12,551 research outputs found
On Haag Duality for Pure States of Quantum Spin Chain
We consider quantum spin chains and their translationally invariant pure
states. We prove Haag duality for quasilocal observables localized in
semi-infinite intervals when the von Neumann algebras generated by observables
localized in these intervals are not type I
Entanglement, Haag-duality and type properties of infinite quantum spin chains
We consider an infinite spin chain as a bipartite system consisting of the
left and right half-chain and analyze entanglement properties of pure states
with respect to this splitting. In this context we show that the amount of
entanglement contained in a given state is deeply related to the von Neumann
type of the observable algebras associated to the half-chains. Only the type I
case belongs to the usual entanglement theory which deals with density
operators on tensor product Hilbert spaces, and only in this situation
separable normal states exist. In all other cases the corresponding state is
infinitely entangled in the sense that one copy of the system in such a state
is sufficient to distill an infinite amount of maximally entangled qubit pairs.
We apply this results to the critical XY model and show that its unique ground
state provides a particular example for this type of entanglement.Comment: LaTeX2e, 34 pages, 1 figure (pstricks
Comparison between the lattice dynamics and molecular dynamics methods: Calculation results for MgSiO3 perovskite
The lattice dynamics (LD) and molecular dynamics (MD) methods have been used to calculate the structure, bulk modulus, and volume thermal expansivity of MgSiO3 perovskite, in order to investigate the reliability of the two simulation techniques over a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions. At an intermediate temperature of 500 K and zero pressure, the LD and MD values are in exellent agreement for both the structure and bulk modulus of MgSiO3 perovskite. At high temperatures and zero pressure, however, the LD method, which is based on the quasi-harmonic approximation, increasingly overestimates the molar volume of MgSiO3 perovskite because of the neglect of higher-order anharmonic terms. At the high temperatures and high pressures prevailing in the lower mantle, the errors in the LD values for both the molar volume and bulk modulus, relative to the MD values, are generally small or negligible. However, since anharmonicity decreases substantially with pressure but increases rapidly with temperature, the error in the LD simulated volume thermal expansivity is serious, especially in the lower pressure region
Energy-Scale Dependence of the Lepton-Flavor-Mixing Matrix
We study an energy-scale dependence of the lepton-flavor-mixing matrix in the
minimal supersymmetric standard model with the effective dimension-five
operators which give the masses of neutrinos. We analyze the renormalization
group equations of kappa_{ij}s which are coefficients of these effective
operators under the approximation to neglect the corrections of O(\kappa^2). As
a consequence, we find that all phases in do not depend on the
energy-scale, and that only n_g-1 (n_g: generation number) real independent
parameters in the lepton-flavor-mixing matrix depend on the energy-scale.Comment: 6 pages, no figur
The effect of Majorana phase in degenerate neutrinos
There are physical Majorana phases in the lepton flavor mixing matrix when
neutrinos are Majorana fermions. In the case of two degenerate neutrinos, the
physical Majorana phase plays the crucial role for the stability of the maximal
flavor mixing between the second and the third generations against quantum
corrections. The physical Majorana phase of guarantees the maximal mixing
to be stable against quantum corrections, while the Majorana phase of zero lets
the maximal mixing be spoiled by quantum corrections when neutrino masses are
of O(eV). The continuous change of the Majorana phase from to 0 makes the
maximal mixing be spoiled by quantum corrections with O(eV) degenerate neutrino
masses. On the other hand, when there is the large mass hierarchy between
neutrinos, the maximal flavor mixing is not spoiled by quantum corrections
independently of the Majorana phase.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figures, LaTe
Near-Solar-Circle Method for Determination of the Galactic Constants
We propose a method to determine the galactic constants R_0 (distance to the
Galactic Center) and V_0 (rotation velocity of the Sun) from measurements of
distances, radial velocities and proper motions of objects near the solar
circle. This is a modification of the solar-circle method to a more practical
observational method. We apply the method to determine R_0 using data from the
literature with known distances and radial velocities, and obtain R_0 = 7.54
+/- 0.77 kpc.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for PASJ (Vol. 63 No. 5
Broadband double-layered coplanar patch antennas with adjustable CPW feeding structure
In this paper, we have presented the double-layered coplanar patch antennas of enhanced impedance bandwidth and adjustable conductor-backed coplanar waveguide feed lines. The proposed structure retains the advantage of laying the coplanar patch and coplanar waveguide (CPW) feed line on the same surface, which makes direct integration with other devices easier. In addition, the substrate thickness of the radiating patch can be adjusted to achieve a wider impedance bandwidth while the dimensions of the CPW feed line are kept unchanged. Simulation has been done by using commercial electromagnetic (EM) simulation software. Four testing antennas, which have centre frequency at about 10 GHz, were designed. The four testing antennas had the same total thickness, but different thickness combinations. From the measured return loss, gain, and radiation patterns of the antennas, it was demonstrated that different thickness combinations do not affect the characteristics of the antennas seriously. Therefore, the dimensions of the CPW feed structure of the antennas can be adjusted individually and can be selected for different applications
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of the electronic local density of states of graphite surfaces near monoatomic step edges
We measured the electronic local density of states (LDOS) of graphite
surfaces near monoatomic step edges, which consist of either the zigzag or
armchair edge, with the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy
(STS) techniques. The STM data reveal that the and honeycomb superstructures coexist over a length scale of 3-4 nm
from both the edges. By comparing with density-functional derived nonorthogonal
tight-binding calculations, we show that the coexistence is due to a slight
admixing of the two types of edges at the graphite surfaces. In the STS
measurements, a clear peak in the LDOS at negative bias voltages from -100 to
-20 mV was observed near the zigzag edges, while such a peak was not observed
near the armchair edges. We concluded that this peak corresponds to the
graphite "edge state" theoretically predicted by Fujita \textit{et al.} [J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. {\bf 65}, 1920 (1996)] with a tight-binding model for graphene
ribbons. The existence of the edge state only at the zigzag type edge was also
confirmed by our first-principles calculations with different edge
terminations.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy studies of graphite edges
We studied experimentally and theoretically the electronic local density of
states (LDOS) near single step edges at the surface of exfoliated graphite. In
scanning tunneling microscopy measurements, we observed the and honeycomb superstructures extending over 34 nm
both from the zigzag and armchair edges. Calculations based on a
density-functional derived non-orthogonal tight-binding model show that these
superstructures can coexist if the two types of edges admix each other in real
graphite step edges. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements near the
zigzag edge reveal a clear peak in the LDOS at an energy below the Fermi energy
by 20 meV. No such a peak was observed near the armchair edge. We concluded
that this peak corresponds to the "edge state" theoretically predicted for
graphene ribbons, since a similar prominent LDOS peak due to the edge state is
obtained by the first principles calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, APF9, Appl. Surf. Sci. \bf{241}, 43 (2005
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