8 research outputs found


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    Coal mining company's performance in the period 2008-2014 is slowing, it is caused by an economic slowdown in China dampen sales performance, coupled with jebloknya selling prices, changes in government regulations such as the ban on exports and higher royalty costs and production control could hurt earnings coal miners. This study aims to determine liquidity ratios, and profitability solvabelitas coal mining company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011-2014. This research is descriptive research, of the 22 population, drawn five (5) samples. namely PT Adaro Energy Tbk, PT. Bumi Resources Tbk, PT. Bayan Resources Tbk, PT. Indo Tambangraya Tbk, and PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk. Based on the research results can be summarized as follows: a) based on the results of the calculation of the liquidity ratio analysis for 4 years, there are three companies in a liquid condition, namely PT. Indo Tambangraya Tbk, PT. Coal Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Tbk and PT. Adaro Energy Tbk, while two other companies, namely PT ilikuid conditions. Bumi Resources Tbk and PT. Bayan Resources Tbk., b)based on the results of the calculation solvabelitas ratio analysis, there are two companies in a state solvable, namely PT. Indo Tambangraya Tbk and Coal Bukit Asam Tbk, while 3 other companies, namely PT. Adaro Energy Tbk., PT. Bumi Resources Tbk, and PT. Bayan Resources Tbk. in conditions insolvabel. c) based on the results of the calculation of the main profitability ratio analysis of net profit margin then it can be concluded that PT. Adaro Energy Tbk, PT. Indo Tambangraya Tbk and PT. Bukit Asam coal mining in the condition of a profit in the year 2011-2014, while PT. Bumi Resources Tbk. and PT. Bayan Tbk.dalam a loss in 2013 and 2014

    Memaksimalkan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Melalui Game Edukatif: Pelatihan Guru SMP di Yogyakarta

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    Pandemi COVID-19 memaksa sekolah berpindah ke pembelajaran daring, menciptakan tantangan dalam menjaga keterlibatan siswa, khususnya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru-guru Bahasa Jawa tingkat SMP di Yogyakarta dalam merancang dan menerapkan game edukatif sebagai metode pembelajaran inovatif. Melalui workshop daring yang melibatkan MGMP Bahasa Jawa SMP Yogyakarta dan diikuti oleh 45 guru Bahasa Jawa, pengabdian ini mendorong guru untuk mengembangkan dua game edukatif, Flippity dan Educandy. Evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan keterampilan yang dikembangkan para guru dalam merancang game. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam integrasi teknologi pendidikan ke dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa. Keberhasilan ini menandai langkah awal yang signifikan dalam adaptasi metode pembelajaran yang responsif dan menarik di era digital

    Mitos Penciptaan pada Serat Purwakandha Brantakusuman dan Potensi Kajian Filsafatnya

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    This article examines the creation myth in Serat Purwakandha Brantakusuman (SPB), how its characteristics are compared to myths in Indonesia and existing mythical theories, and explains philosophical themes that can be examined from these myths in order to give its theoretical contributions in existing mythical theories. It is a literature study by reviewing books texts, research reports, journals, and other sources. The analysis is done by interpretation, coherence-holistic, description, and analysis-synthesis. The theoretical framework used is the myth theory C A. Van Peursen and Clifford Geertz. The results of the study indicate that the myth of the creation of plants in SPB is based on the story of the death of Dewi Tisnawati who was banished to earth. The study of myths about the origin of plants is new because research examining myths related to agriculture and Dewi Sri, the influence of myths in life and human activities, forms of rituals and socio-cultural activities, and the relationship between myths and art, are more related to origin place. The myths in SPB and myths in Indonesia contribute to supporting myth concepts that have been described by great thinkers. The creation myth and other myths in the SPB can be subject to study from the perspective of the branches of philosophy and its conceptual substances can also be criticized philosophicall


