79,396 research outputs found
Threshold cross section measurements
Accurate measurements of particles masses, couplings and widths are possible
by measuring production cross sections near threshold. We discuss the prospects
for performing such measurements at a high luminosity muon collider.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, Presented at the Fourth International Conference
on the Physics Potential and Development of Collider
SUSY Thresholds at a Muon Collider
One of the useful features of muon colliders is the naturally narrow spread
in beam energies. Measurements of threshold cross sections then become a prime
candidate for precision measurements of particle masses, widths, and couplings
as well as determining particle spin. We describe the potential for measuring
cross sections near threshold in supersymmetric theories.Comment: 6 pages, To appear in the Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Physics Potential and Development of Colliders
(MuMu99), San Francisco, CA, 15-17 December 199
Precision W-Boson and Higgs Boson Mass Determinations at Muon Colliders
Precise determinations of the masses of the boson and of the top quark
could stringently test the radiative structure of the Standard Model (SM) or
provide evidence for new physics. We analyze the excellent prospects at a muon
collider for measuring and in the and threshold
regions. With an integrated luminosity of 10 (100) fb, the W-boson mass
could be measured to a precision of 20 (6) MeV, provided that theoretical and
experimental systematics are understood. A measurement of MeV
would constrain the mass of a GeV Higgs to about GeV. We
demonstrate that a measurement at future colliders of the Bjorken process. With
an integrated luminosity of 100\fbi it is possible to measure the Standard
Model Higgs mass to within 45\mev at a collider for \mh=100\gev.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Muon Collider Physics at Very High Energies
Muon colliders might greatly extend the energy frontier of collider physics.
One can contemplate circular colliders with center-of-mass energies in excess
of 10 TeV. Some physics issues that might be relevant at such a machine are
discussed.Comment: 6 page
Superfield Realizations of Lorentz Violation
Lorentz-violating extensions of the Wess-Zumino model have been formulated in
superspace. The models respect a supersymmetry algebra and can be understood as
arising from suitably modified superspace transformations.Comment: 7 page
Abelian family symmetries and Leptogenesis
We study the impact of a set of horizontal symmetries on the requirements for
producing the baryon asymmetry of the universe via leptogenesis. We find that
Abelian horizontal symmetries lead to a simple description of the parameters
describing leptogenesis in terms of the small expansion parameter that arises
from spontaneous symmetry breaking. If the family symmetry is made discrete,
then an enhancement in the amount of leptogenesis can result.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in Physical Review
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