482 research outputs found
Self-Adjointness of Generalized MIC-Kepler System
We have studied the self-adjointness of generalized MIC-Kepler Hamiltonian,
obtained from the formally self-adjoint generalized MIC-Kepler Hamiltonian. We
have shown that for \tilde l=0, the system admits a 1-parameter family of
self-adjoint extensions and for \tilde l \neq 0 but \tilde l <{1/2}, it has
also a 1-parameter family of self-adjoint extensions.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, no figur
Aneurysm of internal carotid artery, which simulated paratonsillary abscess (clinical case)
This article describes a rare case of paratonsillar abscess imitation among the patients with the aneurysm of ICA. The purpose of the study is to describe the methods of this disease diagnosing using the example of a clinical case, to give a general description of this nosology occurrence frequency, and to recommend a detailed approach to the differential diagnosis among this category of patient
Decrease of estriol and estradiol concentration, was found, at herpes-viral infection exacerbation, in placenta of pregnant at early stages of gestations. Revealed, change was shown by result of defect of base steroid. — cholesterol content, as well as distribution, of the steroid, hormone syntheses process: low activity of placental 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and. inadequacy steroidogenesis regulating mechanism.
Influence of high temperatures on the behavior, productivity and bioenergetic characteristics of goats
Abstract. The research was carried out in IE «Babyni kozy» of Kyiv region at a goat farm where a stable-pasture system of goats is used. In winter, goats are kept at free-stall housing on a deep litter and during the grazing period, on a forage area. Goats are milked on a milking parlor into the milk line. The article presents the results of researches of the influence of ambient temperature during the thermo neutral period and during the period of high temperatures on the productivity, daily behavior and bioenergetic characteristics of Saanen goats. A group of goats of the Saanen breed of the 3rd lactation was formed during the period of the milk yield increasing. The research was performed in thermo neutral period (average daily air temperature was up to + 22.3 °C) and during the period of temperature load at an average daily air temperature of + 27.6 °C. Each period lasted 12 days. It has been found that goats responded to the change in temperature by reducing of productivity by 10.70 % (0.35 kg). Hereby, the mass fraction of fat in goat's milk during this period increased by 0.09 %. During the period of high temperatures, goats spent a little less time eating food, watering and walking, but rested more in a supine position compared to the thermo neutral period. In general, in both temperature periods, the duration of the main acts of behavior in goats corresponded to physiological norms. The decrease in the duration of feed consumption during the temperature load caused a decrease in the number of feed reactions and the duration of chewing the cuddy in goats. The energy index, i.e. the amount of net energy consumption of feed, which transfers into milk energy during the temperature load decreased by 1.42 MJ %. Net energy consumption per 1 MJ of milk energy during the period of high temperatures has increased by 0.62 MJ
Automated control system for a mashing process
The goal of this paper is to describe a system for a mashing process, which is the first part of brewing beer. The mashing is a procedure where the fermentable (and some non-fermentable) sugars are extracted from malts. The program part based on LabVIEW, which is used to control NI CompactRIO. The main target of the project is to reach a predefined levels of the temperatures and maintain it during the pauses. When the necessary break time is ended the system is ready to go to the new value. The precise control of the temperatures during the breaks is one of the critical factors that define the texture and alcohol content of the beer. The system has two tanks with resistors PT100 in both of them, heat exchanger (coil), heater and pump. The first tank has heating element in order to rise the temperature in the other one. This project has practical solution with all explanations and graphs which are proven working ability of this control system
The generalized MIC-Kepler system
This paper deals with dynamical system that generalizes the MIC-Kepler
system. It is shown that the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for this generalized
MIC-Kepler system can be separated in spherical and parabolic coordinates. The
spectral problem in spherical and parabolic coordinates is solved.Comment: 8 page
Морфофункциональная характеристика фетоплацентарного барьера при герпес-вирусной инфекции
Herpes-virus infection decrease of activity of villus Bcl-2 was increased in process of increase of a credit of antibodies to virus herpes. The increase of activity kaspasa-3 created action on DNK nucleus sincythiotrophoblast.При обострении герпес-вирусной инфекции во время беременности на фетоплацентарный барьер повреждающее влияние оказывают интерлейкин, фактор некроза опухоли α, нитросоединения, приводящее к подавлению активности белка Bcl2 и увеличению активности каспазы-3
Stimulated emission and lasing in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films
Stimulated emission and lasing in Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 thin films have been demonstrated at a temperature of 20 K using excitation by a nanosecond pulsed N 2 laser with power densities in the range from 2 to 100 kW cm − 2 . Sharp narrowing of the photoluminescence band, superlinear dependence of its intensity on excitation laser power, as well as stabilization of the spectral position and of the full-width at half-maximum of the band were observed in the films at increasing excitation intensity. The stimulated emission threshold was determined to be 20 kW cm − 2 . A gain value of 94 cm − 1 has been estimated using the variable stripe length method. Several sharp laser modes near 1.13 eV were observed above the laser threshold of I thr ~ 50 kW cm −
A gas-chromatographic study was conducted of the content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ω-3 family: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of leptinin the homogenate of placental tissue in women who during the third trimester of gestation (32 weeks) underwent reactivation of chronic cytomegalovirus infection with an antibody titer Immunoglobulin class G to cytomegalovirus 1:1600. The main group of studies was 42 placentas taken from women with cytomegalovirus infection during the period of labor. The obtained data were compared with similar parameters of the control group, which included 35 placental tissues of practically healthy women in childbirth. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that the reactivation of chronic cytomegalovirus infection in the third trimester of pregnancy (32 weeks) is associated with decrease in the concentration of ω-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic by 23 % (р < 0.01) and docosahexaenoic by 42 % (р < 0.001) with a simultaneous increase in the concentration of leptin in the placental tissue by 61 % (р < 0.001). In these conditions, the mechanisms of regulation of the transmission of fatty acids from the peripheral blood of the mother to the blood of the developing fetus through the placenta are disrupted. The contents of leptin during pregnancy is an important indicator that carries information not only about the energy reserves of the maternal organism, but also about the state of the fe^lacental complex
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