10 research outputs found
Pengembangan Model Online Digital Signage berbasis XIBO di Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra UNM
Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Makassar (FBS UNM) selama ini masih menggunakan media analog dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada mahasiswa dan civitas akademika lainnya. Papan informasi kehadiran pimpinan Fakultas disajikan menggunakan engraved pada kayu dengan metoda penggantian status kehadiran yang dioperasikan secara manual, dengan papan geser. Demikian juga dengan informasi pengumuman dan event masih menggunakan kertas yang ditempel pada papan informasi yang disediakan. Berdasarkan hal ini, peneliti menganggap bahwa digital signage sudah sangat diperlukan mengingat Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra adalah salah satu fakultas dengan jumlah mahasiswa terbesar di Universitas Negeri Makassar. XIBO adalah sebuah Free Content Management System yang sangat powerfull untuk membangun media online digital signage kami anggap bisa digunakan untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan digital signage berdasarkan kontent yang dibutuhkan di FBS UNM ini. Setelah kami mendesain, mengimplementasikan dan melakukan survey kepada para pengguna yaitu civitas akademika FBS UNM, kami mendapati bahwa digital signage berbasis XIBO ini menarik, memudahkan, efekti, efisien dan layak untuk digunakan
Model Pembelajaran Hybrid E-Learning
Puji sjukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas terselesainya referensi buku Model Pembelajaran Hybrid E-Learning. Buku ini membahas tentang Keunggulan, Prosedur, Langkah-langkah, serta Konsep Tutorial dalam suatu proses pembelajaran
Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Terapan Berbasis Proyek dengan Sistem Hybrid
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan sistem hybrid pada pembelajaran English for Tourism dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penerapan metode pembelajaran tersebut. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswa Angkatan 2020/2021 pada Prodi Bahasa Inggris D-IV yang dipilih secara purposif. Pengambilan data hasil observasi dan pertanyaan wawancara dan analisis melalui proses klasifikasi, interpretasi, dan kesimpulan dilakukan untuk penerapan metode pembelajaran. Sedangkan data persepsi mahasiswa dianalisis melalui angket Skala Likert. Temuan pertama menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan sistem hybrid pada pembelajaran English for Tourism berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Sembilan aspek yang menjadi indikator penerapan adalah (1) pelaksanaan pembelajaran berjalan baik, (2) kendala pembelajaran pada jaringan Internet dan organisasi kelas, (3) kemudahan akses, (4) pemanfaatan fitur-fitur Syamok yang mendukung, (5) pertemuan kelas yang alternatif, (6) interaksi kelas yang memilih antara kelompok dan individu, (7) penugasan yang mendukung pemahaman, (8) kegiatan pembelajaran yang terarah, dan (9) penjelasan materi yang mudah dipahami. Temuan kedua menunjukkan bahwa persepsi mahasiswa adalah Sangat Positif dengan nilai rata-rata 43.05. Hasil ini didukung oleh respon mahasiswa yang mengalami kemudahan dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran, situasi pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, penugasan yang dapat mengarahkan ke peningkatan keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap, dan pilihan pembelajaran pada dua situasi daring dan luring. Sehingga penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan sistem hybrid pada pembelajaran English for Tourism masih membutuhkan organisasi kelas yang lebih baik
E-Office Application Design for Correspondence Administration in College: Towards a New Normal Era
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world in various sectors, including the education sector. Higher education in colleges is forced to implement online learning and forces staff to do Work from Home (WFH). This sudden policy change must have affected the quality of their work. Some systems, including the correspondence administration system, are no longer effective and efficient. Some incoming and outgoing mail is sometimes late to its destination and also becomes difficult to archive. Likewise, the system of letter registration and disposition has become very ineffective. This condition prompted us to design an E-Office application, which is expected to streamline the correspondence administration system. This design was carried out at the Faculty of Language and Literature at Universitas Negeri Makassar (Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra in Indonesian or FBS-UNM in short) as a sample case. This research was conducted with a Research and Development (R&D) model with a qualitative-descriptive research type. This study produces a research product in the form of an E-Office application for correspondence administration and shows the application's feasibility analysis results. Based on interviews conducted with 25 samples at FBS UNM, there is an opinion that this application is effective and efficient in supporting the quality of office systems and services at the college level. These results can be seen from the interview results, which show that 87% of respondents said that this application makes their work easier and faster
Spreading Factor of IoT-LoRa Effect for Future Smart Agriculture
Agricultural Technology continues to grow rapidly, development towards IoT is currently increasingly widespread with the use of WiFi modules such as ESP32, 8266, or Node32, using the Blink GUI that is already available on Google Play, and monitoring systems that are currently being carried out such as tomatoes, chilies, even rice fields such as rice and shallots and garlic are still conventional, especially locations close to settlements will be very vulnerable to water pollution, namely the presence of household waste that can pollute agricultural water; specifically, this paper focuses on the Spreading Factor of LoRa, which is found at several points in agricultural locations, and the impact generated by the server, whether there is attenuation or packet data loss that causes small throughput. Research results found that on the spreading factor 7, the occupied Bandwidth is 130,676 kHz, while in SF 12, the occupied Bandwidth is 123,323 kHz. Research hopes that agricultural yields can be increased more than the conventional method, at least in balance with this method
Spreading Factor of IoT-LoRa Effect for Future Smart Agriculture
