290 research outputs found
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Decoding speech from spike-based neural population recordings in secondary auditory cortex of non-human primates.
Direct electronic communication with sensory areas of the neocortex is a challenging ambition for brain-computer interfaces. Here, we report the first successful neural decoding of English words with high intelligibility from intracortical spike-based neural population activity recorded from the secondary auditory cortex of macaques. We acquired 96-channel full-broadband population recordings using intracortical microelectrode arrays in the rostral and caudal parabelt regions of the superior temporal gyrus (STG). We leveraged a new neural processing toolkit to investigate the choice of decoding algorithm, neural preprocessing, audio representation, channel count, and array location on neural decoding performance. The presented spike-based machine learning neural decoding approach may further be useful in informing future encoding strategies to deliver direct auditory percepts to the brain as specific patterns of microstimulation
The CD95 Receptor: Apoptosis Revisited
CD95 is the quintessential death receptor and, when it is bound by ligand, cells undergo apoptosis. Recent evidence suggests, however, that CD95 mediates not only apoptosis but also diverse nonapoptotic functions depending on the tissue and the conditions
Genome Size and Transposable Element Content as Determined by High-Throughput Sequencing in Maize and Zea luxurians
The genome of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) consists mostly of transposable elements (TEs) and varies in size among lines. This variation extends to other species in the genus Zea: although maize and Zea luxurians diverged only ∼140,000 years ago, their genomes differ in size by ∼50%. We used paired-end Illumina sequencing to evaluate the potential contribution of TEs to the genome size difference between these two species. We aligned the reads both to a filtered gene set and to an exemplar database of unique repeats representing 1,514 TE families; ∼85% of reads mapped against TE repeats in both species. The relative contribution of TE families to the B73 genome was highly correlated with previous estimates, suggesting that reliable estimates of TE content can be obtained from short high-throughput sequencing reads, even at low coverage. Because we used paired-end reads, we could assess whether a TE was near a gene by determining if one paired read mapped to a TE and the second read mapped to a gene. Using this method, Class 2 DNA elements were found significantly more often in genic regions than Class 1 RNA elements, but Class 1 elements were found more often near other TEs. Overall, we found that both Class 1 and 2 TE families account for ∼70% of the genome size difference between B73 and luxurians. Interestingly, the relative abundance of TE families was conserved between species (r = 0.97), suggesting genome-wide control of TE content rather than family-specific effects
Differentiate to thrive: lessons from the Legionella pneumophila life cycle
When confronted by disparate environments, microbes routinely alter their physiology to tolerate or exploit local conditions. But some circumstances require more drastic remodelling of the bacterial cell, as sporulation by the Bacillus and Streptomyces species of soil bacteria vividly illustrates. Cellular differentiation is also crucial for pathogens, the challenge for which is to colonize one host, then be transmitted to the next. Using the Gram-negative Legionella pneumophila as a model intracellular pathogen, we describe how biogenesis of the replication vacuole is determined by the developmental state of the bacterium. Subsequently, when replicating bacteria have exhausted the nutrient supply, the pathogens couple their conversion to stationary phase physiology with expression of traits that promote transmission to a new host. The cellular differentiation of L. pneumophila is co-ordinated by a regulatory circuit that integrates several elements that are broadly conserved in the microbial world. The alarmone (p)ppGpp promotes transcription directed by the alternative sigma factors RpoS, FliA and, probably, RpoN, and also post-transcriptional control mediated by a two-component regulatory system, LetA/S (GacA/S), and an mRNA-binding protein, CsrA (RsmA). By applying knowledge of microbial differentiation in combination with tools to screen the complete genomes of pathogens, experiments can be designed to identify two distinct classes of virulence traits: factors that promote replication and those dedicated to transmission.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72854/1/j.1365-2958.2004.04129.x.pd
Gene and QTL detection in a three-way barley cross under selection by a mixed model with kinship information using SNPs
Quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection is commonly performed by analysis of designed segregating populations derived from two inbred parental lines, where absence of selection, mutation and genetic drift is assumed. Even for designed populations, selection cannot always be avoided, with as consequence varying correlation between genotypes instead of uniform correlation. Akin to linkage disequilibrium mapping, ignoring this type of genetic relatedness will increase the rate of false-positives. In this paper, we advocate using mixed models including genetic relatedness, or ‘kinship’ information for QTL detection in populations where selection forces operated. We demonstrate our case with a three-way barley cross, designed to segregate for dwarfing, vernalization and spike morphology genes, in which selection occurred. The population of 161 inbred lines was screened with 1,536 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and used for gene and QTL detection. The coefficient of coancestry matrix was estimated based on the SNPs and imposed to structure the distribution of random genotypic effects. The model incorporating kinship, coancestry, information was consistently superior to the one without kinship (according to the Akaike information criterion). We show, for three traits, that ignoring the coancestry information results in an unrealistically high number of marker–trait associations, without providing clear conclusions about QTL locations. We used a number of widely recognized dwarfing and vernalization genes known to segregate in the studied population as landmarks or references to assess the agreement of the mapping results with a priori candidate gene expectations. Additional QTLs to the major genes were detected for all traits as well
Spectrum of KV2.1 Dysfunction in KCNB1‐Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/152486/1/ana25607.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/152486/2/ana25607_am.pd
Border Insecurity: Reading Transnational Environments in Jim Lynch’s Border Songs
This article applies an eco-critical approach to contemporary American fiction about the Canada-US border, examining Jim Lynch’s portrayal of the British Columbia-Washington borderlands in his 2009 novel Border Songs. It argues that studying transnational environmental actors in border texts—in this case, marijuana, human migrants, and migratory birds—helps illuminate the contingency of political boundaries, problems of scale, and discourses of risk and security in cross-border regions after 9/11. Further, it suggests that widening the analysis of trans-border activity to include environmental phenomena productively troubles concepts of nature and regional belonging in an era of climate change and economic globalization. Cet article propose une lecture écocritique de la fiction étatsunienne contemporaine portant sur la frontière entre le Canada et les États-Unis, en étudiant le portrait donné par Jim Lynch de la région frontalière entre la Colombie-Britannique et Washington dans son roman Border Songs, paru en 2009. L’article soutient que l’étude, dans les textes sur la frontière, des acteurs environnementaux transnationaux – dans ce cas-ci, la marijuana, les migrants humains et les oiseaux migratoires – jette un jour nouveau sur la contingence des limites territoriales politiques, des problèmes d’échelle et des discours sur le risque et la sécurité des régions transfrontalières après les évènements du 11 septembre 2001. Il suggère également qu’en élargissant l’analyse de l’activité transfrontalière pour y inclure les phénomènes environnementaux, on brouille de façon productive les concepts de nature et d’appartenance régionale d’une époque marquée par les changements climatiques et la mondialisation de l’économie
A statistical model for the identification of genes governing the incidence of cancer with age
The cancer incidence increases with age. This epidemiological pattern of cancer incidence can be attributed to molecular and cellular processes of individual subjects. Also, the incidence of cancer with ages can be controlled by genes. Here we present a dynamic statistical model for explaining the epidemiological pattern of cancer incidence based on individual genes that regulate cancer formation and progression. We incorporate the mathematical equations of age-specific cancer incidence into a framework for functional mapping aimed at identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for dynamic changes of a complex trait. The mathematical parameters that specify differences in the curve of cancer incidence among QTL genotypes are estimated within the context of maximum likelihood. The model provides testable quantitative hypotheses about the initiation and duration of genetic expression for QTLs involved in cancer progression. Computer simulation was used to examine the statistical behavior of the model. The model can be used as a tool for explaining the epidemiological pattern of cancer incidence
Prebiotics from Marine Macroalgae for Human and Animal Health Applications
The marine environment is an untapped source of bioactive compounds. Specifically, marine macroalgae (seaweeds) are rich in polysaccharides that could potentially be exploited as prebiotic functional ingredients for both human and animal health applications. Prebiotics are non-digestible, selectively fermented compounds that stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial gut microbiota which, in turn, confer health benefits on the host. This review will introduce the concept and potential applications of prebiotics, followed by an outline of the chemistry of seaweed polysaccharides. Their potential for use as prebiotics for both humans and animals will be highlighted by reviewing data from both in vitro and in vivo studies conducted to date
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