1,554 research outputs found
An Investigation into Game Based Learning Using High Level Programming Languages
Game-related education within mobile learning spheres is a matter of great debate for university students across the globe. It is the case that programming languages often pose a sizeable challenge for university students. This research paper aims to develop a game based learning platform “iPlayCode”, designed to offer a new and exciting method of learning programming language. Xcode 5.0.2 was used to develop the game by using the cocos2d-x development tool and the Adobe Photoshop graphic design tool. In addition, iOS 7.0.3 (11B508) Simulator was used to test the application and the application was deployed in different models of mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad. The application outcomes are presented by a mobile game that teaches programming languages in an easy, attractive and effective way
Investigation into Mobile Learning Framework in Cloud Computing Platform
Abstract—Cloud computing infrastructure is increasingly
used for distributed applications. Mobile learning
applications deployed in the cloud are a new research
direction. The applications require specific development
approaches for effective and reliable communication. This
paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach for design and
development of mobile applications in the cloud. The
approach includes front service toolkit and backend service
toolkit. The front service toolkit packages data and sends it
to a backend deployed in a cloud computing platform. The
backend service toolkit manages rules and workflow, and
then transmits required results to the front service toolkit.
To further show feasibility of the approach, the paper
introduces a case study and shows its performance
Optimal line length for reading schoolbook on screen
Although experimental studies have shown a strong impact of text layout on the legibility of e- text, many digital texts appearing in eBook or the internet use different designs, so that there is no straightforward answer in the literature over which one to follow when designing e- material. Therefore, in this paper we shall focus on the text layout, particularly the influence of line lengthen reading performance of e-school book.48 native Arabic students (24 male and 24 female) volunteered for this experiment. The participants’ age ranged from 9 to 13. Performance of students was assessed through two dependent variables: (1) time to complete each tasks; and (2) accuracy of the answers. Accuracy data was based on the number of correct answers the students provided and the total score was 12 points. Several findings were reported by this experiment such as; the time needed to complete all the question models becomes significantly low when students are older, errors for all the question models are expected to be significantly lower for older students. Reading text on a single column with double columns shows that the reading process is affected by the students’ age, as older students were faster when reading through double columns, while students aged 9 prefer the single column in both reading processes. The study has recommended double line for fast reading for students their reading performance is satisfactory. While, long line has suggested for students with difficulty in reading
Sketch of Big Data Real-Time Analytics Model
Big Data has drawn huge attention from researchers in information sciences, decision makers in governments and enterprises. However, there is a lot of potential and highly useful value hidden in the huge volume of data. Data is the new oil, but unlike oil data can be refined further to create even more value. Therefore, a new scientific paradigm is born as data-intensive scientific discovery, also known as Big Data. The growth volume of real-time data requires new techniques and technologies to discover insight value. In this paper we introduce the Big Data real-time analytics model as a new technique. We discuss and compare several Big Data technologies for real-time processing along with various challenges and issues in adapting Big Data. Real-time Big Data analysis based on cloud computing approach is our future research direction
An Investigation into Mobile Based Approach for Healthcare Activities, Occupational Therapy System
This research is to design and optimize the high quality of mobile apps, especially for iOS. The objective of this research is to develop a mobile system for Occupational therapy specialists to access and retrieval information. The investigation identifies the key points of using mobile-D agile methodology in mobile application development. It considers current applications within a different platform. It achieves new apps (OTS) for the health care activities
Remote Control and Monitoring of Smart Home Facilities via Smartphone with Wi-Fly
Due to the widespread ownership of smartphone devices, the application of mobile technologies to enhance the monitoring and control of smart home facilities has attracted much academic attention. This study indicates that tools already in the possession of the end user can be a significant part of the specific context-aware system in the smart home. The behaviour of the system in the context of existing systems will reflect the intention of the client. This model system offers a diverse architectural concept for Wireless Sensor Actuator Mobile Computing in a Smart Home (WiSAMCinSH) and consists of sensors and actuators in various communication channels, with different capacities, paradigms, costs and degree of communication reliability. This paper focuses on the utilization of end users’ smartphone applications to control home devices, and to enable monitoring of the context-aware environment in the smart home to fulfil the needs of the ageing population. It investigates the application of an iPhone to supervise smart home monitoring and control electrical devices, and through this approach, after initial setup of the mobile application, a user can control devices in the smart home from different locations and over various distances
XML Security in Certificate Management - XML Certificator
The trend of rapid growing use of XML format in data/document management system reveals that security measures should be urgently considered into next generation's data/document systems. This paper presents a new certificate management system developed on the basis of XML security mechanisms. The system is supported by the theories of XML security as well as Object oriented technology and database. Finally it has been successfully implemented in using C&#, SQL, XML signature and XML encryption. An implementation metrics is evidently presented
Investigation into Indexing XML Data Techniques
The rapid development of XML technology improves the WWW, since the XML data has many advantages and has become a common technology for transferring data cross the internet. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate and study the XML indexing techniques in terms of their structures. The main goal of this investigation is to identify the main limitations of these techniques and any other open issues.
Furthermore, this research considers most common XML indexing techniques and performs a comparison between them. Subsequently, this work makes an argument to find out these limitations. To conclude, the main problem of all the XML indexing techniques is the trade-off between the
size and the efficiency of the indexes. So, all the indexes become large in order to perform well, and none of them is suitable for all users’ requirements. However, each one of these techniques has some advantages in somehow
An investigation into the problems of user oriented interfaces in mobile applications
The purpose of this paper is the analysis and evaluation of the mobile interface design. This study consisted of a random sample of 55 user interfaces for mobile applications. In addition, the restriction of all the components of the user interface quantified. An analysis was conducted of these interfaces, in order to represent graphically. Then, evaluated and produced the following results: First, the smaller number of pages in the application is better. Second, decreasing the navigation bars, buttons and menus in user interfaces for mobile applications gives additional space on the screen, making the application easy to use and maintaining the context. Third, diversity, the use of tools ensures good interaction with the user. Finally, a range of results for the design of the user interface and some ideas are provided about what should be taken of these results in mind when designing interfaces for mobile applications
Research Directions, Challenges and Issues in Opinion Mining
Rapid growth of Internet and availability of user reviews on the web for any product has provided a need for an effective system to analyze the web reviews. Such reviews are useful to some extent, promising both the customers and product manufacturers. For any popular product, the number of reviews can be in hundreds or even thousands. This creates difficulty for a customer to analyze them and make important decisions on whether to purchase the product or to not. Mining such product reviews or opinions is termed as opinion mining which is broadly classified into two main categories namely facts and opinions. Though there are several approaches for opinion mining, there remains a challenge to decide on the recommendation provided by the system. In this paper, we analyze the basics of opinion mining, challenges, pros & cons of past opinion mining systems and provide some directions for the future research work, focusing on the challenges and issues
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