8,573 research outputs found
Nuclear modification factor in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
The transverse momentum dependent nuclear modification factors (NMF), namely
, is investigated for protons produced in Au + Au at 1 GeV within
the framework of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics (IQMD) model.
It is found that the radial collective motion during the expansion stage
affects the NMF at low transverse momentum a lot. By fitting the transverse
mass spectra of protons with the distribution function from the Blast-Wave
model, the magnitude of radial flow can be extracted. After removing the
contribution from radial flow, the can be regarded as a thermal one
and is found to keep unitary at transverse momentum lower than 0.6 GeV/c and
enhance at higher transverse momentum, which can be attributed to Cronin
effect.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; aceepted by Physics Letters
Influence of the rotational sense of two colliding laser beams on the radiation of an ultrarelativistic electron
With analytical treatment, the classical dynamics of an ultrarelativistic
electron in two counter-propagating circularly polarized strong laser beams
with either co-rotating or counter-rotating direction are considered. Assuming
that the particle energy is the dominant scale in the setup, an approximate
solution is derived and the influence of the rotational sense on the dynamics
is analyzed. Qualitative differences in both electron energy and momentum are
found for the laser beams being co-rotating or counter-rotating and are
confirmed by the exact numerical solution of the classical equation of motion.
Despite of these differences in the electron trajectory, the radiation spectra
of the electron do not deviate qualitatively from each other for configurations
with varying rotational directions of the laser beams. Here, the radiation of
an ultrarelativistic electron interacting with counterpropagating laser beams
is given in the framework of the Baier-Katkov semi-classical approximation.
Several parameter regimes are considered and the spectra resulting from the two
scenarios all have the same shape and only differ quantitatively by a few
percent.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure
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A hybrid stabilization technique for simulating water wave - Structure interaction by incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) method
The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is emerging as a potential tool for studying water wave related problems, especially for violent free surface flow and large deformation problems. The incompressible SPH (ISPH) computations have been found not to be able to maintain the stability in certain situations and there exist some spurious oscillations in the pressure time history, which is similar to the weakly compressible SPH (WCSPH). One main cause of this problem is related to the non-uniform and clustered distribution of the moving particles. In order to improve the model performance, the paper proposed an efficient hybrid numerical technique aiming to correct the ill particle distributions. The correction approach is realized through the combination of particle shifting and pressure gradient improvement. The advantages of the proposed hybrid technique in improving ISPH calculations are demonstrated through several applications that include solitary wave impact on a slope or overtopping a seawall, and regular wave slamming on the subface of open-piled structure
Numerical simulation of solid tumor blood perfusion and drug delivery during the “vascular normalization window” with antiangiogenic therapy
This Article is provided by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2011 Hindawi PublishingTo investigate the influence of vascular normalization on solid tumor blood perfusion and drug delivery, we used the generated blood vessel network for simulations. Considering the hemodynamic parameters changing after antiangiogenic therapies, the results show that the interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) in tumor tissue domain decreases while the pressure gradient increases during the normalization window. The decreased IFP results in more efficient delivery of conventional drugs to the targeted cancer cells. The outcome of therapies will improve if the antiangiogenic therapies and conventional therapies are carefully scheduled
Dynamics of glass phases in the two-dimensional gauge glass model
Large-scale simulations have been performed on the current-driven
two-dimensional XY gauge glass model with resistively-shunted-junction
dynamics. It is observed that the linear resistivity at low temperatures tends
to zero, providing strong evidence of glass transition at finite temperature.
Dynamic scaling analysis demonstrates that perfect collapses of current-voltage
data can be achieved with the glass transition temperature , the
correlation length critical exponent , and the dynamic critical
exponent . A genuine continuous depinning transition is found at zero
temperature. For creeping at low temperatures, critical exponents are evaluated
and a non-Arrhenius creep motion is observed in the glass phase.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
FLASH: Randomized Algorithms Accelerated over CPU-GPU for Ultra-High Dimensional Similarity Search
We present FLASH (\textbf{F}ast \textbf{L}SH \textbf{A}lgorithm for
\textbf{S}imilarity search accelerated with \textbf{H}PC), a similarity search
system for ultra-high dimensional datasets on a single machine, that does not
require similarity computations and is tailored for high-performance computing
platforms. By leveraging a LSH style randomized indexing procedure and
combining it with several principled techniques, such as reservoir sampling,
recent advances in one-pass minwise hashing, and count based estimations, we
reduce the computational and parallelization costs of similarity search, while
retaining sound theoretical guarantees.
We evaluate FLASH on several real, high-dimensional datasets from different
domains, including text, malicious URL, click-through prediction, social
networks, etc. Our experiments shed new light on the difficulties associated
with datasets having several million dimensions. Current state-of-the-art
implementations either fail on the presented scale or are orders of magnitude
slower than FLASH. FLASH is capable of computing an approximate k-NN graph,
from scratch, over the full webspam dataset (1.3 billion nonzeros) in less than
10 seconds. Computing a full k-NN graph in less than 10 seconds on the webspam
dataset, using brute-force (), will require at least 20 teraflops. We
provide CPU and GPU implementations of FLASH for replicability of our results
Magnetic control of the pair creation in spatially localized supercritical fields
We examine the impact of a perpendicular magnetic field on the creation mechanism of electron-positron pairs in a supercritical static electric field, where both fields are localized along the direction of the electric field. In the case where the spatial extent of the magnetic field exceeds that of the electric field, quantum field theoretical simulations based on the Dirac equation predict a suppression of pair creation even if the electric field is supercritical. Furthermore, an arbitrarily small magnetic field outside the interaction zone can bring the creation process even to a complete halt, if it is sufficiently extended. The mechanism for this magnetically induced complete shutoff can be associated with a reopening of the mass gap and the emergence of electrically dressed Landau levels
Scalable Quantum Monte Carlo with Direct-Product Trial Wave Functions
The computational demand posed by applying multi-Slater determinant trials in
phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo methods (MSD-AFQMC) is
particularly significant for molecules exhibiting strong correlations. Here, we
propose using direct-product wave functions as trials for MSD-AFQMC, aiming to
reduce computational overhead by leveraging the compactness of multi-Slater
determinant trials in direct-product form (DP-MSD). This efficiency arises when
the active space can be divided into non-coupling subspaces, a condition we
term "decomposable active space". By employing localized-active space
self-consistent field wave functions as an example of such trials, we
demonstrate our proposed approach in various molecular systems. Our findings
indicate that the compact DP-MSD trials can reduce computational costs
substantially, by up to 36 times for the \ce{C2H6N4} molecule where the two
double bonds between nitrogen \ce{N=N} are clearly separated by a \ce{C-C}
single bond, while maintaining accuracy when active spaces are decomposable.
However, for systems where these active subspaces strongly couple, a scenario
we refer to as "strong subspace coupling", the method's accuracy decreases
compared to that achieved with a complete active space approach. We anticipate
that our method will be beneficial for systems with non-coupling to
weakly-coupling subspaces that require local multireference treatments.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
A new 111 type iron pnictide superconductor LiFeP
A new iron pnictide LiFeP superconductor was found. The compound crystallizes
into a Cu2Sb structure containing an FeP layer showing superconductivity with
maximum Tc of 6K. This is the first 111 type iron pnictide superconductor
containing no arsenic. The new superconductor is featured with itinerant
behavior at normal state that could helpful to understand the novel
superconducting mechanism of iron pnictide compounds.Comment: 3 figures + 1 tabl
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