Agricultural Technology continues to grow rapidly, development towards IoT is currently increasingly widespread with the use of WiFi modules such as ESP32, 8266, or Node32, using the Blink GUI that is already available on Google Play, and monitoring systems that are currently being carried out such as tomatoes, chilies, even rice fields such as rice and shallots and garlic are still conventional, especially locations close to settlements will be very vulnerable to water pollution, namely the presence of household waste that can pollute agricultural water; specifically, this paper focuses on the Spreading Factor of LoRa, which is found at several points in agricultural locations, and the impact generated by the server, whether there is attenuation or packet data loss that causes small throughput. Research results found that on the spreading factor 7, the occupied Bandwidth is 130,676 kHz, while in SF 12, the occupied Bandwidth is 123,323 kHz. Research hopes that agricultural yields can be increased more than the conventional method, at least in balance with this method
Smart Campus Framework: A Solution for New Normal Education System
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of human life and has even forced humans to shift their life habits, including in the world of education. The learning model must shift from the traditional to modern synchronous or asynchronous models with information technology-based applications. This condition is known as the New Normal era in the education system. Y Generation and Z Generation as educational objects are now very close to technology, especially information technology, including in the teaching and learning process, so there is no need for extra effort in this regard. Therefore, it is essential to create a learning environment under the characteristics of this generation and can also support the new normal era of the education system. We offer the concept of a smart campus framework that integrates an IT-based learning system and a hybrid smart classroom system as a modern education method in an educational scenario that promises to accelerate quality education without leaving a good learning process. This article designs the concept of a smart campus framework that will accommodate a learning model that will accelerate the improvement of the quality of education through smart learning solutions and smart blended learning systems. We also offer achievements in improving service performance through smart academic services solutions and accommodating the management of existing classroom resources through smart equipment system solutions. This framework is designed to automatically solve all university-level education system problems based on multimedia and integrated with websites and information systems used on campus
Mudah Membuat Animasi dengan Flash
Buku panduan ini mengupas berbagai fasiltas yang disediakan oleh flash khususnya Macromedia Flash 8. Dalam buku ini di lengkapi gambar-gambar guna mempermudah pemahaman bagi pembaca, sehingga lebih mudah dimengerti, dan dengan uraian yang rinci di setiap bagian pokok bahasannya. Sajian bahasan yang tertata rapi dengan contoh aplikasi yang tertuang dalam buku ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan panduan dan latihan bagi pembaca dan pemula untuk lebih memahami dan menguasai aplikasi Flash dengan baik.
Semoga buku Mudah Membuat Animasi dengan Flash ini dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan, khususnya di bidang animasi komputer
Model Pembelajaran Flipped Learning bagi Guru-guru SMA Negeri 8 Gowa
Mitra Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah Guru-Guru SMA 8 Negeri Gowa. Sebagai Guru yang mengajar para generasi milenial yang notabene adalah generasi yang sudah banyak terpapar oleh teknologi informasi, dituntut untuk bisa menggunakan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajarannya dan juga perlu memikirkan model pembelajaran yang efektif dan inovatif. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dianggap cocok dengan gaya millennial saat ini adalah flipped learning. Flipped learning adalah model pembelajaran yang membalik metode tradisional, dimana biasanya materi diberikan dikelas dan siswa mengerjakan tugas dirumah maka pada flipped learning, materi terlebih dahulu diberikan melalui video pembelajaran atau bahan bacaan lainnya melalui elearning yang harus ditonton atau dibaca oleh siswa dirumah masing–masing. Untuk memperoleh proses pembelajaran yang efektif, guru maupun murid harus memiliki model pembelajaran yang inovatif dan menarik, hal ini juga dialami oleh SMA Negeri 8 Gowa, sudah saatnya beralih dari model pembelajaran tradisional ke model pembelajaran yang modern. Namun demikian, ada gap yang dialami oleh guru SMA Negeri 8 Gowa dimana mereka masih belum banyak memiliki pengetahuan mengenai media yang bisa digunakan sebagai penunjang model flipped learning ini. Aplikasi-aplikasi penunjang flipped learning seperti edpuzzle dan filmora sebagai video audio editor, paddlet sebagai media forum diskusi online, kahoot sebagai media kuis creator sampai edmodo sebagai media e-learning dan SLN- nya belum banyak diketahui oleh guru-guru SMA Negeri 8 Gowa, bahkan beberapa diantaranya sama sekali belum pernah mendengar aplikasi ini. Adanya gap inilah yang melatar belakangi untuk memberikan pelatihan dan workshop Flipped Learnin
Multimedia Based English Vocabulary Lesson in The Elementary School: A Classroom Action Research (CAR) Approach
English vocabulary mastery in elementary school is considered low, proven by students' shared understanding of
English. Teaching English vocabulary to children is not an easy problem. If taught by force, it can cause children
to become bored quickly. For the results of learning English better, the teacher must create a learning process that
is more fun and more practical. Learning multimedia-based English vocabulary is an alternative that can be taken.
Using computer media can help children (in this case, elementary school students) to improve their ability in
mastering English vocabulary and attract elementary school students to learn more fun. This study aims to create
a basic learning model of multimedia-based English vocabulary in elementary school students in improving
essential English vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted on elementary school students in the city of
Makassar. This study used Classroom Action Research techniques, a learning application in animated media
pictures and writing. Using multimedia is expected to improve the mastery of English vocabulary in elementary
schools quickly. From the research results obtained, with two cycles of learning using multimedia alone, about
90% of students have been able to read, interpret, and write vocabulary correctly, which if only using conventional
techniques, there are still about 73% of students who canno