3 research outputs found

    Membangun Pola Komunikasi Peringatan Dini (Early Warning System) Banjir DAS Kalijompo Kabupaten Jember

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    Artikel dengan berjudul “Membangun Pola Komunikasi Peringatan Dini Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Kali Jompo Kabupaten Jember”, dilatar belakangi oleh DAS Kali Jompo yang hampir setiap musim penghujan terjadi peristiwa banjir. Di sisi lain F PRB Kali Jompo sebagai Forum Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (F-PRB) pada DAS Kali Jompo program pengurangan risiko belum terstruktur terutama praktik kesiapsiagaan Peringatan Dini (Early Warning System). Tujuannya adalah memperkuat praktik komunikasi peringatan dini banjir pada DAS Kali Jompo yang lebih terstruktur dan efektif. Teori yang digunakan adalah komunikasi model Harol Laswell “Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect”. Teknik pengambilan data primer melalui observasi partisipan dan teknik Focus Group Discussion (FGD), sedangkan pengambilan data sekunder melalui dokumentasi. Teknik analisis menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasilnya adalah; pertama, komunikator dan komunikan adalah para petugas pos pantau sebanyak 9 (sembilan) titik yang tersebar mulai hulu sampai hilir DAS Jompo. Kedua, pola komunikasi peringatan dini antar pos pantau berlangsung secara timbal balik/dialog. Ketiga, Informasi dari pos pantau hulu yang diterima oleh pos pantau hilir disebarkan kepada masyarakat sekitar titik pantau dan masyarakat melakukan respon atas informasi yang diterima. Keempat, para petugas pos pantau menggunakan media komunikasi Hand Phone android, oleh karena Hand Phone android dapat mengirim pesan baik dalam rupa suara, tulisan, dan gambar sehingga pesan lebih aktual. Kelima, proses komunikasi pos pantau fluktuatif linier dengan dinamika ancaman

    Social Practices of Covid-19 Resilient Village in Mitigating the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster in Jember, Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT: Covid-19, a global pandemic disaster since early 2020, has affected the Jember District. Lawgriez Village, as a selected resilient village, was chosen as a pilot village through a competition organized by the Regent of Jember at that time. There are good social practices in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic in this village. These social practices include habitus, economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital, and the domain of Lawgriez Village serves as the strength of this village in implementing policies for mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic along with its health protocols. The theory used in this research is the theory of social practice by Pierre Bourdieu. A qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach was chosen by the researcher to determine, examine, and analyze the data and techniques during data collection through observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Purposive sampling was selected as the technique for determining informants. The social practices of the Covid-19 resilient village are institutionalized within a structured institution of the resilient village, accompanied by cooperation from various stakeholders. The self-created and responsive social practices in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic are inseparable from the unity and solidarity of Lawgriez residents. The branding of Lawgriez as a village located near the RSTP Jember has become a reinforcing identity and distinctive characteristic known to the people of Jember

    Agrobiotechnology at The Nexus between Clientelism and The State’s Authority : The Indonesian Case

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    The impact of the Green Revolution in Indonesia over the past 50 years has entirely changed the social structure of the farming community. The state and its institutional apparatus once took a huge part in controlling the agricultural sector, yet this vital role has indeed declined dramatically over the past two decades in line with the political push to implement a democratic agenda due to the concerns with the society. However, in rural areas of Java the authoritarian mechanism of agricultural management was quickly replaced by a new type of patronage that no longer relied on land tenure, but rather controlled seeds and fertilizer. The link between the state and seeds as well as fertilizer companies in controlling the dynamics of the Javanese farmer community has led to every agricultural and polemic innovation that has shaped the state’s relationship with civil society for decades, which has not yet made the farmers an independent community. Regarding the issues concerning land tenure, a classic critique of patronage, now the shift over the meaning of patronage is more centered on the control of seeds and fertilizers as if these were still a critical effort that did not have adequate capacity on the part of farmers and those who stand for farmer justice. Criticism of the tacit application of agricultural biotechnology in East Java remains a secondary issue, and it faces no obstacles at all upon going through the clientelism structure driving the mechanism of agricultural management in rural areas