181 research outputs found

    The development of advanced creep constitutive equations for high chromium steel P91 at low stress range

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    Diffusion dominates the creep deformation at low stress range for high chromium steel P91. Brittle creep fracture is caused by cavity nucleation, growth and coalescence of cavities and large precipitates (Laves phase and M23C6) at grain boundary under low stress range. At low stress range, a linear relation between strain at failure and different stresses has been described. Moreover, the minimum strain rate is also proportional to the different stresses

    The Interpretation of Experimental Observation Data for the Development of Mechanisms based Creep Damage Constitutive Equations for High Chromium Steel

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    It is very important to design a safe factor or estimating the remain lifetime for electric power plant components of steam pipes which mostly manufacture by high chromium steels and work at high temperature and low stress level. The author will develop the mechanisms based on creep damage constitutive equations for high chromium steel under lows stress in initial stage: (1) Creep cavities mostly formed attaching with the precipitation of Laves phase or on grain boundary for high chromium steel under low stress. The Laves phase should play an active role in the nucleation of creep cavities and suggest to explore the function between cavity nucleation and the evolution of Laves phase; (2) The dominant cavity nucleation mechanism is adapted to high chromium steels under low stress level; (3) Brittle intergranluar model is appropriate for high chromium steels at high temperature under low stress level; (4) High density number of cavity of crept test high chromium steel at high temperature under low stress could be as fracture criterion

    The development of creep damage constitutive equations for low Cr-Mo alloy steel and its weldment at low stress

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    The ultimate objective of this research project is to develop creep damage constitutive equations for low Cr-Mo alloy and its weldment under low stress (0.2-0.4 yield stress,σ_Y). This paper summarizes a critical analysis on the cavity nucleation and growth and the deformation mechanisms and creep damage evolution characteristics at low stress with temperature ranging from 450 °C to 650 °C, in order to firmly establish the physical base for the theoretical constitutive modeling work. Moreover, it covers the influence of the stress level on the development of cavity nucleation and growth, leading to the final rupture, and proposes and discusses a new idea for failure criterion to be used in the constitutive equations under uni-axial stress state. This paper contributes to knowledge and the development of methodology

    The Development and Validation of the Creep Damage Constitutive Equations for P91 Alloy

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    This paper presents research on the validation of a set of creep damage constitutive equations for P91 alloy under multi-axial states of stress, and its applicability under lower stress level. Creep damage is one of the serious problems for the high temperature industries and computational creep damage has been developed and used, complementary to the experimental approach, to assist safe operation. In creep damage mechanics, a set of constitutive equations needs to be developed and validated. Recently, a mechanism based approach for the developing creep damage constitutive equation for this type of high Cr alloy has merged and several versions of creep damage constitutive equations have been proposed. However, so far, they are limited to uni-axial case under medium to high stress level. In fact, multi-axial states of stress and lower stress level are more pertinent to the real industrial applications. That is the objective of this research. This paper contributes to the methodology and specific knowledge

    Preliminary analysing of experimental data for the development of high Cr Alloy Creep damage Constitutive Equations

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    This conference paper presents the current research of preliminary analysing of experimental data for the development of high Cr Alloy Creep damage Constitutive Equations (such as P91 alloy). Firstly, it briefly introduces the background of general creep deformation, rupture and continuum damage mechanics. Secondly, it illustrates the constitutive equations used for P91 alloy or its weldment, especially of the form and deficiencies of two kinds of most widely used typical creep damage constitutive equations Kachanov-Rabotnov-Hayhurst (KRH) and Xu’s formations. And then, the methodology for development of new set constitutive equation proposed by Xu (2004) has been followed in this research. Fourthly, there is a critically analysis of the specific experiment data for P91 alloy and its weldment. Afterwards, the specific requirements for developing a new set constitutive equation have been reported

    The relative significance of internal damage mechanisms on the overall creep damage and ultimate failure of P91 steel

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    This paper reports research on the study of the relative significance of various internal creep damage mechanisms on the overall creep damage and lifetime of P91 steel. The study is essentially parametric investigation based on the individual internal creep damage mechanisms and phenomenological modelling of creep cavity damage. The simulated results do show the importance of the cavity damage among all the creep damage mechanisms. However, more importantly, it also points out the deficiency in the latest approach of phenomenological approach of modelling cavity damage over a wider stress range, and addresses the necessity of considering and incorporating the micromechanics/mechanism of nucleation, growth, coalescence into the creep damage constitutive modelling work. This paper contributes to the knowledge and method for creep damage mechanics

    Review on the current state of developing of advanced Creep Damage Constitutive Equations for high Chromium Alloy

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    This paper presents a review of developing of creep damage constitutive equations for high chromium alloy (such as P91 alloy). Firstly, it briefly introduces the background of creep damage for P91 materials. Then, it summarizes the typical creep damage constitutive equations developed and applied for P91 alloy, and the main deficiencies of KRH (Kachanov-Robatnov-Hayhurst) type and Xus type constitutive equations. Finally it suggests the directions for future work. This paper contributes to the knowledge for the developing creep damage constitutive equations for the specific material

    Review of creep deformation and rupture mechanism of P91 alloy for the development of creep damage constitutive equations under low stress level

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    This paper presents a review of creep deformation and rupture mechanism of P91 alloy for the development of its creep damage constitutive equations under lower stress level. Creep damage is one of the serious problems for the high temperature industries and computational approach (such as continuum damage mechanics) has been developed and used, complementary to the experimental approach, to assist safe operation. However, there are no ready creep damage constitutive equations to be used for prediction the lifetime for this type of alloy, partially under low stress. The paper reports a critical review on the deformation and damage evolution characteristics of this alloy, particularly under low stress, to form the physical base for the development of creep damage constitutive equations. It covers the influence of the stress level, states of stress, and the failure criterion

    Analyzing the characteristics of the cavity nucleation, growth and coalescence mechanism of 9Cr-1Mo-VNb steel (P91) steel

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    Creep damage is one of the serious problems for the high temperature industries and computational approach (such as continuum damage mechanics) has been developed and used, complementary to the experimental approach, to assist safe operation. However, there are no ready creep damage constitutive equations to be used for predicting the lifetime for this type of alloy, particularly for low stress. This paper presents an analysis of the cavity nucleation, growth and coalescence mechanism of 9Cr-1Mo-VNb steel (P91 type) under high and low stress levels and multi-axial stress state

    Practical guidance on the application of R-K integration method in finite element analysis of creep damage problem

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    A practical user guidance of Runge-Kutta (R-K) integration method with the context of non-linear time dependent finite element analysis (FEA) was proposed in this paper. Following the literature review of different integration method within the finite element analysis framework, detailed numerical experiments were conducted to find out the right balance between computing accuracy and efficiency. It contributes to knowledge to the numerical analysis software development in general and specific to computational creep damage mechanics