18 research outputs found

    Comparison of Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Sobel Filter Methods in Landsat 8 Imagery for Coastline Extraction

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    For a country, the existence of a coastline has an important value because it acts as a protection for marine resources and determines maritime boundaries between countries. There are various methods used for coastline analysis, both manual by digitizing and automatic by edge detection. This study compares the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) method with the Sobel filter for coastline extraction in the South Coast of Sampang, Madura using Landsat 8 imagery. The best approach is then applied to the image to determine changes in coastlines from 2015 to 2020. This research shows that visually, the NDWI method produces better edges than the Sobel filter because the resulting lines are close to the original conditions in Landsat 8 or Basemap World Imagery. Sobel filter, the resulting accuracy is not very good. It does not approach field conditions, but this filter has the advantage of a relatively fast processing time because it can use a single band. Then the NDWI value generated in this study has a range of -0.497121 to 0.377046. The first class, which is a non-water body object, has a value of -0.497121 to 0. Then the second class, which is a body of water object, has a value of 0 to 0.377046. The coastline change for five years shows a shift in the coastline with a range of 0.62 to 2.75 meters. The Landsat 8 pixel size is 30 meters, while the shift is only <3 meters. So that this experiment does not show any significant coastline changes. Suggestions for further research: It is necessary to conduct a study using high-resolution imagery to confirm changes in the coastline accurately

    Comparison of Admiralty and Least Square Methods for Tidal Analysis in Mandangin Island, Sampang Regency, East Java

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    The existence of hydro-oceanographic information such as tides plays an essential role in supporting coastal areas' transportation. This study aims to compare the tidal analysis results in Mandangin Island, Sampang Regency, East Java using the Admiralty and Least Square methods. The data used in this study are tidal data for May and November 2020, which represent the dry and rainy seasons in Indonesia. Tide data are obtained from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) at one-hour intervals. From this research, it can be concluded that the tidal types generated from the Admiralty and Least Square methods in Mandangin Island, East Java, are mixed types with semidiurnal tendencies. The use of the Admiralty and Least Square methods results in the difference in the harmonic components' amplitude values. The M2 and O1 components have an enormous difference in May 2020, with amplitude values of 0.0003 and 0.0002, and the difference in the amplitude values of the harmonic components also occurred in November 2020. The M2 component has the most significant difference compareto other components, namely 0.0011. The components O1, P1, and MS4 in the same month result in a relatively small difference in amplitude values with values of 0.0002, 0.0002, and 0.0001. For further tidal research, data corrections should be considered, a nodal correction to produce more accurate observational data. This correction can use the T_Tide program with constants obtained from the analysis process

    Platform Google Earth Engine Untuk Pemetaan Suhu Permukaan Daratan Dari Data Series Modis

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    Urban Heat Island (UHI) merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi suhu permukaan bumi. Fenomena UHI menyebabkan suhu permukaan daratan kota lebih tinggi karena faktor antropogenik. Indentifikasi suhu permukaan daratan yang disebabkan oleh UHI dapat dilakukan dengan teknik penginderaan jauh berbasis cloud. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan suhu permukaan daratan wilayah pesisir utara Surabaya dan sekitarnya dengan citra multi temporal MODIS tahun 2001-2020 menggunakan Platform Google Earth Engine. Lokasi tersebut dipilih karena diduga mengalami peningkatan suhu akibat aktivitas pembangunan yang umumnya juga terjadi di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan panas yang cukup signifikan dari tahun ke tahun. Di pesisir utara Surabaya, Jawa Timur, pada tahun 2001 suhu permukaan pada kisaran 30oC terletak dibagian utara. Pada tahun 2011 suhu meningkat dan menyebar ke wilayah bagian selatan. Kemudian suhu paling tinggi ditunjukkan pada tahun 2020, dimana hampir keseluruhan wilayah memiliki panas diatas 28oC. Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa penggunaan platform Google Earth Engine efektif untuk pemetaan suhu permukaan daratan. Perlu adanya penelitian lanjutan mengenai penggunaan data yang diukur langsung di lapangan dan citra resolusi spasial lebih tinggi agar mengetahui akurasi yang dihasilkan dari platform Google Earth Engine


