12 research outputs found
Employee Performance Assessment With Human Resources Scorecard And AHP Method (Case Study : PT PLN (PERSERO) North Sumatra Generation)
How does PT. PLN KITSBU measures the performance of human resources. PT. PLN KITSBU utilizes the Employee Performance Information System (SIMKP) application. By using the human resource scorecard and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method, you can get employee performance evaluations that have never been done in a company. The human resources scorecard method itself is a measurement system that connects human resources with strategy. Then, the AHP method is used to make employee performance decisions. The purpose of this study is to determine employee performance indicators and to find weights from all angles. And suggestions for companies, with which to improve in the future. The research results obtained 18 KPIs from 4 perspectives (including 4 KPIs from financial perspective, 3 KPIs for consumers or consumers, 7 KPIs for internal business composition and 4 KPIs for growth and learning). From a financial perspective, the weighted score is 3.341 (moderate), customers or consumers are 3.524 (good), the composition of the internal business is 3.357 (moderate), and growth and learning is 3.38 (moderate)
Management of Nabi Nuh AS (Study of Business Strategic Planning in dealing with risks, crises and disasters in an Islamic approach: the COVID-19 pandemic crisis as a model (qualitative study using grounded theory)
The current study seeks to produce a theory of business management strategy data in times of crisis in Islam which refers to the story of Prophet Noah AS, also aims to identify the strategies used by business leaders in the crisis management process. A grounded theory approach is applied which is one of the qualitative designs. Fill in the verses of the Qur'an and hadith related to the problems and crises being analyzed.The results of a qualitative analysis of the verses of the Qur'an and the noble hadith of the Prophet's sunnah have resulted in four concepts which constitute a broad conceptual theory of crisis management strategies according to an Islamic approach. These concepts are: Crisis management strategies in Islam, stages of crisis management strategies, characteristics of leaders who manage crises, and the role of a leader during the crisis management process. These results have wide application in the field of leader training, and also recommend future studies to verify theoretical assumptions emerging from the data in this study about crisis management strategies in Islam (COVID-19 pandemic crisis as model)
Building The Character of Indonesia's Sharia-Based Indonesian Human Resources as An Important Component in Dealing with the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA)
This study aims to analyze the character of Indonesia's sharia-based Indonesian human resources in the face of the Asean Economic Community (MEA). The data used is qualitative data, which is data collected from literature and other supporting sources. The approach used is qualitative approach using an in-depth approach to literature studies on aspects of Indonesian human resources based on sharia and MEA. The interesting thing about the findings is the internalization of strengthening tawhid (tawhid) as the main foundation for all practitioners / observers / economic communities consisting of: 1. Traders or entrepreneurs 2.Modal owner 3.Konsumen 4.Buruh.Furthermore, sharia competence and culture strongly support the process of building habits among all parties involved including the government as policy makers; especially those who support the realization of MEA as expected. In addition, the government also acts as a party that recommends rules and regulations. This research is relevant to explain how to build the character of Indonesia's sharia-based Indonesian human resources in dealing with the Asean Economic Community (MEA) in ASEAN. The new thing from this research is the internalization of strengthening tawhid (tawhid) as the main foundation for all practitioners / observers / economic communities consisting of 1). Traders or entrepreneurs 2). Owner capital 3). Consumer 4). Workers in Indonesian society
Analysis of the Effect of WFA (Work From Anywhere) on Work Stress and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Lecturer Performance
COVID-19 will change everything at work by 2020. Many people in Indonesia respond to this situation in different ways; some feel depressed, while others quickly adapt to technology. In the world of education, the outbreak of Covid-19 was initially bad, but now it has been exploited for good. The teaching and learning activities of the whole Tridharma can be carried out more efficiently and can be done anywhere and anytime. The aim of this study is to know the impact of work from anywhere on work stress and job satisfaction as well as its impact on the performance of the lecturer is Tridharma's obligations. And also see if the lecturers are ready if work from anywhere returns. This research belongs to the type of quantitative research, with partial analysis method Least Square. Sampling techniques in this study are purposive sampling. The research was conducted on a lecturer at the University of North Sumatra of 100 lecturers. The results of this study show that work from anywhere has a positive and significant impact on lecturer satisfaction, which has a negative impact on the performance of the lecturer. Directly work from anywhere has a positive and significant impact on performance and its influence is more dominant than the mediation of variables of job satisfaction and work stress. Tridharma's performance will increase as the lecturer's adaptation to the concept of working from anywhere improves. Keywords: Work From Anywhere, Lecturer Performance, Job Satisfaction, Work Stres
Pengaruh Fasilitas Sekolah, Biaya Pendidikan dan Lokasi Sekolah terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Siswa untuk Melanjutkan Pendidikan ke SMA Al Ulum Terpadu
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menganalisis dan juga mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh fasilitas sekolah biaya pendidikan dan lokasi sekolah terhadap pengambilan keputusan siswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke SMA Al Ulum Terpadu. Penelitian ini menggunakan 55 siswa kelas X SMA Al Ulum Terpadu sebagai subjek. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian Deskriptif-Kuantitatif dan deskriptif eksplanatori. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi wawancara dan survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 51 siswa kelas X SMA Al Ulum Terpadu menggunakan teknik full sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan Software SPPS 25. Hasil menunjukkan Fasilitas sekolah secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pengambilan keputusan siswa melanjutkan sekolah di SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu. Biaya pendidikansecara parsial berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan siswa melanjutkan sekolah di SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu. Lokasi sekolah secara parsial tidak signifikan terhadap keputusan siswa melanjutkan sekolah di SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu. Fasilitas sekolah, biaya pendidikan dan lokasi sekolah secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengambilan keputusan siswa melanjutkan sekolah di SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu.
