2,455 research outputs found

    Security analysis of standard authentication and key agreement protocols utilising timestamps

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    We propose a generic modelling technique that can be used to extend existing frameworks for theoretical security analysis in order to capture the use of timestamps. We apply this technique to two of the most popular models adopted in literature (Bellare-Rogaway and Canetti-Krawczyk). We analyse previous results obtained using these models in light of the proposed extensions, and demonstrate their application to a new class of protocols. In the timed CK model we concentrate on modular design and analysis of protocols, and propose a more efficient timed authenticator relying on timestamps. The structure of this new authenticator implies that an authentication mechanism standardised in ISO-9798 is secure. Finally, we use our timed extension to the BR model to establish the security of an efficient ISO protocol for key transport and unilateral entity authentication

    The chaining lemma and its application

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    We present a new information-theoretic result which we call the Chaining Lemma. It considers a so-called “chain” of random variables, defined by a source distribution X(0)with high min-entropy and a number (say, t in total) of arbitrary functions (T1,…, Tt) which are applied in succession to that source to generate the chain (Formula presented). Intuitively, the Chaining Lemma guarantees that, if the chain is not too long, then either (i) the entire chain is “highly random”, in that every variable has high min-entropy; or (ii) it is possible to find a point j (1 ≤ j ≤ t) in the chain such that, conditioned on the end of the chain i.e. (Formula presented), the preceding part (Formula presented) remains highly random. We think this is an interesting information-theoretic result which is intuitive but nevertheless requires rigorous case-analysis to prove. We believe that the above lemma will find applications in cryptography. We give an example of this, namely we show an application of the lemma to protect essentially any cryptographic scheme against memory tampering attacks. We allow several tampering requests, the tampering functions can be arbitrary, however, they must be chosen from a bounded size set of functions that is fixed a prior

    Implementation of higher-order absorbing boundary conditions for the Einstein equations

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    We present an implementation of absorbing boundary conditions for the Einstein equations based on the recent work of Buchman and Sarbach. In this paper, we assume that spacetime may be linearized about Minkowski space close to the outer boundary, which is taken to be a coordinate sphere. We reformulate the boundary conditions as conditions on the gauge-invariant Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli scalars. Higher-order radial derivatives are eliminated by rewriting the boundary conditions as a system of ODEs for a set of auxiliary variables intrinsic to the boundary. From these we construct boundary data for a set of well-posed constraint-preserving boundary conditions for the Einstein equations in a first-order generalized harmonic formulation. This construction has direct applications to outer boundary conditions in simulations of isolated systems (e.g., binary black holes) as well as to the problem of Cauchy-perturbative matching. As a test problem for our numerical implementation, we consider linearized multipolar gravitational waves in TT gauge, with angular momentum numbers l=2 (Teukolsky waves), 3 and 4. We demonstrate that the perfectly absorbing boundary condition B_L of order L=l yields no spurious reflections to linear order in perturbation theory. This is in contrast to the lower-order absorbing boundary conditions B_L with L<l, which include the widely used freezing-Psi_0 boundary condition that imposes the vanishing of the Newman-Penrose scalar Psi_0.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Minor clarifications. Final version to appear in Class. Quantum Grav

    Forward-Security in Private-Key Cryptography

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    This paper provides a comprehensive treatment of forward-security in the context of sharedkey based cryptographic primitives, as a practical means to mitigate the damage caused by key-exposure. We provide definitions of security, practical proven-secure constructions, and applications for the main primitives in this area. We identify forward-secure pseudorandom bit generators as the central primitive, providing several constructions and then showing how forward-secure message authentication schemes and symmetric encryption schemes can be built based on standard schemes for these problems coupled with forward-secure pseudorandom bit generators. We then apply forward-secure message authentication schemes to the problem of maintaining secure access logs in the presence of break-ins

    Lower bounds for polynomials using geometric programming

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    We make use of a result of Hurwitz and Reznick, and a consequence of this result due to Fidalgo and Kovacec, to determine a new sufficient condition for a polynomial fR[X1,...,Xn]f\in\mathbb{R}[X_1,...,X_n] of even degree to be a sum of squares. This result generalizes a result of Lasserre and a result of Fidalgo and Kovacec, and it also generalizes the improvements of these results given in [6]. We apply this result to obtain a new lower bound fgpf_{gp} for ff, and we explain how fgpf_{gp} can be computed using geometric programming. The lower bound fgpf_{gp} is generally not as good as the lower bound fsosf_{sos} introduced by Lasserre and Parrilo and Sturmfels, which is computed using semidefinite programming, but a run time comparison shows that, in practice, the computation of fgpf_{gp} is much faster. The computation is simplest when the highest degree term of ff has the form i=1naiXi2d\sum_{i=1}^n a_iX_i^{2d}, ai>0a_i>0, i=1,...,ni=1,...,n. The lower bounds for ff established in [6] are obtained by evaluating the objective function of the geometric program at the appropriate feasible points

    Towards Bidirectional Ratcheted Key Exchange

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    Incremental Multiset Hash Functions and Their Application to Memory Integrity Checking

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    Efficient public-key cryptography with bounded leakage and tamper resilience

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    We revisit the question of constructing public-key encryption and signature schemes with security in the presence of bounded leakage and tampering memory attacks. For signatures we obtain the first construction in the standard model; for public-key encryption we obtain the first construction free of pairing (avoiding non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs). Our constructions are based on generic building blocks, and, as we show, also admit efficient instantiations under fairly standard number-theoretic assumptions. The model of bounded tamper resistance was recently put forward by Damgård et al. (Asiacrypt 2013) as an attractive path to achieve security against arbitrary memory tampering attacks without making hardware assumptions (such as the existence of a protected self-destruct or key-update mechanism), the only restriction being on the number of allowed tampering attempts (which is a parameter of the scheme). This allows to circumvent known impossibility results for unrestricted tampering (Gennaro et al., TCC 2010), while still being able to capture realistic tampering attack

    Selective-Opening Security in the Presence of Randomness Failures

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    We initiate the study of public-key encryption (PKE) secure against selective-opening attacks (SOA) in the presence of randomness failures, i.e., when the sender may (inadvertently) use low-quality randomness. In the SOA setting, an adversary can adaptively corrupt senders; this notion is natural to consider in tandem with randomness failures since an adversary may target senders by multiple means. Concretely, we first treat SOA security of nonce-based PKE. After formulating an appropriate definition of SOA- secure nonce-based PKE,we provide efficient constructions in the non-programmable random-oracle model, based on lossy trapdoor functions. We then lift our notion of security to the setting of hedged PKE, which ensures security as long as the sender\u27s seed, message, and nonce jointly have high entropy. This unifies the notions and strengthens the protection that nonce-based PKE provides against randomness failures even in the non-SOA setting.We lift our definitions and constructions of SOA-secure nonce-based PKE to the hedged setting as well

    Unpicking PLAID: a cryptographic analysis of an ISO-standards-track authentication protocol

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    The Protocol for Lightweight Authentication of Identity (PLAID) aims at secure and private authentication between a smart card and a terminal. Originally developed by a unit of the Australian Department of Human Services for physical and logical access control, PLAID has now been standardized as an Australian standard AS-5185-2010 and is currently in the fast track standardization process for ISO/IEC 25182-1.2. We present a cryptographic evaluation of PLAID. As well as reporting a number of undesirable cryptographic features of the protocol, we show that the privacy properties of PLAID are significantly weaker than claimed: using a variety of techniques we can fingerprint and then later identify cards. These techniques involve a novel application of standard statistical and data analysi