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    ABSTRAKGili Raja Island is a small island located in Gili Genting District, with the entire area located on the coast. The primary access to this island is the sea route, where oceanographic conditions such as tides are very influential. This study examines the tidal characteristics on the island of Gili Raja, Sumenep Regency, using the Least Squares method. Tidal data were obtained from the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) in April 2015. The research conducted shows that the tidal type on Gili Raja's island is Diurnal with a Formzahl number of 3.55 (F> 3.0). This type describes that there is one high tide and one low tide. However, several times there were also two tides and two ebbs with very different heights and periods. The calculation using the least-squares method produces nine harmonic components, including M2, S2, N2 and K2, which form multiple daily tides. K1, O1 and P1 are the harmonic components forming a single daily tidal type, and the following components are M4 and MS4. The value obtained for each harmonic component is the amplitude value and phase difference.Keywords: Least Square, Tides, Harmonic Components, Formzahl, Gili Raja ABSTRACT Pulau Gili Raja merupakan pulau kecil yang berada di Kecamatan Gili Genting dengan seluruh wilayahnya terletak di pesisir. Akses utama ke pulau ini yaitu dengan jalur laut dimana kondisi oseanografi seperti pasang surut sangat mempengaruhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik pasang surut di pulau Gili Raja Kabupaten Sumenep menggunakan metode Kuadrat Terkecil. Data pasang surut diperoleh dari Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) pada bulan April tahun 2015. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa tipe pasang surut di pulau Gili Raja adalah Diurnal dengan bilangan Formzahl sebesar 3.55 (F > 3.0). Tipe ini menjelaskan bahwa terjadi satu kali air pasang dan satu kali air surut. Namun beberapa kali waktu juga terjadi dua kali pasang dan dua kali surut dengan tinggi dan periode yang sangat berbeda. Perhitungan menggunakan metode kuadrat terkecil menghasilkan sembilan komponen harmonik diantaranya  M2, S2, N2 dan K2 yang merupakan komponen pembangkit pasang surut harian ganda. K1, O1 dan P1 yang merupakan komponen harmonik pembangkit tipe pasang surut harian tunggal dan komponen selanjutnya adalah M4 dan MS4. Nilai yang diperoleh setiap komponen harmonik adalah nilai amplitudo dan beda phase.Kata kunci: Kuadrat Terkecil, Pasang Surut, Komponen Harmonik, Formzahl, Gili Raj

    Study of Tidal Characteristics in The South and North Coastal of Sumenep Regency, Madura

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    Sumenep is one of Madura's regency, which has many islands with a wealth and diversity of natural resources, especially in its marine and coastal areas. With many islands owned, sea transportation in Sumenep is of great importance in the regency. One of the crucial aspects that must be considered related to this transportation is tidal information. This study aims to determine the tidal characteristics in the South and North Coast of Sumenep Regency using the Least Square method. The tide data used in February and September 2020 were obtained from the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) with an observation interval of one hour. This time was chosen because it represents monsoons' occurrence in Indonesia in the annual season, namely the dry and rainy seasons. The results of this study indicate that the southern coastal area (Giligenting District) has a mixed tidal type, tends to be semi-diurnal with Formzahl numbers of 0.86 and 1.29 (0.25 <F £ 1.5). In comparison, the North coast (Dasuk District) has a Diurnal tidal type with Formzahl numbers of 3.64 and 4.30 (F > 3.0). The different tides are due to the sampling's location representing different geographical conditions, namely open waters (North Coast) and closed waters (Pesisir Selatan). The elevation parameters obtained still need supporting data such as waves, currents, and bathymetry used by policymakers for safety in using sea transportation.


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    ABSTRACTThe development of remote sensing technology has experienced significant progress. This progress is marked by the availability of images of various resolutions with complete channels, open-source, and their development in various image classification techniques such as edge detection techniques. This study aims to examine changes in the coastline in Banmaleng Village, Gili Raja Island, Sumenep Regency using the Canny edge detection algorithm on multitemporal Landsat 7 and 8 imagery in 2005 - 2020. The edging process includes (a) minimize noise by applying a Gaussian filter, (b) determine the image intensity gradient, (c) apply non-maximum emphasis to eliminate spurious responses to objects, (d) define multiple thresholds for determining potential image edges, (e) Track edge hysteresis by pressing all other weak edges that are not connected to firm edges. Canny edge detection produces sharp edges to analyze coastline changes quite well. Every five years, the coastline of Banmaleng Village experienced shifting from 0,4 to 2,3 meters in several areas.Keywords: Edge Detection, Landsat, Coastline, Canny Algorithm, Gili Raj

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Webgis Perutean Menggunakan Teknologi Geographic Information System (GIS) Open Source

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    Information technology has now become an important part of spatial data management for sustainable geopsasial information planning and development. This research aims to develop webgis routing applications using open source GIS technology capable of providing dynamic routing systems, completing effective routing, and displaying route search results. The system is built with Client-Server architecture design consisting of QGIS as GIS software, OSM as open spatial data provider, HTML, CSS, Javascript as basic programming language, Leaflet, Boostrap, and JQuery as mapping library, XAMPP as Server, PostgreSQL/PostGIS as spatial database management system, Dijkstra as route engine library and PHP as REST API for Web Development Backend. The results showed that the routing WebGIS application was able to run well in finding routes based on the Point of Interest (POI) entered and be able to display the results of alternative routes when there were road closures. Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is the use of open source technology is able to produce a dynamic routing, can be modified, easy in maintenance, and many library options for web mapping

