431 research outputs found
Single-photon optomechanics in the strong coupling regime
We give a theoretical description of a coherently driven opto-mechanical
system with a single added photon. The photon source is modeled as a cavity
which initially contains one photon and which is irreversibly coupled to the
opto-mechanical system. We show that the probability for the additional photon
to be emitted by the opto-mechanical cavity will exhibit oscillations under a
Lorentzian envelope, when the driven interaction with the mechanical resonator
is strong enough. Our scheme provides a feasible route towards quantum state
transfer between optical photons and micromechanical resonators.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
Phase-noise induced limitations on cooling and coherent evolution in opto-mechanical systems
We present a detailed theoretical discussion of the effects of ubiquitous
laser noise on cooling and the coherent dynamics in opto-mechanical systems.
Phase fluctuations of the driving laser induce modulations of the linearized
opto-mechanical coupling as well as a fluctuating force on the mirror due to
variations of the mean cavity intensity. We first evaluate the influence of
both effects on cavity cooling and find that for a small laser linewidth the
dominant heating mechanism arises from intensity fluctuations. The resulting
limit on the final occupation number scales linearly with the cavity intensity
both under weak and strong coupling conditions. For the strong coupling regime,
we also determine the effect of phase noise on the coherent transfer of single
excitations between the cavity and the mechanical resonator and obtain a
similar conclusion. Our results show that conditions for optical ground state
cooling and coherent operations are experimentally feasible and thus laser
phase noise does pose a challenge but not a stringent limitation for
opto-mechanical systems
Observation of non-Markovian micro-mechanical Brownian motion
All physical systems are to some extent open and interacting with their
environment. This insight, basic as it may seem, gives rise to the necessity of
protecting quantum systems from decoherence in quantum technologies and is at
the heart of the emergence of classical properties in quantum physics. The
precise decoherence mechanisms, however, are often unknown for a given system.
In this work, we make use of an opto-mechanical resonator to obtain key
information about spectral densities of its condensed-matter heat bath. In
sharp contrast to what is commonly assumed in high-temperature quantum Brownian
motion describing the dynamics of the mechanical degree of freedom, based on a
statistical analysis of the emitted light, it is shown that this spectral
density is highly non-Ohmic, reflected by non-Markovian dynamics, which we
quantify. We conclude by elaborating on further applications of opto-mechanical
systems in open system identification.Comment: 5+6 pages, 3 figures. Replaced by final versio
Radiation-pressure self-cooling of a micromirror in a cryogenic environment
We demonstrate radiation-pressure cavity-cooling of a mechanical mode of a
micromirror starting from cryogenic temperatures. To achieve that, a
high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity (F\approx 2200) was actively stabilized inside
a continuous-flow 4He cryostat. We observed optical cooling of the fundamental
mode of a 50mu x 50 mu x 5.4 mu singly-clamped micromirror at \omega_m=3.5 MHz
from 35 K to approx. 290 mK. This corresponds to a thermal occupation factor of
\approx 1x10^4. The cooling performance is only limited by the mechanical
quality and by the optical finesse of the system. Heating effects, e.g. due to
absorption of photons in the micromirror, could not be observed. These results
represent a next step towards cavity-cooling a mechanical oscillator into its
quantum ground state
Quantum Superposition of Massive Objects and the Quantization of Gravity
We analyse a gedankenexperiment previously considered by Mari et al. that
involves quantum superpositions of charged and/or massive bodies ("particles")
under the control of the observers, Alice and Bob. In the electromagnetic case,
we show that the quantization of electromagnetic radiation (which causes
decoherence of Alice's particle) and vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic
field (which limits Bob's ability to localize his particle to better than a
charge-radius) both are essential for avoiding apparent paradoxes with
causality and complementarity. We then analyze the gravitational version of
this gedankenexperiment. We correct an error in the analysis of Mari et al. and
of Baym and Ozawa, who did not properly account for the conservation of center
of mass of an isolated system. We show that the analysis of the gravitational
case is in complete parallel with the electromagnetic case provided that
gravitational radiation is quantized and that vacuum fluctuations limit the
localization of a particle to no better than a Planck length. This provides
support for the view that (linearized) gravity should have a quantum field
description.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.
Nonlocality of cluster states of qubits
We investigate cluster states of qubits with respect to their non-local
properties. We demonstrate that a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) argument
holds for any cluster state: more precisely, it holds for any partial, thence
mixed, state of a small number of connected qubits (five, in the case of
one-dimensional lattices). In addition, we derive a new Bell inequality that is
maximally violated by the 4-qubit cluster state and is not violated by the
4-qubit GHZ state.Comment: 5 pages; paragraph V.B contains a comparison with Guehne et al.,
Information Content of the Gravitational Field of a Quantum Superposition
When a massive quantum body is put into a spatial superposition, it is of
interest to consider the quantum aspects of the gravitational field sourced by
the body. We argue that in order to understand how the body may become
entangled with other massive bodies via gravitational interactions, it must be
thought of as being entangled with its own Newtonian-like gravitational field.
Thus, a Newtonian-like gravitational field must be capable of carrying quantum
information. Our analysis supports the view that table-top experiments testing
entanglement of systems interacting via gravity do probe the quantum nature of
gravity, even if no ``gravitons'' are emitted during the experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. First prize essay in the Gravity Research
Foundation 2019 Essays on Gravitation. To appear in IJMPD. arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1807.0701
Creating and probing macroscoping entanglement with light
We describe a scheme showing signatures of macroscopic optomechanical
entanglement generated by radiation pressure in a cavity system with a massive
movable mirror. The system we consider reveals genuine multipartite
entanglement. We highlight the way the entanglement involving the inaccessible
massive object is unravelled, in our scheme, by means of field-field quantum
correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure, RevTeX
Visualizing quantum entanglement and the EPR paradox during the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule using two ultrashort laser pulses
We investigate theoretically the dissociative ionization of a H2+ molecule
using two ultrashort laser (pump-probe) pulses. The pump pulse prepares a
dissociating nuclear wave packet on an ungerade surface of H2+. Next, an UV (or
XUV) probe pulse ionizes this dissociating state at large (R = 20 - 100 bohr)
internuclear distance. We calculate the momenta distributions of protons and
photoelectrons which show a (two-slit-like) interference structure. A general,
simple interference formula is obtained which depends on the electron and
protons momenta, as well as on the pump-probe delay on the pulses durations and
polarizations. This interference can be interpreted as visualization of an
electron state delocalized over the two-centres. This state is an entangled
state of a hydrogen atom with a momentum p and a proton with an opposite
momentum. -p dissociating on the ungerade surface of H2+. This pump-probe
scheme can be used to reveal the nonlocality of the electron which intuitively
should be localized on just one of the protons separated by the distance R much
larger than the atomic Bohr orbit
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