283 research outputs found

    Light sparticles from a light singlet in gauge mediation

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    We revisit a simple model that combines minimal gauge mediation and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. We show that one can obtain a 125 GeV Standard Model-like Higgs boson with stops as light as 1.1 TeV, thanks to the mixing of the Higgs with a singlet state at O(90-100) GeV. Sparticle searches at the LHC may come with additional b-jets or taus and may involve displaced vertices. The sparticle production cross-section at the 13 TeV LHC can be O(10-100) fb, leading to great prospects for discovery in the early phase of LHC Run II.This work has been partially supported by STFC grant ST/L000385/1. BCA and MB thank the Cambridge supersymmetry working group for helpful discussions. We thank L. Calibbi for discussions and collaboration at an early stage of this project. RZ thanks A. Falkowski, M. Goodsell, D. Redigolo and in particular P. Slavich for useful discussions. This work made in the ILP LABEX (under reference ANR-10-LABX-63) was partially supported by French state funds managed by the ANR within the Investissements d'Avenir programme under reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02. The authors acknowledge the support of France Grilles for providing computing resources on the French National Grid Infrastructure. This work is a part of the "Implications of the Higgs boson discovery on supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model" project funded within the HOMING PLUS programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. MB has been partially supported by National Science Centre under research grant DEC-2012/05/B/ST2/02597 and the MNiSW grant IP2012 030272.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from APS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.92.01500

    Inflation, moduli (de)stabilization and supersymmetry breaking

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    We study the cosmological inflation from the viewpoint of the moduli stabilization. We study the scenario that the superpotential has a large value during the inflation era enough to stabilize moduli, but it is small in the true vacuum. This scenario is discussed by using a simple model, one type of hybrid models.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Gravity waves and the LHC: Towards high-scale inflation with low-energy SUSY

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    It has been argued that rather generic features of string-inspired inflationary theories with low-energy supersymmetry (SUSY) make it difficult to achieve inflation with a Hubble scale H > m_{3/2}, where m_{3/2} is the gravitino mass in the SUSY-breaking vacuum state. We present a class of string-inspired supergravity realizations of chaotic inflation where a simple, dynamical mechanism yields hierarchically small scales of post-inflationary supersymmetry breaking. Within these toy models we can easily achieve small ratios between m_{3/2} and the Hubble scale of inflation. This is possible because the expectation value of the superpotential relaxes from large to small values during the course of inflation. However, our toy models do not provide a reasonable fit to cosmological data if one sets the SUSY-breaking scale to m_{3/2} < TeV. Our work is a small step towards relieving the apparent tension between high-scale inflation and low-scale supersymmetry breaking in string compactifications.Comment: 21+1 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, v2: added references, v3: very minor changes, version to appear in JHE

    Numerical studies of acceleration of thorium ions by a laser pulse of ultra-relativistic intensity

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    One of the key scientific projects of ELI-Nuclear Physics is to study the production of extremely neutron-rich nuclides by a new reaction mechanism called fission-fusion using laser-accelerated thorium (232Th) ions. This research is of crucial importance for understanding the nature of the creation of heavy elements in the Universe; however, they require Th ion beams of very high beam fluencies and intensities which are inaccessible in conventional accelerators. This contribution is a first attempt to investigate the possibility of the generation of intense Th ion beams by a fs laser pulse of ultra-relativistic intensity. The investigation was performed with the use of fully electromagnetic relativistic particle-in-cell code. A sub-μm thorium target was irradiated by a circularly polarized 20-fs laser pulse of intensity up to 1023 W/cm2, predicted to be attainable at ELI-NP. At the laser intensity ~ 1023 W/cm2 and an optimum target thickness, the maximum energies of Th ions approach 9.3 GeV, the ion beam intensity is > 1020 W/cm2 and the total ion fluence reaches values ~ 1019 ions/cm2. The last two values are much higher than attainable in conventional accelerators and are fairly promising for the planned ELI-NP experiment

    Inflation with racetrack superpotential and matter field

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    Several models of inflation with the racetrack superpotential for the volume modulus coupled to a matter field are investigated. In particular, it is shown that two classes of racetrack inflation models, saddle point and inflection point ones, can be constructed in a fully supersymmetric framework with the matter field F-term as a source of supersymmetry breaking and uplifting. Two models of F-term supersymmetry breaking are considered: the Polonyi model and the quantum corrected O'Raifeartaigh model. In the former case, both classes of racetrack inflation models differ significantly from the corresponding models with non-supersymmetric uplifting. The main difference is a quite strong dominance of the inflaton by the matter field. In addition, fine-tuning of the parameters is relaxed as compared to the original racetrack models. In the case of the racetrack inflation models coupled to the O'Raifeartaigh model, the matter field is approximately decoupled from the inflationary dynamics. In all of the above models the gravitino mass is larger than the Hubble scale during inflation. The possibility of having the gravitino much lighter than the Hubble scale is also investigated. It is very hard to construct models with light gravitino in which the volume modulus dominates inflation. On the other hand, models in which the inflationary dynamics is dominated by the matter field are relatively simple and seem to be more natural.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, references added, typos corrected, version to be publishe

    Volume modulus inflection point inflation and the gravitino mass problem

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    Several models of inflection point inflation with the volume modulus as the inflaton are investigated. Non-perturbative superpotentials containing two gaugino condensation terms or one such term with threshold corrections are considered. It is shown that the gravitino mass may be much smaller than the Hubble scale during inflation if at least one of the non-perturbative terms has a positive exponent. Higher order corrections to the Kahler potential have to be taken into account in such models. Those corrections are used to stabilize the potential in the axion direction in the vicinity of the inflection point. Models with only negative exponents require uplifting and in consequence have the supersymmetry breaking scale higher than the inflation scale. Fine-tuning of parameters and initial conditions is analyzed in some detail for both types of models. It is found that fine-tuning of parameters in models with heavy gravitino is much stronger than in models with light gravitino. It is shown that recently proposed time dependent potentials can provide a solution to the problem of the initial conditions only in models with heavy gravitino. Such potentials can not be used to relax fine tuning of parameters in any model because this would lead to values of the spectral index well outside the experimental bounds.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, comments and references added, version to be publishe