hartree-Fock nodes. The FN-DMC/(CIPSI nodes) ground-state energies presented here are, to the best of our knowledge, the most accurate values reported so far. Thanks to the variational property of FN-DMC total energies, the results also provide lower bounds for the absolute value of all-electron correlation energies, ∣Ec∣|E_c|.Comment: 5 pages, 3 table

    An efficient sampling algorithm for Variational Monte Carlo

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    We propose a new algorithm for sampling the NN-body density ∣Κ(R)∣2/∫R3N∣Κ∣2|\Psi({\bf R})|^2/\int_{\mathbb{R}^{3N}} |\Psi|^2 in the Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) framework. This algorithm is based upon a modified Ricci-Ciccotti discretization of the Langevin dynamics in the phase space (R,P)({\bf R},{\bf P}) improved by a Metropolis acceptation/rejection step. We show through some representative numerical examples (Lithium, Fluorine and Copper atoms, and phenol molecule), that this algorithm is superior to the standard sampling algorithm based on the biased random walk (importance sampling).Comment: 23 page

    Dynamical Symmetry Enlargement Versus Spin-Charge Decoupling in the One-Dimensional SU(4) Hubbard Model

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    We investigate dynamical symmetry enlargement in the half-filled SU(4) Hubbard chain using non-perturbative renormalization group and Quantum Monte Carlo techniques. A spectral gap is shown to open for arbitrary Coulombic repulsion UU. At weak coupling, Uâ‰Č3tU \lesssim 3t, a SO(8) symmetry between charge and spin-orbital excitations is found to be dynamically enlarged at low energy. At strong coupling, U≳6tU \gtrsim 6t, the charge degrees of freedom dynamically decouple and the resulting effective theory in the spin-orbital sector is that of the SO(6) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Both regimes exhibit spin-Peierls order. However, although spin-orbital excitations are incoherentincoherent in the SO(6) regime they are coherentcoherent in the SO(8) one. The cross-over between these regimes is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Monte Carlo Calculation of the Spin-Stiffness of the Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model

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    Using a collective-mode Monte Carlo method (the Wolff-Swendsen-Wang algorithm), we compute the spin-stiffness of the two-dimensional classical Heisenberg model. We show that it is the relevant physical quantity to investigate the behaviour of the model in the very low temperature range inaccessible to previous studies based on correlation length and susceptibility calculations.Comment: 6 pages, latex, 3 postscript figures appended, DIM preprint 93-3

    Coexistence of solutions in dynamical mean-field theory of the Mott transition

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    In this paper, I discuss the finite-temperature metal-insulator transition of the paramagnetic Hubbard model within dynamical mean-field theory. I show that coexisting solutions, the hallmark of such a transition, can be obtained in a consistent way both from Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations and from the Exact Diagonalization method. I pay special attention to discretization errors within QMC. These errors explain why it is difficult to obtain the solutions by QMC close to the boundaries of the coexistence region.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    The Fermion Monte Carlo revisited

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    In this work we present a detailed study of the Fermion Monte Carlo algorithm (FMC), a recently proposed stochastic method for calculating fermionic ground-state energies [M.H. Kalos and F. Pederiva, Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 85, 3547 (2000)]. A proof that the FMC method is an exact method is given. In this work the stability of the method is related to the difference between the lowest (bosonic-type) eigenvalue of the FMC diffusion operator and the exact fermi energy. It is shown that within a FMC framework the lowest eigenvalue of the new diffusion operator is no longer the bosonic ground-state eigenvalue as in standard exact Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) schemes but a modified value which is strictly greater. Accordingly, FMC can be viewed as an exact DMC method built from a correlated diffusion process having a reduced Bose-Fermi gap. As a consequence, the FMC method is more stable than any transient method (or nodal release-type approaches). We illustrate the various ideas presented in this work with calculations performed on a very simple model having only nine states but a full sign problem. Already for this toy model it is clearly seen that FMC calculations are inherently uncontrolled.Comment: 49 pages with 4 postscript figure

