18 research outputs found


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    The file describes the AFLPs binset: the restriction enzyme used, the dye color for genotyping, and the location of the AFLPs bins

    Results of the landscape-scale Bayesian model (values are provided in Table 3).

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    <p>Points show the inferred parameters with their 95% posterior probability: μ is the global mean, θ <sub>1</sub> represents the effect of site, θ<sub>2</sub> is the slope of the relation between the geographical and genetic distance within sites in a two-dimensional x,y-plane, θ<sub>3</sub> is the slope of the relation between the geographical and genetic distance within sites according to an elevation gradient, θ<sub>4</sub> describes the effect of drought severity, θ<sub>5</sub> describes the effect of waterlogging frequency and θ<sub>6</sub> describes the effect of soil type.</p

    Environmental conditions in the study sites and local habitats: soil humidity (%), soil temperature (°C) and canopy opening (%).

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    <p>Complete data are provided in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0121394#pone.0121394.s009" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>.</p

    Geographic and topographic situation of the study sites.

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    <p>Colored dots: trees sampled for genotyping (triangles: hilltop; squares: bottomland).</p

    Results of the coalescent outlier search under the hierarchical island model.

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    <p>Blue dashed line: 95% neutral envelop; red dashed line: 99% neutral envelop. Only loci above the neutral envelop and retained after multiple corrections (FDR = 10%) are shown.</p

    Parameters inferred by the landscape Bayesian model with their respective posterior probabilities (mean, standard deviation, median, and 95% credible interval): μ (global mean), θ<sub>1</sub> (site effect), θ<sub>2</sub> (slope of the relation between geographical and genetic distance within sites according to a 2D x,y-plane), θ<sub>3</sub> (slope of the relation between the geographical and genetic distance within sites according to an elevation gradient), θ<sub>4</sub> (drought severity effect), θ<sub>5</sub> (waterlogging frequency effect), and θ<sub>6</sub> (soil type effect).

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    <p>Parameters inferred by the landscape Bayesian model with their respective posterior probabilities (mean, standard deviation, median, and 95% credible interval): μ (global mean), θ<sub>1</sub> (site effect), θ<sub>2</sub> (slope of the relation between geographical and genetic distance within sites according to a 2D x,y-plane), θ<sub>3</sub> (slope of the relation between the geographical and genetic distance within sites according to an elevation gradient), θ<sub>4</sub> (drought severity effect), θ<sub>5</sub> (waterlogging frequency effect), and θ<sub>6</sub> (soil type effect).</p

    Top: Number of tree pairs in each distance class.

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    <p>Bottom: Intra-site spatial genetic structure (SGS) analysis based on all AFLP markers.</p


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    The file contains a description of the sampled trees (tree number, location) and the AFLPs data (binary