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    Prediksi konsumsi energi untuk di masa yang akan datang menjadi salah satu faktor penting untuk menunjang kebutuhan dan penyediaan energi listrik. Bertambahnya jumlah pelanggan energi listrik pada suatu daerah menyebabkan permintaan kebutuhan energi listrik yang meningkat pula. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan prediksi energi listrik di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat hingga tahun 2029 dengan menggunakan metode DKL 3.2 dan software LEAP. Prediksi konsumsi energi dengan metode DKL 3.2 terbagi menjadi 4 sektor yaitu industri, bisnis, umum dan rumah tangga. Prediksi energi listrik dengan metode DKL 3.2 dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti pertumbuhan PDRB, pertumbuhan pelanggan, pertumbuhan konsumsi, elastisitas energi, dan faktor pelanggan. Data - data yang digunakan adalah data aktual PDRB harga konstan, jumlah pelanggan dan konsumsi dari tahun 2015 - 2019 untuk memprediksi kebutuhan energi listrik tahun 2020 - 2029. Hasil penelitian menggunakan metode DKL 3.2 sektor industri mengalami pertumbuhan rata - rata sebesar 8,06 %, sektor bisnis sebesar 7,50 %, sektor umum sebesar 7,20 %, dan sektor rumah tangga sebesar 13,60 %. Nilai proyeksi yang terdapat pada buku RUPTL 2021 - 2030 digunakan sebagai pembanding dan acuan dalam prediksi energi listrik dengan metode DKL 3.2. Nilai error rata - rata yang dihasilkan pada tiap sektor dapat dikatakan cukup baik. Sektor industri memiliki nilai error rata - rata sebesar 8,14 %, sektor bisnis sebesar 23,39 %, sektor umum sebesar 9,70 %, sektor rumah tangga sebesar 15,89 %. Kemudian terdapat perencanaan pembangkit listrik tambahan dan produksi energi listrik yang dihasilkan pembangkit dapat mencukupi kebutuhan energi listrik hingga tahun 2029 di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi dan gambaran terkait peningkatan kebutuhan energi listrik, serta dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk penyediaan energi listrik tambahan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Forecasting energy consumption for the future is one of the most important factors to support the supply of electrical energy. The increasing number of electrical energy customers in an area causes the demand for electrical energy needs to increase as well. In this study, forecasting electrical energy in West Nusa Tenggara Province until 2029 was carried out using the DKL 3.2 method and LEAP software. Forecasting energy consumption using the DKL 3.2 method is divided into 4 sectors, namely industry, business, public, and household. Forecasting electrical energy using the DKL 3.2 method is influenced by several factors such as GRDP growth, customer growth, consumption growth, energy elasticity, and customer factors. The data used are actual data on constant price GRDP, the number of customers and consumption from 2015 - 2019 to predict the need for electrical energy in 2020 - 2029. The results of the study using the DKL 3.2 method in the industrial sector experienced an average growth of 8.06%, the business sector is 7.50%, the general sector is 7.20%, and the household sector is 13.60%. The projected value contained in the RUPTL 2021 - 2030 book is used as a comparison and reference in forecasting electrical energy using the DKL 3.2 method. The average error value generated in each sector can be said to be quite good. The industrial sector has an average error value of 8.14%, the business sector is 23.39%, the general sector is 9.70%, the household sector is 15.89%. Then there is the planning of additional power plants and the production of electrical energy produced by the plant can meet the needs of electrical energy until 2029 in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. The results of this study are expected to be used as information and descriptions related to the increasing demand for electrical energy and can be a consideration for the provision of additional electrical energy in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara

    The Origins and Values of Javanese Philosophy in Nyadran with Goat-Cow Slaughter

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    This research aims to explore the origins of Nyadran, focusing on its ritualistic aspect involving the use of large animal parts (cows or goats), and to elucidate the underlying philosophy. Utilizing qualitative data from literature reviews and field studies, interviews were conducted to understand community perspectives. Findings reveal that Nyadran's implementation, involving slaughtering animals, lacks direct links to Islamic teachings and shows no explicit involvement of Islamic figures from the past. Instead, Nyadran's concepts stem from myths surrounding the village or the region in which it is organized. Community knowledge is grounded in beliefs about intertwined historical events and evolves with the growth of religious institutions. Justifications for Nyadran are based on philosophical arguments of religious, moral, and societal values, supporting the need for strong communal values and a harmonious life