47,549 research outputs found
Toward a unified light curve model for multi-wavelength observations of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992)
We present a unified model for optical, ultraviolet (UV), and X-ray light
curves of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992). Based on an optically thick wind model
of nova outbursts, we have calculated light curves and searched for the best
fit model that is consistent with optical, UV, and X-ray observations. Our best
fit model is a white dwarf (WD) of mass 1.05 M_\sun with a chemical composition
of X=0.46, C+N+O=0.15, and Ne = 0.05 by mass weight. Both supersoft X-ray and
continuum UV 1455 \AA light curves are well reproduced. Supersoft X-rays
emerged on day ~ 250 after outburst, which is naturally explained by our model:
our optically thick winds cease on day 245 and supersoft X-rays emerge from
self-absorption by the winds. The X-ray flux keeps a constant peak value for ~
300 days followed by a quick decay on day ~ 600. The duration of X-ray flat
peak is well reproduced by a steady hydrogen shell burning on the WD. Optical
light curve is also explained by the same model if we introduce free-free
emission from optically thin ejecta. A t^{-1.5} slope of the observed optical
and infrared fluxes is very close to the slope of our modeled free-free light
curve during the optically thick wind phase. Once the wind stops, optical and
infrared fluxes should follow a t^{-3} slope, derived from a constant mass of
expanding ejecta. An abrupt transition from a t^{-1.5} slope to a t^{-3} slope
at day ~ 200 is naturally explained by the change from the wind phase to the
post-wind phase on day ~ 200. The development of hard X-ray flux is also
reasonably understood as shock-origin between the wind and the companion star.
The distance to V1974 Cyg is estimated to be ~ 1.7 kpc with E(B-V)= 0.32 from
the light curve fitting for the continuum UV 1455 \AA.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa
Spectral Flow and Feigin-Fuks Parameter Space of N=4 Superconformal Algebras
The parameter space of the Feigin-Fuks representations of the N=4 SU(2)
superconformal algebras is studied from the viewpoint of the specral flow. The
phase of the spectral flow is nicely incorporated through twisted
fermions and the spectral flow resulting from the inner automorphism of the N=4
superconformal algebras is explicitly shown to be operating as identiy
relations among the generators. Conditions for the unitary representations are
also investigated in our Feigin-Fuks parameter space.Comment: LaTeX file, 21 pages, 1 figure(ps file
A Modeling of the Super-Eddington Luminosity in Nova Outbursts: V1974 Cygni
We have modeled nova light curves exceeding the Eddington luminosity. It has
been suggested that a porous structure develops in nova envelopes during the
super Eddington phase and the effective opacity is much reduced for such a
porous atmosphere. Based on this reduced opacity model, we have calculated
envelope structures and light curves of novae. The optically thick wind model
is used to simulate nova winds. We find that the photospheric luminosity and
the wind mass-loss rate increase inversely proportional to the reducing factor
of opacities, but the wind velocity hardly changes. We also reproduce the
optical light curve of V1974 Cygni (Nova Cygni 1992) in the super-Eddington
phase, which lasts 13 days from the optical peak 1.7 mag above the Eddington
luminosity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in ApJ
c=1 String as a Topological Model
The discrete states in the string are shown to be the physical states
of a certain topological sigma model. We define a set of new fields directly
from variables, in terms of which the BRST charge and energy-momentum
tensor are rewritten as those of the topological sigma model. Remarkably,
ground ring generator turns out to be a coordinate of the sigma model. All
of the discrete states realize a graded ring which contains ground ring as a
subset.Comment: 23 pages + 3 figures in PostScript, LaTeX, UT-Komaba/93-7.
Description of the physical spectrum in terms of topological model is
improved. Some references and new figures added. (figures are available upon
Crystal-field-induced magnetostrictions in the spin reorientation process of NdFeB-type compounds
Volume expansion associated with the spin reorientation
process of NdFeB-type compounds has been investigated in terms of
simple crystalline-electric-field (CEF) model. In this system,
is shown to be a direct measure of second order CEF energy. Calculated
anomalies in associated with the first-order magnetization
process of NdFeB are presented, which well reproduced the
observations.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in J. Magn. Magn. Mate
Outburst Photometry of the Eclipsing Dwarf Nova GY Cancri
We observed the ROSAT-selected eclipsing dwarf nova GY Cnc (=RX J0909.8+1849)
during the 2001 November outburst. We refined the orbital period to be
0.17544251(5) d. The fading portion of the outburst was indistinguishable from
those of typical dwarf novae with similar orbital periods. However, the
signature of orbital humps (or a hot spot) was far less prominently observed in
the orbital light curves and eclipse profiles than in usual dwarf novae with
similar orbital periods. The combination of low frequency of outbursts and the
apparent lack of slowly rising, long outbursts in GY Cnc is difficult to
reconcile within the standard framework of dwarf novae. We suspect that GY Cnc
may be the first above-the-gap counterpart of unusual eclipsing dwarf novae HT
Cas and IR Com.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japa
A relation between the short time variations of cosmic rays and geomagnetic field change
An event is reported of approx. 37 min periodicity in cosmic ray intensity observed at Akeno(38 deg 47 N, 138 deg 30 E. 900m above s.l., cutoff 10.4 GV) during 1300 approx. 1900 UT on April 25th, 1984, just a day before Forbush decrease of April 26th. This event seemed to be followed by the periodic variations of the geomagnetic field observed at Kakioka (36 deg 23 N, 140 deg 18 E). The regression coefficient between them was obtained approx. 0.07%/10nT. It is shown that in general the power spectral density of cosmic rays in the frequency of 0.0001 approx. 0.001Hz correlates positively with the fluctuations of geomagnetic field (Dst field) around approx. 1.2x0.0001Hz. From the analysis of 47 days data (April 14th to June 13th, 1984) the regression curve was obtained as y=0.275x sup 0.343 with the correlation coefficient of 0.48, where x and y mean Fourier components of Dst field summed over 1.04 approx. 1.39x0.001Hz and cosmic ray power spectral density averaged over 0.0001 approx. 0.001Hz
Picard-Fuchs Equations and Whitham Hierarchy in N=2 Supersymmetric SU(r+1) Yang-Mills Theory
In general, Whitham dynamics involves infinitely many parameters called
Whitham times, but in the context of N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory it
can be regarded as a finite system by restricting the number of Whitham times
appropriately. For example, in the case of SU(r+1) gauge theory without
hypermultiplets, there are r Whitham times and they play an essential role in
the theory. In this situation, the generating meromorphic 1-form of the Whitham
hierarchy on Seiberg-Witten curve is represented by a finite linear combination
of meromorphic 1-forms associated with these Whitham times, but it turns out
that there are various differential relations among these differentials. Since
these relations can be written only in terms of the Seiberg-Witten 1-form,
their consistency conditions are found to give the Picard-Fuchs equations for
the Seiberg-Witten periods.Comment: to be published in J. Math. Phys, revtex, 14 page
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