85 research outputs found

    Signatures of Electron Fractionalization in Ultraquantum Bismuth

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    Because of the long Fermi wavelength of itinerant electrons, the quantum limit of elemental bismuth (unlike most metals) can be attained with a moderate magnetic field. The quantized orbits of electrons shrink with increasing magnetic field. Beyond the quantum limit, the circumference of these orbits becomes shorter than the Fermi wavelength. We studied transport coefficients of a single crystal of bismuth up to 33 tesla, which is deep in this ultraquantum limit. The Nernst coefficient presents three unexpected maxima that are concomitant with quasi-plateaus in the Hall coefficient. The results suggest that this bulk element may host an exotic quantum fluid reminiscent of the one associated with the fractional quantum Hall effect and raise the issue of electron fractionalization in a three-dimensional metal.Comment: 9 pages, four figures and supposrting online materia

    High Field de Haas - van Alphen Studies of the Fermi Surfaces of LaMIn5_{5} (M = Co, Rh, Ir)

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    We report measurements of the de Haas - van Alphen effect on a series of compounds, LaMIn5_{5} (M = Co, Rh, Ir). The results show that each of the Co and Ir Fermi surfaces (FSs) exhibit some portions that are two dimensional and some portions that are three dimensional. The most two dimensional character is exhibited in LaCoIn5_{5}, less two dimensional behavior is seen in LaIrIn5_{5}, no part of Fermi surface of LaRhIn5_{5} is found to have a two dimensional character. Thus the two dimensionality of portions of the FSs is largely determined by the d character of the energy bands while all of the effective masses remain ≤\leq 1.2. This fact has implications for the causes of the heavy fermion nature of superconductivity and magnetism in the Ce-based compounds having the similar composition and structure. All of the measurements were performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory using either cantilever magnetometry or field modulation methods.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Field induced density wave in the heavy fermion compound CeRhIn5

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    Metals containing Ce often show strong electron correlations due to the proximity of the 4f state to the Fermi energy, leading to strong coupling with the conduction electrons. This coupling typically induces a variety of competing ground states, including heavy-fermion metals, magnetism and unconventional superconductivity. The d-wave superconductivity in CeTMIn5 (TM=Co, Rh, Ir) has attracted significant interest due to its qualitative similarity to the cuprate high-Tc superconductors. Here, we show evidence for a field induced phase-transition to a state akin to a density-wave (DW) in the heavy fermion CeRhIn5, existing in proximity to its unconventional superconductivity. The DW state is signaled by a hysteretic anomaly in the in-plane resistivity accompanied by the appearance of non-linear electrical transport at high magnetic fields (>27T), which are the distinctive characteristics of density-wave states. The unusually large hysteresis enables us to directly investigate the Fermi surface of a supercooled electronic system and to clearly associate a Fermi surface reconstruction with the transition. Key to our observation is the fabrication of single crystal microstructures, which are found to be highly sensitive to "subtle" phase transitions involving only small portions of the Fermi surface. Such subtle order might be a common feature among correlated electron systems, and its clear observation adds a new perspective on the similarly subtle CDW state in the cuprates.Comment: Accepted in Nature Communication

    Hall plateaus at magic angles in bismuth beyond the quantum limit

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    We present a study of the angular dependence of the resistivity tensor up to 35 T in elemental bismuth complemented by torque magnetometry measurements in a similar configuration. For at least two particular field orientations a few degrees off the trigonal axis, the Hall resistivity was found to become field-independent within experimental resolution in a finite field window corresponding to a field which is roughly three times the frequency of quantum oscillations. The Hall plateaus rapidly vanish as the field is tilted off theses magic angles. We identify two distinct particularities of these specific orientations, which may play a role in the emergence of the Hall plateaus.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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