    Optimization of ground and excited state wavefunctions and van der Waals clusters

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    A quantum Monte Carlo method is introduced to optimize excited state trial wavefunctions. The method is applied in a correlation function Monte Carlo calculation to compute ground and excited state energies of bosonic van der Waals clusters of upto seven particles. The calculations are performed using trial wavefunctions with general three-body correlations

    Pseudogap and high-temperature superconductivity from weak to strong coupling. Towards quantitative theory

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    This is a short review of the theoretical work on the two-dimensional Hubbard model performed in Sherbrooke in the last few years. It is written on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity. We discuss several approaches, how they were benchmarked and how they agree sufficiently with each other that we can trust that the results are accurate solutions of the Hubbard model. Then comparisons are made with experiment. We show that the Hubbard model does exhibit d-wave superconductivity and antiferromagnetism essentially where they are observed for both hole and electron-doped cuprates. We also show that the pseudogap phenomenon comes out of these calculations. In the case of electron-doped high temperature superconductors, comparisons with angle-resolved photoemission experiments are nearly quantitative. The value of the pseudogap temperature observed for these compounds in recent photoemission experiments has been predicted by theory before it was observed experimentally. Additional experimental confirmation would be useful. The theoretical methods that are surveyed include mostly the Two-Particle Self-Consistent Approach, Variational Cluster Perturbation Theory (or variational cluster approximation), and Cellular Dynamical Mean-Field Theory.Comment: 32 pages, 51 figures. Slight modifications to text, figures and references. A PDF file with higher-resolution figures is available at http://www.physique.usherbrooke.ca/senechal/LTP-toc.pd

    Dynamical Mean Field Theory of the Antiferromagnetic Metal to Antiferromagnetic Insulator Transition

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    We study the antiferromagnetic metal to antiferromagnetic insulator using dynamical mean field theory and exact diagonalization methods. We find two qualitatively different behaviors depending on the degree of magnetic correlations. For strong correlations combined with magnetic frustration, the transition can be described in terms of a renormalized slater theory, with a continuous gap closure driven by the magnetism but strongly renormalized by correlations. For weak magnetic correlations, the transition is weakly first order.Comment: 4 pages, uses epsfig,4 figures,notational errors rectifie

    Tissue transglutaminase mediates the pro-malignant effects of oncostatin M receptor over-expression in cervical squamous cell carcinoma.

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    Oncostatin M receptor (OSMR) is commonly over-expressed in advanced cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), producing a significantly worse clinical outcome. Cervical SCC cells that over-express OSMR show enhanced responsiveness to the major ligand OSM, which induces multiple pro-malignant effects, including increased cell migration and invasiveness. Here, we show that tissue transglutaminase (TGM2) is an important mediator of the ligand-dependent phenotypic effects of OSMR over-expression in SCC cells. TGM2 expression correlated with disease progression and with OSMR levels in clinical samples of cervical and oral SCC. TGM2 depletion in cervical SCC cells abrogated OSM-induced migration on fibronectin-coated surfaces and invasiveness through extracellular matrix, while ectopic expression of TGM2 increased cell motility and invasiveness. Confocal microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation assays showed that TGM2 interacted with integrin-α5ÎČ1 in the presence of fibronectin in cervical SCC cells, with OSM treatment strengthening the interaction. Importantly, integrin-α5ÎČ1 and fibronectin were also over-expressed in cervical and oral SCC, where levels correlated with those of OSMR and TGM2. This combined tissue and in vitro study demonstrates for the first time that stimulation of over-expressed OSMR in cervical SCC cells activates TGM2/integrin-α5ÎČ1 interactions and induces pro-malignant changes. We conclude that an OSMR/TGM2/integrin-α5ÎČ1/fibronectin pathway is of biological significance in cervical SCC and a candidate for therapeutic targeting