This study aims to analyze and also find out how the influence of school facilities and school fees on the decision making of students to continue their education to SMA Al Ulum Terpadu. This study used 55 grade X students of SMA Al Ulum Terpadu as subjects. The type of research used is Descriptive-Quantitative research and descriptive explanatory. Data collection was conducted by interview documentation and survey by distributing questionnaires to 51 students of grade X SMA Al Ulum Terpadu using completing échantillonnage techniques. Data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression using SPPS 25 Software. The results showed that school facilities partially had a positive and significant effect on the decision making of students continuing school at SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu. The cost of education is partially negative and significant to the decision of students to continue their schooling at SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu. The location of the school is partially insignificant to the decision of students to continue their schooling at SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu. School facilities, tuition fees and school locations simultaneously have a significant effect on the decision making of students continuing school at SMA Al-Ulum Terpadu
Towards Financial Education Transformation: Accounting Computer Application Training for Teachers and Students of SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar
This community engagement initiative took place within the premises of SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar. Online Accounting Computer Applications serve as a valuable tool for simplifying financial report preparation. The objective of this community engagement was to improve participants' understanding of financial record keeping, presentation, and reporting, with the aim of enabling faster, more accurate financial reporting. The engagement activities involved socialization, simulations, and practical exercises, illustrating how to record various transactions in accordance with common industry standards using the Accounting Computer Application. Twenty-five participants, consisting of five teachers and twenty-five students from SMA Negeri 1 Dolok Batu Nanggar, were involved in the program. The post-test results revealed a significant increase in participants' knowledge and understanding of the Accurate Online application. Approximately 70% to 80% of the participants reported familiarity with the application and its benefits, a substantial improvement from the initial 30%. The training and mentoring provided during this initiative is expected to empower both teachers and students, enabling them to enhance their competence in financial report preparation for their future business ventures and in offering financial reporting services to companies
Optimizing Fundamental Mathematics Concepts for Middle School Students at Al Ulum Integrated Islamic School through Innovative Teaching Methods
The concept of innovative learning has become a major focus in today's education landscape. Innovative learning places an emphasis on relevant strategies and methods to address educational challenges. Two methods that play a significant role in innovative learning are Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Discovery Learning (DL). PBL centers on problem-solving based on real-life situations, while DL involves everyday experiences in finding solutions. At Al Ulum Integrated Islamic Middle School, the primary issue at hand is a high number of students receiving mathematics scores below the Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM). Contributing factors include unengaging conventional teaching methods, leading to student boredom in mathematics classes. To address this problem, the PBL and DL methods are considered appropriate solutions. Furthermore, the implementation of this innovative learning concept is supported by information technology, both visually and non-visually, as well as the use of teaching aids to aid students in better understanding mathematical concepts. The implementation of the innovative learning concept is expected to resolve the challenges faced at Al Ulum Integrated Islamic Middle School. An evaluation will be conducted, and the outcomes will be published in Abdimas Talenta and online media. These steps are anticipated to provide sustainable benefits for both students and educators at the school
Strategy Of Omni Channel Marketing & Business Sustainability Of E Commerce Through The Character And Mindset Of Msmes During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Siantar City
This study examines UMKM’s strategy to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of this study can help UMKM actors make decisions during pandemic uncertainty. This study is slightly different from previous, similar studies. Previous research looked at the long-term viability of UMKM businesses and competition among UMKM. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation was very different. This is not separate from the market anomalies that absorb UMKM products. UMKM faces the most difficult time in its business history. This investigation explains a change in the behavior of both UMKM perpetrators and buyers in the face of a pandemic. The research also shows that the surviving UMKM business operators are those who are able to adapt and innovate in their services and production processes. This research is expected to contribute to the development of UMKM strategies to survive the Covid-19 pandemic
The Effectiveness of Digital Literacy in Improving Community Skills in the Tanjung Kasau Plantation Village
Low technological literacy and an ecosystem for developing innovation and creation that is not built at the village level are one of the reasons why the village is not developing. The use of information technology can be a medium that connects the community and village government. The village government can utilize information technology to deliver services related to governance and village development as well as fostering and developing community empowerment. This service will focus on increasing digital literacy to support communities that are resilient in digitizing MSME activities