    Edukasi Budidaya Lele Dan Kangkung Hidroponik Melalui Media Ember Sebagai Solusi Ketahanan Pangan Skala Rumah Tangga (Pengabdian Masyarakat Di Desa Tlogowaru)

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    Abstract: The purpose of this community service is to educate the public about the importance of healthy food and how to obtain it by utilizing household objects through the cultivation of catfish in buckets and hydroponic kale. Catfish is a freshwater fish that easily lives even in extreme water conditions, making it easier for people to raise it. Meanwhile, kale is one of the vegetables commonly consumed by people in Indonesia, which has high nutritional value and is easy to care for. Kale vegetables are able to live in juicy areas and still grow even without fertilization. The method used in this program is to educate the public through the process of preparing the media used in catfish cultivation and hydroponic kale which can be placed on a bucket. The process of raising catfish from seed to age ready for consumption takes about 3-4 months, while for kale, it can be harvested within a period of 3 weeks.Abstrak: Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai pentingnya makanan sehat serta cara memperolehnya dengan memanfaatkan benda-benda rumah tangga melalui budidaya lele dalam ember serta kangkung hidroponik. Lele merupakan ikan air tawar yang mudah hidup dalam kondisi air ekstrim sekalipun, sehingga memudahkan masyarakat untuk memeliharanya. Sedangkan kangkung merupakan salah satu sayuran yang umum dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat di Indonesia, yang memiliki nilai gizi tinggi serta mudah dalam perawatannya. Sayuran kangkung mampu hidup di area yang berair dan tetap tumbuh meski tanpa pemupukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah dengan mengedukasi masyarakat melalui proses persiapan media yang digunakan dalam budidaya lele serta kangkung hidroponik yang dapat diletakkan di atas ember. Proses pemeliharaan lele mulai dari benih sampai usia siap konsumsi membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3-4 bulan, sedangkan untuk kangkung, mampu dipanen dalam kurun waktu 3 minggu


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    Perikanan budidaya saat ini menjadi tren di kalangan pelaku perikanan, mengingat perikanan tangkap mulai tidak bisa maksimal dikarenakan kondisi laut mulai tercemar dan mengalami kerusakan. POKDAKAN Jabrisan Rumbuk Dadi Makmur berdiri pada November 2022 yang beranggotakan 10 pembudidaya ikan lele. Dari 10 orang pembudidaya rata-rata memiliki 10-15 kolam. Permasalahan  saat ini adalah : harga lele rendah dibanding dengan harga pakan. Solusi yang ditawarkan : pembuatan olahan berbahan dasar lele, pengemasan dan pelabelan. Target kegiatan  yaitu pembuatan olahan  berbahan dasar ikan lele antara lain: ekado dan kaki naga; pengemasan yang menarik dan juga cara pemasaran. Indikator capaian: peningkatan pengetahuan mitra mengenai pembuatan olahan berbahan dasar ikan lele, pengemasan yang menarik sehingga produk bisa dikonsumsi semua kalangan mulai anak kecil, remaja bahkan dewasa, pemasaran juga menjadi target pelatihan karena pemasaran menjadi hal paling penting disaat kita memproduksi barang. Dari hasil pelatihan di dapatkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan mitra minimal 46,2% diversifikasi produk. Adapun Output dari kegiatan ini adalah publikasi ilmiah di jurnal/prosiding ber ISBN, Hak Cipta, video kegiatan yang bisa diakses di media sosia


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    Peranan pemerintah daerah yang diwakili dinas terkait serta peranan akademisi dalam transfer ilmu kepada masyarakat sangat penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, serta keterampilan masyarakat baik untuk diri sendiri maupun guna masyarakat di sekitarnya yang diharapkan mampu menunjang sektor perekonomian ataupun menekan biaya pengeluaran kebutuhan rumah tangga. Sasaran utama dari pengabdian masyarakat kali ini adalah ibu rumah tangga. Hal tersebut didasari alasan bahwa ibu rumah tangga merupakan pondasi utama keluarga dalam menjamin kesehatan dan gizi keluarga, serta diharapkan mampu membantu menekan biaya belanja dengan membudidayakan lele secara mandiri di lahan terbatas. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan sosialisasi serta mencontohkan tata cara budidaya dan penanaman secara langsung. Sosialisasi dilakukan oleh akademisi dan perwakilan dari dinas perikanan kabupaten Tuban Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah, Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah, untuk menambah wawasan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan rumah