128,893 research outputs found
On the Triality Theory for a Quartic Polynomial Optimization Problem
This paper presents a detailed proof of the triality theorem for a class of
fourth-order polynomial optimization problems. The method is based on linear
algebra but it solves an open problem on the double-min duality left in 2003.
Results show that the triality theory holds strongly in a tri-duality form if
the primal problem and its canonical dual have the same dimension; otherwise,
both the canonical min-max duality and the double-max duality still hold
strongly, but the double-min duality holds weakly in a symmetrical form. Four
numerical examples are presented to illustrate that this theory can be used to
identify not only the global minimum, but also the largest local minimum and
local maximum.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure; J. Industrial and Management Optimization, 2011.
arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.297
Innovation Institution and Spatial Transfer of Energy Industry: The Case of Jiangsu Province, China
This study aims to explore the effect of innovation institution on spatial transfer of energy industry in Jiangsu, China. We focus on the disparity of innovation and energy industry, and analyze the spatial transfer difference in different types of energy industry, rather than view energy industry as a whole. The study demonstrates the spatial change of energy industry at regional level and maps the spatial pattern at city level. The study chooses intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection intensity, authorization patents and local research and development (R&D) investment as the proxy of innovation. Using official data and employing panel fixed-effect model at city-industry level, we conclude (a) innovation abilities significantly influence the spatial transfer of energy industry in Jiangsu. Especially, due to the different time, IPRs protection, patent counts, and R&D investment have different effects on different regions in Jiangsu; (b) 2010 is an important turning point for energy industry development in Jiangsu, and after 2010, the energy industry begins to shift to the middle and northern Jiangsu, whereas the spatial pattern of energy industry in coastal cities is basically unchanged; (c) there is a great difference between the regions in Jiangsu Province, and industrial upgrading has not been achieved in northern Jiangsu
Gravitational Lensing and Anisotropies of CBR on the Small Angular Scales
We investigate the effect of gravitational lensing, produced by linear
density perturbations, for anisotropies of the Cosmic Background Radiation
(CBR) on scales of arcminutes. In calculations, a flat universe ()
and the Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum () are assumed. The numerical results
show that on scales of a few arcminutes, gravitational lensing produces only
negligible anisotropies in the temperature of the CBR. Our conclusion disagrees
with that of Cay\'{o}n {\it et al.} who argue that the amplification of on scales may even be larger than 100\%.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 16 pages, 2 figures, tarred, compressed and
uuencoded Postscript file
On the sine-Gordon--Thirring equivalence in the presence of a boundary
In this paper, the relationship between the sine-Gordon model with an
integrable boundary condition and the Thirring model with boundary is discussed
and the reflection -matrix for the massive Thirring model, which is related
to the physical boundary parameters of the sine-Gordon model, is given. The
relationship between the the boundary parameters and the two formal parameters
appearing in the work of Ghoshal and Zamolodchikov is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A. Two
references adde
Optimal Controlled Teleportation
We give the analytic expressions of maximal probabilities of successfully
controlled teleportating an unknown qubit via every kind of tripartite states.
Besides, another kind of localizable entanglement is also determined.
Furthermore, we give the sufficient and necessary condition that a three-qubit
state can be collapsed to an EPR pair by a measurement on one qubit, and
characterize the three-qubit states that can be used as quantum channel for
controlled teleporting a qubit of unknown information with unit probability and
with unit fidelity.Comment: 4 page
Quantifier Elimination over Finite Fields Using Gr\"obner Bases
We give an algebraic quantifier elimination algorithm for the first-order
theory over any given finite field using Gr\"obner basis methods. The algorithm
relies on the strong Nullstellensatz and properties of elimination ideals over
finite fields. We analyze the theoretical complexity of the algorithm and show
its application in the formal analysis of a biological controller model.Comment: A shorter version is to appear in International Conference on
Algebraic Informatics 201
Can gravitational dynamics be obtained by diffeomorphism invariance of action?
It has recently been suggested that the gravitational dynamics could be
obtained by requiring the action to be invariant under diffeomorphism
transformations. We argue that the action constructed in usual way is
automatically diffeomorphism invariant in nature, which thus invalidates this
alternative perspective to obtain gravitational dynamics. Especially, we also
show what is wrong with the technical derivation of gravitational dynamics in
the alternative approach.Comment: version published in PR
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